Starting from:


Assignment 5: Memory Allocator and Binary ELF solution

1 Overview
This assignment features two problems pertaining to the most recent and upcoming lecture topics.

EL Malloc implements a simple, explicit list memory allocator. This manages heap memory in doubly linked lists of Available and Used memory blocks to provide el_malloc()
/ el_free(). It could be extended with some work to be a drop-in replacement for malloc()
/ free()
showsym uses mmap() to parse a binary ELF file to print its symbol table. Tools that work with object files like the linker associated with the GCC and the program loader must perform similar though more involved tasks involving ELF files. mmap() is very useful for handling binary files and is demonstrated in Lab 12.
2 Download Code and Setup
Download the code pack linked at the top of the page. Unzip this which will create a project folder. Create new files in this folder. Ultimately you will re-zip this folder to submit it.

Build file to compile all programs
Problem 1 and 2: Directory with required data files
Directory created by running the test script, it can be deleted safely
Problem 1 header file
Problem 1 demo main()
Problem 1 implemented REQUIRED functions
Problem 1: Testing script to run tests
Run single tests with ./
5 to run test #5
Problem 1: Testing script data/definitions
Problem 2 template to complete
Problem 2 ELF object file for input to showsym
Several other ELF and non-ELF files provided
Problem 2: Testing script to run tests
Run single tests with ./ 5 to run test #5
Problem 2: Testing script data/definitions
3 Problem 1: EL Malloc
A memory allocator is small system which manages heap memory, sometimes referred to as the "data" segment of a program. This portion of program memory is a linear set of addresses that form a large block which an expand at runtime by making requests to the operating system. Solving the allocation problem forms backbone of what malloc()/free() do by keeping track of the space used and released by a user program. Allocators also see use in garbage collected languages like Java where there are no explicit free() calls but the allocator must still find available space for new objects.

One simple way to implement an allocator is to overlay linked lists on the heap which track at a minimum the available chunks of memory and possibly also the used chunks. This comes with a cost: some of the bytes of memory in the heap are no longer available for the user program but are instead used for the allocator's book-keeping.

In this problem, an explicit list allocator is developed, thus the name of the system el_malloc. It uses two lists to track memory in the heap:

The Available List of blocks of memory that can be used to answer calls to malloc()
The Used List of blocks that have been returned by malloc() and should not be returned again until they are free()'d
Most operations boil down to manipulating these two lists in some form.

Allocating with ptr
= el_malloc(size); searches the Available List for a block with sufficient size. That block is split into two blocks. One block answers the request and is given about size bytes; it is moved to the Used List. The second block comprises the remainder of the space and remains on the Available List.
Deallocating with el_free(ptr); moves the block referenced by ptr from the Used List to the Available List. To prevent fragmentation of memory, the newly available block is merged with adjacent available blocks if possible.
3.1 EL Malloc Data Structures
Several data structures defined in el_malloc.h should be studied so that one is acquainted with their intent. The following sections outline many of these and show diagrams to indicate transformation the required functions should implement.
3.2 Block Header/Footer
Each block of memory tracked by EL Malloc is preceded and succeeded by some bytes of memory for book keeping. These are referred to as the block "header" and "footer" and are encoded in the el_blockhead_t and el_blockfoot_t structs.

// type which is a "header" for a block of memory; containts info on
// size, whether the block is available or in use, and links to the
// next/prev blocks in a doubly linked list. This data structure
// appears immediately before a block of memory that is tracked by the
// allocator.
typedef struct block {
size_t size; // number of bytes of memory in this block
char state; // either EL_AVAILABLE or EL_USED
struct block *next; // pointer to next block in same list
struct block *prev; // pointer to previous block in same list
} el_blockhead_t;

// Type for the "footer" of a block; indicates size of the preceding
// block so that its header el_blockhead_t can be found with pointer
// arithmetic. This data appears immediately after an area of memory
// that may be used by a user or is free. Immediately after it is
// either another header (el_blockhead_t) or the end of the heap.
typedef struct {
size_t size;
} el_blockfoot_t;
As indicated, the blocks use doubly linked nodes in the header which will allow easy re-arrangement of the list.

A picture of a block with its header, footer, and user data area is shown below.

Figure 1: Block data preceded by a header (el_blockhead_t) and followed by a footer (el_blockfoot_t)._
3.3 Footers and Blocks Above/Below
One might wonder why the footer appears. In tracking blocks, there will arise the need to determine a block that is immediately before a given block in memory (not the previous in the linked list). The footer enables this by tracking the size of the user block of memory immediately preceding it.

This is illustrated in the diagram below.

Figure 2: Finding preceding block header using footer (el_block_decr(header))

This operation is implemented in the function el_block_below(block) and the similar operation el_block_above(block) finds the next header immediately following one in memory.

