All 3 components (Cloud9 workspace, Moodle Coderunner attempts, and zip file) must be completed and submitted by Saturday, April 6, at 6 pm for your homework to receive points.
1. Objectives
• Vector operations
• Create vectors of an object type
• Define classes and create objects that use other objects as data members
• Develop some methods that will be useful in your Project 3 codes!
2. Submission Requirements
All three steps must be fully completed by the submission deadline for your homework to be graded.
1. Create Hmwk8 directory on your Cloud 9 workspace: Your recitation TA will review your code by going to your Cloud9 workspace. TAs will check the last version that was saved before the submission deadline.
◦ Create a directory called Hmwk8 and place all your file(s) for this assignment in this directory.
◦ Make sure to save the final version of your code (File > Save). Verify that this version displays correctly by going to File > File Version History.
◦ The file(s) should have all of your functions, test cases for the functions in main() function(s), and adhere to the style guide. Please read the submission file instructions under Week 4. You must include a test case for each one of your member functions for your classes.
2. Submit to the Moodle Coderunner: Head over to Moodle to the link Homework 8 Coderunner. You will find one programming quiz question for each problem in the assignment. Submit your solution for the first problem and press the Check button. You will see a report on how your solution passed the tests, and the resulting score for the first problem. You can modify your code and re-submit (press Check again) as many times as you need to, up until the assignment due date. Continue with the rest of the problems.
3. Submit a .zip file to Moodle: After you have completed all questions from the Moodle assignment, zip all 8 files you compiled in Cloud9, and submit the zip file through the Homework 8 (File Submission)link on Moodle.
3. Rubric
Aside from the points received from the Homework 8 Coderunner quiz problems, your TA will look at your solution files (zipped together) as submitted through the Homework 8 (File Submission)link on Moodle and assign points for the following:
Style and Comments (5 points):
• The style guideis posted on Moodle under Week 6.
• Your code should be well-commented. Please review the standard for well-commented code, presented in more detail in previous homework write-ups.
• Please also include a comment at the top of your solution with the following format:
◦ CS1300 Spring 2019
◦ Author: my name
◦ Recitation: 123 – Favorite TA
◦ Cloud9 Workspace Editor Link: https://ide.c9.io/…
◦ Project 2 - Problem # ...
Global variables (use will result in a 5 point deduction):
• To keep things simple, straightforward, and easy to debug and test, you may not use global variables in this homework.
Algorithm (5 points):
• Before each function that you define, you should include a comment that describes the inputs and outputs of your function and what algorithms you are using inside the
function. Please review the standard for including your algorithm for each function, presented in more detail in previous homework write-ups.
Test Cases (20 points):
1. Code compiles and runs(10 points):
All the files you submit on Moodle under the zip file submission should compile and be free of bugs. It is important that your programs can be compiled and run on Cloud9 with no errors. The class files and the functions included in these programs should match those submitted to the CodeRunner on Moodle.
2. Test cases(20 points):
For this week’s homework, every problem is asking you to define a class and/or some of its member functions, or functions to make use of your classes. In addition to the class files (.h and .cpp), you will need to create a driver/tester program, with a main() function, where you must have test cases for each function or member function. Your test cases should follow the guidelines, Writing Test Cases, posted on Moodle under Week 3.
Please make sure that your submission files follow the the submission file instructions under Week 6.
4. Problem Set
Problem 1 - vector fun!
Write a function shuffle that takes as input parameter arguments two vectors of integer values and returns a vector of integer values that combines the two input vectors by alternating between values from each of the two vectors.
• If one vector is shorter than the other (including size 0), then alternate as long as you can, starting with the longer vector, and then append the remaining elements from the longer vector.
• If both vectors are empty (size 0), then the return value should be an empty vector.
• If both input vectors are the same size, then the first element of the returned vector should come from the first input argument.
Function call
vector<int> v1{1,3,5,9};
vector<int> v2{2,4,6,8,10};
v3 = shuffle(v1,v2);
for (int i=0; i < v3.size(); i++) {
cout << v3[i] << “ ”;
vector<int> v4{1,3};
vector<int> v5{5,-7};
vector<int> v6 = shuffle(v4,v5);
for (int i=0; i < v6.size(); i++) {
cout << v6[i] << “ ”;
vector<int> v7;
(empty vector)
vector<int> v8;
vector<int> v9 = shuffle(v7,v8);
for (int i=0; i < v9.size(); i++) {
cout << v9[i] << “ ”;
The zip submission should have one file for this problem: shuffleDriver.cpp, with your shuffle()function and a main()function to test your shuffle()function.
