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HomeWork #5 Solution

Source Code

The Java classes and/or interfaces provided in the zip file attached to this Dropbox assignment are:

Under no circumstances are you allowed to modify or create new List interface. You must use these files as is.

You may only modify the ArrayList, SinglyLinkedList, and Utils classes. In particular, in this class you may only modify the methods listed in Part 1, and under no circumstances are you allowed to remove, add, or modify any other line of code in these classes (this include instance variables, class variables, constants, etc.).

Lastly, you may not change the package structure! Specifically, edu.cofc.csci230 cannot be removed or modified. If a solution is submitted with a different package structure, it will not be graded, no exceptions.

Part 1

In the ArrayList and SinglyLinkedList classes please fully implement the method listed below:

public void swap( int i, int j ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

In the Utils class please fully implement the methods listed below:

public static <AnyType extends Comparable void selectionSort( List<AnyType list ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

public static <AnyType extends Comparable void bubbleSort( List<AnyType list ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

public static <AnyType extends Comparable void insertionSort( List<AnyType list ) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException

In each method you will see a TODO comment - this is where you add your code. In the provided source code, numerous comments are given; please ensure you read them carefully.

Part 2

The provided ArrayList and SinglyLinkedList classes each have a main method. In the main please add test cases that demonstrate you have fully evaluated the operational correctness of the methods you implemented in Part 1. To receive full credit, these test cases must be included.


Create a zip file that only includes the completed and and files. If you have any questions about the submission policy, you must resolve before the due date. Lastly, please plan appropriately, asking questions the day the assignment is due (within 12 hours) is too late. Please try to resolve any questions at least 2 days before the due date.

The name of the zip file must be your last name. For example, would be correct if the original co-developer of UNIX (Dennis Ritchie) submitted the assignment. Only assignments submitted in the correct format will be accepted (no exceptions).

Please submit the zip file (via OAKS) to the Dropbox setup for this assignment by the due date. You may resubmit the zip file as many times as you like, Dropbox will only keep the newest submission. Per the syllabus, late assignments will not be accepted – no exceptions. Please do not email Hassam or I your assignment after the due date, we will not accept it.

Grading Rubric

ArrayList, SinglyLinkedList, and Utils Compiles

10 points
Thoroughness of your test cases

10 points
Instructor test cases. Several random test cases

80 points
that sort random values (may include

duplicates) in both the ArrayList and

SinglyLinkedList data structures. In total these

will be 80 points.

100 points

In particular, each data structure will be graded as follows. If the submitted solution

Does not compile: 0 of 100 points

Compiles but does not run: 10 of 100 points

Thoroughness of your test cases: 20 of 100 points

Passes test cases developed by instructor: 100 of 100 points.

Sorting Algorithms

ALGORITHM BubbleSort ( A[0..n -1])

The algorithm sorts array A[0..n -1] by bubble sort

Input : An array A[0..n -1] of orderable elements

Output : Array A[0..n -1] sorted in ascending order for i ¬ 0 to n-2 do

for j ¬ 0 to n-2 - i do

if A[ j + 1] < A[ j] swap A[ j] and A[ j + 1]

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