The following functions use pointer arithmetic to determine block locations from a provided pointer.

el_blockfoot_t *el_get_footer(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_get_header(el_blockfoot_t *foot);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);
These functions benefit from macros defined in el_malloc.h that are useful for doing pointer operations involving bytes.

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_PLUS_BYTES(ptr,off) ((void *) (((size_t) (ptr)) + ((size_t) (off))))

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_MINUS_BYTES(ptr,off) ((void *) (((size_t) (ptr)) - ((size_t) (off))))

// macro to add a byte offset to a pointer, arguments are a pointer
// and a # of bytes (usually size_t)
#define PTR_MINUS_PTR(ptr,ptq) (((size_t) (ptr)) - ((size_t) (ptq)))
3.4 Block Lists and Global Control
The main purpose of the memory allocator is to track the available and used blocks in explicit linked lists. This allows used and available memory to be distributed throughout the heap. Below are the data structures that track these lists and the global control data structure which houses information for the entire heap.

// Type for a list of blocks; doubly linked with a fixed
// "dummy" node at the beginning and end which do not contain any
// data. List tracks its length and number of bytes in use.
typedef struct {
el_blockhead_t beg_actual; // fixed node at beginning of list; state is EL_BEGIN_BLOCK
el_blockhead_t end_actual; // fixed node at end of list; state is EL_END_BLOCK
el_blockhead_t *beg; // pointer to beg_actual
el_blockhead_t *end; // pointer to end_actual
size_t length; // length of the used block list (not counting beg/end)
size_t bytes; // total bytes in list used including overhead;
} el_blocklist_t;
// NOTE: total available bytes for use/in-use in the list is (bytes - length*EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD)

// Type for the global control of the allocator. Tracks heap size,
// start and end addresses, total size, and lists of available and
// used blocks.
typedef struct {
void *heap_start; // pointer to where the heap starts
void *heap_end; // pointer to where the heap ends; this memory address is out of bounds
size_t heap_bytes; // number of bytes currently in the heap
el_blocklist_t avail_actual; // space for the available list data
el_blocklist_t used_actual; // space for the used list data
el_blocklist_t *avail; // pointer to avail_actual
el_blocklist_t *used; // pointer to used_actual
} el_ctl_t;
The following diagram shows some of the structure induced by use of a doubly linked lists overlaid onto the heap. The global control structure el_ctl has two lists for available and used space.

Figure 3: Structure of heap with several used/available blocks. Pointers from el_ctl lists allow access to these blocks.

The following functions initialize the global control structures, print stats on the heap, and clean up at the end of execution.

int el_init(int max_bytes);
void el_print_stats();
void el_cleanup();
3.5 Pointers and "Actual" Space
In several structures, there appear pointers named xxx and structs named xxx_actual. For example, in el_blocklist_t:

typedef struct {
el_blockhead_t beg_actual; // fixed node at beginning of list; state is EL_BEGIN_BLOCK
el_blockhead_t *beg; // pointer to beg_actual
} el_blocklist_t;
The intent here is that there will always be a node at the beginning of the doubly linked list which just to make the programming easier so it makes sense to have an actual struct beg_actual present. However, when working with the list, the address of the beginning node is often referenced making beg useful. In any case, beg will be initialized to &beg_actual as appears in el_init_blocklist().

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list){
list-beg = &(list-beg_actual);
list-beg-state = EL_BEGIN_BLOCK;
list-beg-size = EL_UNINITIALIZED;
Similarly, since there will always be an Available List, el_ctl_t has both an avail pointer to the list and avail_actual which is the struct for the list.
3.6 Doubly Linked List Operations
A large number of operations in EL Malloc boil down to doubly linked list operations. This includes

Unlinking nodes from the middle of list during el_free()
Adding nodes to the beginning of a headed list (allocation and free)
Traversing the list to print and search for available blocks
Recall that unlinking a node from a doubly linked list involves modifying the previous and next node as in the following.

node-prev-next = node-next;
node-next-prev = node-prev;
while adding a new node to the front is typically accomplished via

node-prev = list-beg;
node-next = list-beg-next;
node-prev-next = node;
node-next-prev = node;
You may wish to review doubly linked list operations and do some reading on lists with "dummy" nodes at the beginning and ending if these concepts are rusty.

The following functions pertain to block list operations.

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
void el_print_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
void el_add_block_front(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
void el_remove_block(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
3.7 Allocation via Block Splitting
The basic operation of granting memory on a call to el_malloc(size) involves finding an Available Block with enough bytes for both the requested amount of memory and a new header/footer combination. The current requirement is that a block always gets split on an allocation though a straight-forward optimization would be to not split in the case of a close or exact size match.