For the Problem 1 Coderunner, paste your shuffle function only. Do not include your main()function from shuffleDriver.cpp that you used for testing your function.
Problem 2 - the Player class
Create Player.h and Player.cpp to implement the Player class as described below. You will also need to create a playerDriver.cpp file to test your Player class implementation. The Playerclass has the following attributes:
Data members (private):
string: name
The player’s name
double: points
The player’s points
Member functions (public):
Default constructor
Set name=“”and pointsto value 0.
Parameterized constructor
Takes a string and double initializing nameand
points, in this order
Returns the player’s nameas a string
Returns the player’s pointsas a double
Sets the player’s name(and returns nothing)
Sets the player’s points(and returns nothing)
The zip submission should have three files for this problem: Player.h, Player.cpp, and a driver called playerDriver.cpp to test your member functions. For Coderunner, in the Answer Box, paste your Player class and its implementation (contents of Player.h and Player.cpp). Do notinclude yourmain() function fromplayerDriver.cpp that you used for testing.
In your main() function in playerDriver.cpp, the test cases should include the creation of class objects with both the default and parameterized constructors. You must also test each of the getter and setter member functions by creating and manipulating class objects and displaying output to verify that things are working properly. For reference, follow the cashRegister example from lecture 22 materials, and the Worked Example 9-1 from the textbook (Implementing a Bank Account Class- step 6: Test your class).
Function call
Player stella;
(empty string)
cout << stella.getName() << endl;
cout << stella.getPoints() << endl;
cout << stella.getName() << endl; cout << stella.getPoints() << endl;
Player hector(“Hector”, 6.2);
cout << hector.getName() << endl;
cout << hector.getPoints() <<
Problem 3 - the Team class
Create Team.h and Team.cpp to implement the Team class as described below. You will also need to create a teamDriver.cpp file to test your Team class implementation. The Teamclass has the following attributes:
Data members (private):
string: teamName
The team’s name
vector<Player>: players
The players on this team
Member functions (public):
Default constructor
Set teamName=“”and an empty vector of Players.
Parameterized constructor
Takes a string to initialize teamName, and set an empty
vector of Players.
Takes a string to set teamName(and returns nothing)
Reads from the input file name (a string) a list of player
namesand their pointsvalues, separated by a
comma, and appends the players (in order) to the
playersvector for this team
getPlayerName(int i)
Returns the name(string) of the player at position i
within the playersvector
getPlayerPoints(int i)
Returns the points(double) of the player at position i
within the playersvector
Returns the number of players on this team (as an
Returns the name of this team (as a string)
readRoster: Players should be pushed to the players vector in order from the beginning of the file to the end.
• There will notbe any blank lines in the input files.
• Your code should be able to handle the case where multiple roster files are read for a single team.
• Note that on Moodle, we have posted roster1.txt and roster2.txt, which are two test files you may use (and/or modify) for testing your functions.
getPlayerName/getPlayerPoints: The getPlayerName and getPlayerPoints member functions take an integer input argument that represents the index of a Player object within the players vector, whose name or points we want to query. If either of these member functions receive an input argument i that is outside of the bounds of the players vector, then:
• getPlayerNameshould return “ERROR”, and
• getPlayerPointsshould return -1
The zip submission should have five files for this problem: Player.h, Player.cpp, Team.h, Team.cpp, and a driver called teamDriver.cpp to test your member functions. For Coderunner, in the Answer Box, paste your Player and Team classes and their implementations (contents of Player.h and Player.cpp, and Team.h and Team.cpp). Do not include yourmain() function fromteamDriver.cpp that you used for testing.
In your main() function in teamDriver.cpp, the test cases should include the creation of class objects with both the default and parameterized constructors. You must also test each of the getter and setter member functions by creating and manipulating class objects and displaying output to verify that things are working properly. For reference, follow the cashRegister example from lecture 22 materials, and the Worked Example 9-1 from the textbook (Implementing a Bank Account Class- step 6: Test your class).