This process is demonstrated in the below diagram in which a request for some bytes has been made. The process prior to diagram involves searching the Available List for a block with enough space. Once found, the block is split into the portion that will be used and the remaining portion. A pointer to the user area immediately after the el_blockhead_t is returned.

Figure 4: Splitting a block in an allocation request.

The following functions pertain to the location and splitting of blocks in the available list to fulfill allocation requests.

el_blockhead_t *el_find_first_avail(size_t size);
el_blockhead_t *el_split_block(el_blockhead_t *block, size_t new_size);
void *el_malloc(size_t nbytes);
3.8 Freeing Blocks and Merging
Freeing memory passes in a pointer to the user area that was granted. Immediately preceding this should be a el_blockhead_t and it can be found with pointer arithmetic.

In order to prevent memory from becoming continually divided into smaller blocks, on freeing the system checks to see if adjacent blocks can be merged. Keep in mind that the blocks that can be merged are adjacent in memory, not next/previous in some linked list. Adjacent blocks can be located using el_block_above() and el_block_decr().

To merge, the adjacent blocks must both be Available (not Used). A free can then have several cases.

The freed block cannot be merged with any others
The freed block can be merged with only the block above it
The freed block can be merged with only the block below it
The freed block can be merged with both adjacent blocks
The diagrams below show two of these cases.

Figure 5: Two cases of freeing blocks. The 2nd involves merging adjacent nodes with available space.

With careful use of the below functions and handling of NULL arguments, all 4 cases can be handled with very little code. Keep in mind that el_block_above()/below() should return NULL if there is no block above or below due to that are being out of the boundaries of the heap.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);
void el_merge_block_with_above(el_blockhead_t *lower);
void el_free(void *ptr);
3.9 Overall Code Structure of EL Malloc
Below is the code structure of the EL Malloc library. Some of the functions have been implemented already while those marked REQUIRED must be completed for full credit on the problem.

// el_malloc.c: implementation of explicit list malloc functions.

// Global control functions

int el_init(int max_bytes);
// Create an initial block of memory for the heap using
// malloc(). Initialize the el_ctl data structure to point at this
// block. Initialize the lists in el_ctl to contain a single large
// block of available memory and no used blocks of memory.

void el_cleanup();
// Clean up the heap area associated with the system which simply
// calls free() on the malloc'd block used as the heap.

// Pointer arithmetic functions to access adjacent headers/footers

el_blockfoot_t *el_get_footer(el_blockhead_t *head);
// Compute the address of the foot for the given head which is at a
// higher address than the head.

el_blockhead_t *el_get_header(el_blockfoot_t *foot);
// Compute the address of the head for the given foot which is at a
// lower address than the foot.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_above(el_blockhead_t *block);
// Return a pointer to the block that is one block higher in memory
// from the given block. This should be the size of the block plus
// the EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD which is the space occupied by the header and
// footer. Returns NULL if the block above would be off the heap.
// DOES NOT follow next pointer, looks in adjacent memory.

el_blockhead_t *el_block_below(el_blockhead_t *block);
// Return a pointer to the block that is one block lower in memory
// from the given block. Uses the size of the preceding block found
// in its foot. DOES NOT follow block-next pointer, looks in adjacent
// memory. Returns NULL if the block below would be outside the heap.
// WARNING: This function must perform slightly different arithmetic
// than el_block_above(). Take care when implementing it.

// Block list operations

void el_print_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
// Print an entire blocklist. The format appears as follows.
// blocklist{length: 5 bytes: 566}
// [ 0] head @ 618 {state: u size: 200} foot @ 850 {size: 200}
// [ 1] head @ 256 {state: u size: 32} foot @ 320 {size: 32}
// [ 2] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
// [ 3] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
// [ 4] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}
// index offset a/u offset
// Note that the '@ offset' column is given from the starting heap
// address (el_ctl-heap_start) so it should be run-independent.

void el_print_stats();
// Print out basic heap statistics. This shows total heap info along
// with the Available and Used Lists. The output format resembles the following.
// Heap bytes: 1024
// AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 458}
// [ 0] head @ 858 {state: a size: 126} foot @ 1016 {size: 126}
// [ 1] head @ 328 {state: a size: 84} foot @ 444 {size: 84}
// [ 2] head @ 0 {state: a size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}
// USED LIST: blocklist{length: 5 bytes: 566}
// [ 0] head @ 618 {state: u size: 200} foot @ 850 {size: 200}
// [ 1] head @ 256 {state: u size: 32} foot @ 320 {size: 32}
// [ 2] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
// [ 3] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
// [ 4] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}

void el_init_blocklist(el_blocklist_t *list);
// Initialize the specified list to be empty. Sets the beg/end
// pointers to the actual space and initializes those data to be the
// ends of the list. Initializes length and size to 0.

void el_add_block_front(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
// Add to the front of list; links for block are adjusted as are links
// within list. Length is incremented and the bytes for the list are
// updated to include the new block's size and its overhead.

void el_remove_block(el_blocklist_t *list, el_blockhead_t *block);
// Unlink block from the list it is in which should be the list
// parameter. Updates the length and bytes for that list including
// the EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD bytes associated with header/footer.

// Allocation-related functions

el_blockhead_t *el_find_first_avail(size_t size);
// Find the first block in the available list with block size of at
// least (size+EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD). Overhead is accounted so this
// routine may be used to find an available block to split: splitting
// requires adding in a new header/footer. Returns a pointer to the
// found block or NULL if no of sufficient size is available.

el_blockhead_t *el_split_block(el_blockhead_t *block, size_t new_size);
// Set the pointed to block to the given size and add a footer to
// it. Creates another block above it by creating a new header and
// assigning it the remaining space. Ensures that the new block has a
// footer with the correct size. Returns a pointer to the newly
// created block while the parameter block has its size altered to
// parameter size. Does not do any linking of blocks. If the
// parameter block does not have sufficient size for a split (at least
// new_size + EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD for the new header/footer) makes no
// changes and returns NULL.

void *el_malloc(size_t nbytes);
// Return pointer to a block of memory with at least the given size
// for use by the user. The pointer returned is to the usable space,
// not the block header. Makes use of find_first_avail() to find a
// suitable block and el_split_block() to split it. Returns NULL if
// no space is available.

// De-allocation/free() related functions

void el_merge_block_with_above(el_blockhead_t *lower);
// Attempt to merge the block lower with the next block in
// memory. Does nothing if lower is null or not EL_AVAILABLE and does
// nothing if the next higher block is null (because lower is the last
// block) or not EL_AVAILABLE. Otherwise, locates the next block with
// el_block_above() and merges these two into a single block. Adjusts
// the fields of lower to incorporate the size of higher block and the
// reclaimed overhead. Adjusts footer of higher to indicate the two
// blocks are merged. Removes both lower and higher from the
// available list and re-adds lower to the front of the available
// list.

void el_free(void *ptr);
// Free the block pointed to by the give ptr. The area immediately
// preceding the pointer should contain an el_blockhead_t with information
// on the block size. Attempts to merge the free'd block with adjacent
// blocks using el_merge_block_with_above().

3.10 Demo Run using EL Malloc
Below is a run showing the behavior of a series of el_malloc()
/ el_free() calls. They are performed in the provided el_demo.c program.
Source for el_demo.c
#include <stdio.h
#include <stdlib.h
#include <assert.h
#include "el_malloc.h"

void print_ptr_offset(char *str, void *ptr){
printf("%s: %lu from heap start\n",
str, PTR_MINUS_PTR(ptr,el_ctl.heap_start));

int main(){

printf("INITIAL\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

void *p1 = el_malloc(128);
void *p2 = el_malloc(48);
void *p3 = el_malloc(156);
printf("MALLOC 3\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


void *p4 = el_malloc(22);
void *p5 = el_malloc(64);
printf("MALLOC 5\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


printf("FREE 1\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

printf("FREE 3\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

p3 = el_malloc(32);
p1 = el_malloc(200);

printf("RE-ALLOC 3,1\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");



printf("FREE'D 1\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


printf("FREE'D 2\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");


printf("FREE'D 3,4,5\n"); el_print_stats(); printf("\n");

return 0;
Output of El Malloc Demo
Note: The output below was originally incorrect and has been fixed to show proper block merging.

gcc -Wall -g -Og -o el_demo el_demo.c el_malloc.o
Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 1024}
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: a size: 984} foot @ 1016 {size: 984}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 0 bytes: 0}

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 572}
[ 0] head @ 452 {state: a size: 532} foot @ 1016 {size: 532}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 452}
[ 0] head @ 256 {state: u size: 156} foot @ 444 {size: 156}
[ 1] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}
[ 2] head @ 0 {state: u size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}

p3: 288 from heap start
p2: 200 from heap start
p1: 32 from heap start

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 406}
[ 0] head @ 618 {state: a size: 366} foot @ 1016 {size: 366}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 5 bytes: 618}
[ 0] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 1] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
[ 2] head @ 256 {state: u size: 156} foot @ 444 {size: 156}
[ 3] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}
[ 4] head @ 0 {state: u size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}

p5: 546 from heap start
p4: 484 from heap start
p3: 288 from heap start
p2: 200 from heap start
p1: 32 from heap start