Function call
// Using
roster1.txt from Moodle
Seg Faultline
Team team1(“Seg Faultline”);
cout << team1.getTeamName() << endl;
O'Flaherty 5.5
Ioana Fleming 6.1
n1 =
Behera 8
cout << n1 << endl;
Ku 4.9
for (int
i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
Sankaralingam 1.7
<< team1.getPlayerName(i) << “ ”;
<< team1.getPlayerPoints(i) << endl;
// Using
roster1.txt and roster2.txt
Thats so Ravenclaw
Team team2;
O'Flaherty 5.5
team2.setTeamName(“Thats so Ravenclaw”);
Ioana Fleming 6.1
cout << team2.getTeamName() << endl;
Behera 8
Ku 4.9
Sankaralingam 1.7
n2 =
Reddy 9.1
cout << n2 << endl;
Palavalli 2.8
for (int
i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
Naidu 5.6
<< team2.getPlayerName(i) << “ ”;
Tetsumichi (Telly)
<< team2.getPlayerPoints(i) << endl;
Umada 4.4
Ladd 8
// Using
roster1.txt from Moodle
Oh no!
Team team3(“Oh no!”);
cout << team3.getTeamName() << endl;
Sankaralingam 1.7
n3 =
cout << n3 << endl;
cout << team3.getPlayerName(-1) << “ ”;
cout << team3.getPlayerPoints(-1) << endl;
cout << team3.getPlayerName(4) << “ ”;
cout << team3.getPlayerPoints(4) << endl;
cout << team3.getPlayerName(5) << “ ”; cout << team3.getPlayerPoints(5) << endl;
Problem 4 - the game()function
Write a function, game , to take as input parameters two Team objects (filled with Player vectors) and return the name (as a string) of the winning team. The function should:
• Be named game
• Take twoarguments, both of type Team
• Return the name of the winning team, as a string
◦ To determine the winning team, add up the points associated with each team’s first 4 players. The team with more points is the winner.
◦ If one or both of the teams do not have 4 or more players, your function should return “forfeit”
◦ If the teams have the same total points, your function should return “draw”
◦ The output of “forfeit” takes higher priority than “draw” in the sense that if a team doesn’t have enough players, a game cannot be played, so there could be no draw (for example, if both teams have no players, this would constitute a “forfeit”, not a draw).
Example 1: In this example, the team Seg Faultline wins because the total points of their first 4 players is 24.5 points, whereas Team Maim only has 21.9 points.
Function call
// Using roster1.txt and roster2.txt
The winner is: Seg
// from Moodle
Team team1(“Seg Faultline”);
Team team2(“Team Maim”);
string winner = game(team1, team2);
cout << “The winner is: ” << winner << endl;
Example 2: In this example, suppose roster00.txt only contains 2 players. Then the
result should be “forfeit” because one (or more) teams do not have enough players.
Function call
// Using roster2.txt from Moodle
The winner is:
Team team3(“Hurt Shoebox”);
Team team2(“Team Maim”);
string winner = game(team3, team2);
cout << “The winner is: ” << winner << endl;
Example 3: In this example, the teams have identical rosters. So, the result should be “draw” because the points totals are the same.
Function call
// Using roster1.txt from Moodle
The winner is: draw
Team team4(“Thats so Ravenclaw”);
Team team5(“Planes on a Snake”);
string winner = game(team4, team5);
cout << “The winner is: ” << winner << endl;
The zip submission should have five files for this problem: Player.h, Player.cpp, Team.h, Team.cpp, and a driver called gameDriver.cpp, with your game() function and a main() function to test your game()function.
For Coderunner, paste your Team and Player classes and their implementations, and your game function. (Submit what you did for Problems 2 and 3, and add your game function.) Do not include your main() function from gameDriver.cpp that you used for testing your function.
5. Homework 8 checklist
Here is a checklist for submitting the assignment:
1. Complete the code Homework 8 Coderunner
2. Submit one zip file to Homework 8 (File Submission). The zip file should be named, <firstName>_<lastName>_hmwk8.zip., and have following 8 files:
1. shuffle.cpp
2. Player.h
3. Player.cpp
4. playerDriver.cpp
5. Team.h
6. Team.cpp
7. teamDriver.cpp
8. gameDriver.cpp
6. Homework 8 point summary
Style and Comments
Test cases
Recitation attendance (Apr 2 or Apr 4)*
Using global variables
5% early submission bonus
* If your attendance is not recorded, you will lose points.
Make sure your attendance is recorded on Moodle before you leave recitation.