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 2 bytes: 574}
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: a size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}
[ 1] head @ 618 {state: a size: 366} foot @ 1016 {size: 366}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 4 bytes: 450}
[ 0] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 1] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
[ 2] head @ 256 {state: u size: 156} foot @ 444 {size: 156}
[ 3] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 770}
[ 0] head @ 256 {state: a size: 156} foot @ 444 {size: 156}
[ 1] head @ 0 {state: a size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}
[ 2] head @ 618 {state: a size: 366} foot @ 1016 {size: 366}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 254}
[ 0] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 1] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
[ 2] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 458}
[ 0] head @ 858 {state: a size: 126} foot @ 1016 {size: 126}
[ 1] head @ 328 {state: a size: 84} foot @ 444 {size: 84}
[ 2] head @ 0 {state: a size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 5 bytes: 566}
[ 0] head @ 618 {state: u size: 200} foot @ 850 {size: 200}
[ 1] head @ 256 {state: u size: 32} foot @ 320 {size: 32}
[ 2] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 3] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
[ 4] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}

p1: 650 from heap start
p3: 288 from heap start
p5: 546 from heap start
p4: 484 from heap start
p2: 200 from heap start

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 698}
[ 0] head @ 618 {state: a size: 366} foot @ 1016 {size: 366}
[ 1] head @ 328 {state: a size: 84} foot @ 444 {size: 84}
[ 2] head @ 0 {state: a size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 4 bytes: 326}
[ 0] head @ 256 {state: u size: 32} foot @ 320 {size: 32}
[ 1] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 2] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}
[ 3] head @ 168 {state: u size: 48} foot @ 248 {size: 48}

Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 786}
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: a size: 216} foot @ 248 {size: 216}
[ 1] head @ 618 {state: a size: 366} foot @ 1016 {size: 366}
[ 2] head @ 328 {state: a size: 84} foot @ 444 {size: 84}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 3 bytes: 238}
[ 0] head @ 256 {state: u size: 32} foot @ 320 {size: 32}
[ 1] head @ 514 {state: u size: 64} foot @ 610 {size: 64}
[ 2] head @ 452 {state: u size: 22} foot @ 506 {size: 22}

FREE'D 3,4,5
Heap bytes: 1024
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 1024}
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: a size: 984} foot @ 1016 {size: 984}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 0 bytes: 0}

3.11 Grading Criteria for El Malloc GRADING
Both binary and shell tests can be run with make

Automated Tests
make test-p1 compiles and passes tests from
Lack of memory errors reported by Valgrind on
Points will be deducted from Valgrind scores if significant functions are not implemented
Manual Inspection
el_get_header() and el_block_below()
Use of provided macros for pointer arithmetic
Correct use of sizeof() operator to account for sizes
el_block_below() checks for beginning of heap and returns NULL
el_add_block_front() and el_remove_block()
Sensible use of pointers prev/next to link/unlink nodes efficiently; no looping used
Correct updating of list length and bytes
Accounts for EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD when updating bytes
Use of el_get_foot() to obtain footers for updating size
Clear evidence of placing a new header and footer for new block
Accounting for overhead EL_BLOCK_OVERHEAD when calculating new size
Use of el_find_first_avail() to locate a node to split
Use of el_split_block() to split block into two
Clear state change of split blocks to Used and Available
Clear movement of lower split blocks to front of Used List
Clear movement of upper split blocks to front of Available lists
Use of pointer arithmetic macros to computer user address
NULL checks for argument and block above which result in no changes
Clear checks of whether both blocks are EL_AVAILABLE
Use of el_block_above() to find block above
Clear updates to size of lower block and higher foot
Movement of blocks out of available list and merged block to front
Error checking that block is EL_USED
Movement of block from used to available list
Attempts to merge block with blocks above and below it
Clean, readable code
Good indentation
Good selection of variable names
Problem Total
3.12 Automated Tests for Problem 1
Automated tests are provided and can be run all at once via

make test-p1

or individually by using the provided script

./ 3 # run only test #3

Truncated Lines in Tests
Note: When running tests on narrow terminals, some of the output may be truncated as in:

make test-p1
chmod u+x ./
COLUMNS is 100
Loading tests from 10 tests loaded
Running 10 tests

TEST 1 single_alloc : test-data/el_malloc_test_01.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 5 four_alloc_free_1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_05.c Compiling Running : FAIL: Output Incorrect
Heap bytes: 1024 HEAP STATS
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 byt Heap bytes: 1024
[ 0] head @ 168 {state: a size: 816 AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 byt # THESE LINES TRUNCATED
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: [ 0] head @ 168 {state: a size: 816 # THESE LINES TRUNCATED
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: u size: 128 USED LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: # THESE LINES TRUNCATED
This can changed by adjusting the COLUMNS environment variable in most terminals.

export COLUMNS=200 # widen the columns used in reporting error output by diff

make test-p1

chmod u+x ./
COLUMNS is 200 # COLUMNS is now wider printing more text
Loading tests from 10 tests loaded
Running 10 tests

TEST 1 single_alloc : test-data/el_malloc_test_01.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 5 four_alloc_free_1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_05.c Compiling Running : FAIL: Output Incorrect
Heap bytes: 1024 HEAP STATS
AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 856} Heap bytes: 1024
[ 0] head @ 168 {state: a size: 816} foot @ 1016 {size: 816} AVAILABLE LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 856}
USED LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 168} [ 0] head @ 168 {state: a size: 816} foot @ 1016 {size: 816}
[ 0] head @ 0 {state: u size: 128} foot @ 160 {size: 128} USED LIST: blocklist{length: 1 bytes: 168}
Correct Execution of Tests
Correct execution looks like the following:

make test-p1
gcc -Wall -g -Og -c el_malloc.c
chmod u+x ./
Loading tests from 10 tests loaded
Running 10 tests

TEST 1 single_alloc : test-data/el_malloc_test_01.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 2 three_allocs : test-data/el_malloc_test_02.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 3 reqd_basics : test-data/el_malloc_test_03.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 4 alloc_free : test-data/el_malloc_test_04.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 5 four_alloc_free_1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_05.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 6 four_alloc_free_2 : test-data/el_malloc_test_06.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 7 four_alloc_free_3 : test-data/el_malloc_test_07.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 8 alloc_fail : test-data/el_malloc_test_08.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 9 el_demo : test-data/el_malloc_test_09.c Compiling Running : OK
TEST 10 stress1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_10.c Compiling Running : OK
10 / 10 Normal correct

TEST 1 single_alloc : test-data/el_malloc_test_01.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 2 three_allocs : test-data/el_malloc_test_02.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 3 reqd_basics : test-data/el_malloc_test_03.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 4 alloc_free : test-data/el_malloc_test_04.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 5 four_alloc_free_1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_05.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 6 four_alloc_free_2 : test-data/el_malloc_test_06.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 7 four_alloc_free_3 : test-data/el_malloc_test_07.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 8 alloc_fail : test-data/el_malloc_test_08.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 9 el_demo : test-data/el_malloc_test_09.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
TEST 10 stress1 : test-data/el_malloc_test_10.c Compiling Running : Valgrind OK
10 / 10 Valgrind correct

10 / 10 Normal correct
10 / 10 Valgrind correct
4 Problem 2: Printing ELF Symbol Tables
The Executable and Linkable (ELF) File Format is the Unix standard for binary files with runnable code in them. By default, any executable or .o file produced by Unix compilers such as GCC produce ELF files as evidenced by the file command.

gcc -c code.c

file code.o
code.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

gcc program.c

file a.out
a.out: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0
This problem explores the file format of ELF in order to show any symbol table present. The symbol table contains information on publicly accessible items in the file such as functions and global data. The standard utility readelf shows human readable versions of ELF files and the -s option specifically prints out the symbol table section.

a5-code readelf -s test-input/quote_data.o

Symbol table '.symtab' contains 17 entries:
Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name
0: 0000000000000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT UND
1: 0000000000000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS quote_data.c
2: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 1
3: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 3
4: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 4
5: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 5
6: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 6
7: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 9
8: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 10
9: 0000000000000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 5 .LC0
10: 0000000000000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 8
11: 0000000000000000 11 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 max_size
12: 0000000000000000 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 choices
13: 000000000000000b 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 list_get
14: 0000000000000047 30 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 get_it
15: 0000000000000010 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 choices_actual
16: 0000000000000020 3960 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 nodes
This problem re-implements this functionality in the showsym program to instruct on some the format of the ELF file. It has the following output.

a5-code gcc -o showsym showsym.c # compile showsym

a5-code ./showsym test-input/quote_data.o # run on provided data file
Symbol Table # output of program
- 4296 bytes offset from start of file # location and size of symbol table
- 408 bytes total size
- 24 bytes per entry
- 17 entries
[idx] TYPE SIZE NAME # symbol table entries
[ 0]: NOTYPE 0 <NONE
[ 1]: FILE 0 quote_data.c
[ 9]: NOTYPE 0 .LC0
[ 10]: SECTION 0 <NONE
[ 11]: FUNC 11 max_size
[ 12]: OBJECT 8 choices
[ 13]: FUNC 60 list_get
[ 14]: FUNC 30 get_it
[ 15]: OBJECT 16 choices_actual
[ 16]: OBJECT 3960 nodes

showsym test-input/quote_main.c # some files are not ELF file format
Magic bytes wrong, this is not an ELF file

showsym test-input/ls # some ELF files don't have symbol tables
Couldn't find symbol table
The output of showsym is a similar to readelf
-s but abbreviated, showing only information on public symbols in the ELF file.
4.1 ELF File References
It is recommended to do some reading on the structure of the ELF format as it will assist in coming to grips with this problem. As you encounter parts of the below walk-through of how to find and print the symbol table, refer to the following resources.

Diagrams shown below provide some information about the basics of what is provided in each portion of the file and how some of the records relate to each other.
Manual Pages: The manual page on ELF (found online or by typing man
elf in any terminal) gives excellent coverage of the structs and values in the file format. Essentially the entire format is covered here though there may be a few ambiguities.
Wikipedia: A good overview of the file format and has some extensive tables on the structs/values that comprise it.
Oracle Docs: A somewhat more detailed and hyper-linked version of the manual pages.
Note that we will use the 64-bit ELF format only which means most of the C types for variables should mention ELF64_xxx in them though use of 32-bit integers may still apply via uint32_t.
4.2 Overall Approach
ELF files are divided into sections. Our main interest is to identify the Symbol Table section but this is done in several steps.

Parse the File Header to identify the positions of the Section Header Array and Section Header String Table
Search the Section Header Array and associated string table to find the section named .symtab which is the symbol table and .strtab which contains the string names of the symbol table. Note the position in the file of these two
Iterate through the Symbol Table section which is also an array of structs. Use the fields present there along with the associated string names in .strtab to print each symbol and some associated information.
Since this is a binary file with a considerable amount of jumping and casting to structs, it makes sense to use mmap() to map the entire file into virtual memory. It is a requirement to use mmap() for this problem. Refer to lecture notes, textbook, and lab materials for details on how to set up a memory map and clean it up once finished. In particular Lab 13 uses mmap() to parse binary files in a way that is directly relevant to the present program.
4.3 ELF Header and Section Header Array
The initial bytes in an ELF file always have a fixed structure which is the ELF64_Ehdr type. Of primary interest are the following

Identification bytes and types in the field e_ident[]. These initial bytes identify the file as ELF format or NOT (will check for this).
showsym should check these "magic bytes" (first elements of e_ident[] in header). If they match the expected values, proceed but if they are incorrect, print the message:

Magic bytes wrong, this is not an ELF file

and exit immediately.

The Section Header Array byte position in the field e_shoff. The Section Header Array is like a table of contents for a book giving positions of most other sections in the file. It usually occurs near the end of the file.
The index of the Section Header String Table in field e_shstrndx. This integer gives an index into the Section Header Array where a string table can be found containing the names of headers.
The following diagram shows the layout of these first few important parts of an ELF file.

Figure 6: ELF File Header with Section Header Array and Section Header String Table.
4.4 String Tables, Names, Section Headers
To keep the sizes of structures fixed while still allowing variable length names for things, all the names that are stored in ELF files are in string tables. You can see one of these laid in the middle purple section of the diagram above starting at byte offset 1000. It is simply a sequence of multiple null-terminated strings laid out adjacent to one another in the file.

When a name is required, a field will give an offset into a specific string table. For example, each entry of the Section Header Array has an sh_name field which is an offset into the .shstrtab (the sh is for "section header").. The offset indicates how far from the start of the string table to find the require name.

The .shstrtab section begins at byte 1000 so all name positions are 1000
+ sh_name
The 0th .text section has sh_name
= 0; the string .text\0 appears at position 1000.
The 1th .symtab section has sh_name
= 6; the string .symtab\0 appears at byte position 1006.
The 4th .bss section has sh_name
= 32; the string .bss\0 appears at byte position 1032.
The Section Header Array is an array of Elf64_Shdr structs. By iterating over this array, fishing out the names from .shstrtab, and examining names using strcmp(), the positions for the two desired sections, .symtab and .strtab can be obtained via the associated sh_offset field.

Note that one will need to also determine length of the Section Header Array from the ELF File Header field e_shnum.

Also, on finding the Symbol Table section, note its size in bytes from the sh_size field. This will allow you to determine the number of symbol table entries.
Behavior for Missing Symbol Tables
During the search for the symbol table, it is possible that it is not found. Such objects are usually executables that have been "stripped" of a symbol table. After iterating through all sections in the Section Header array and finding that no entry has the .symtab name print the message

Couldn't find symbol table

and exit immediately.
4.5 Symbol Table and .strtab
Similar to the Section Header Array, the Symbol Table is comprised of an array of Elf64_Sym structs. Each of these structs has a st_name field giving an offset into the .symtab section where a symbol's name resides. The following diagram shows this relationship.

Figure 7: ELF Symbol Table and associated String Table

While iterating over the table, print the following information.

The index starting at 0 (note that index 0 will always contain a blank entry)
The type of symbol which can be determined using the methods below
The size from the st_size field. This corresponds to the number of bytes a variable will occupy or the number of bytes of instructions for a function.
The name of the symbol or <NONE if the symbol's name has length 0. Use the st_name field which is an offset into the .strtab where the name of the symbol is located.
To determine the symbol's type, make use of the following code

unsigned char typec = ELF64_ST_TYPE(symtable_entry[i].st_info);
This macro extracts bits from the st_info field and assigns them to typec which will be one of the following defined variables.

- STT_NOTYPE : print type "NOTYPE"
- STT_OBJECT : print type "OBJECT"
- STT_FUNC : print type "FUNC"
- STT_FILE : print type "FILE"
- STT_SECTION : print type "SECTION"
An if/else or switch/case block to determine the type is best here.
4.6 showsym Template
A basic template for showsym.c is provided in the code pack which outlines the structure of the code along with some printing formats to make the output match examples. Follow this outline closely to make sure that your code complies with tests when the become available.
4.7 Grading Criteria for showsym GRADING
Both binary and shell tests can be run with make

Automated Tests
Passing automated tests in
Lack of memory errors reported by Valgrind on
Points will be deducted from Valgrind scores if significant functions are not implemented
Manual Inspection
Correctly sets up a memory map using open(),
fstat(), mmap()
Correct unmap and close of file description at end of execution
Sets a pointer to the ELF File Header properly
Checks identifying bytes for sequence {0x7f,'E','L','F'}
Properly extracts the Section Header Array offset, length, string table index
Sets up pointers to Section Header Array and associate String Table
Loops over Section Header Array for sections named .symtab
/ .strtab
Properly uses SH String Table to look at names of each section while searching
Extracts offsets and sizes of .symtab /
.strtab sections
Prints information on byte position of symbol table and its size
Sets up pointer to Symbol Table and associated String Table
Loops over entries in Symbol Table printing name, size, type
Uses ELF64_ST_TYPE() to extract symbol type from st_info field
Clean, readable code
Good indentation
Good selection of variable names
Problem Total
4.8 Automated Tests for Problem 2
Automated tests are provided and can be run all at once via

make test-p2

or individually by using the provided script

./ 3 # run only test #3

Correct execution looks like the following:

make test-p2
gcc -Wall -g -Og -c showsym.c
gcc -Wall -g -Og -o showsym showsym.o
chmod u+x ./
Loading tests from 10 tests loaded
Running 10 tests

TEST 1 x.c not elf : OK
TEST 2 small x.o : OK
TEST 3 coins_funcs.o : OK
TEST 4 coins_funcs_asm.o : OK
TEST 5 coins_main.o : OK
TEST 6 coins_main : OK
TEST 7 cppvector : OK
TEST 8 quote_main : OK
TEST 9 ls stripped : OK
TEST 10 warsim : OK
10 / 10 Normal correct

TEST 1 x.c not elf : Valgrind OK
TEST 2 small x.o : Valgrind OK
TEST 3 coins_funcs.o : Valgrind OK
TEST 4 coins_funcs_asm.o : Valgrind OK
TEST 5 coins_main.o : Valgrind OK
TEST 6 coins_main : Valgrind OK
TEST 7 cppvector : Valgrind OK
TEST 8 quote_main : Valgrind OK
TEST 9 ls stripped : Valgrind OK
TEST 10 warsim : Valgrind OK
10 / 10 Valgrind correct

10 / 10 Normal correct
10 / 10 Valgrind correct
5 Assignment Submission

5.1 Submit to Gradescope
In a terminal, change to your assignment code directory and type make zip which will create a zip file of your code. A session should look like this:
cd Desktop/2021/a5-code # location of assignment code

Makefile showsym.c

make zip # create a zip file using Makefile target
rm -f
cd .. && zip "a5-code/" -r "a5-code"
adding: a5-code/ (stored 0%)
adding: a5-code/ (deflated 72%)
adding: a5-code/ (deflated 69%)
adding: a5-code/Makefile (deflated 59%)
adding: a5-code/test-data/ (stored 0%)
Zip created in

Log into Gradescope and locate and click 'Assignment 2' which will open up submission
Click on the 'Drag and Drop' text which will open a file selection dialog; locate and choose your file
This will show the contents of the Zip file and should include your C source files along with testing files and directories.
Click 'Upload' which will show progress uploading files. It may take a few seconds before this dialog closes to indicate that the upload is successful. Note: there is a limit of 256 files per upload; normal submissions are not likely to have problems with this but you may want to make sure that nothing has gone wrong such as infinite loops creating many files or incredibly large files.
Once files have successfully uploaded, the Autograder will begin running the command line tests and recording results. These are the same tests that are run via make
When the tests have completed, results will be displayed summarizing scores along with output for each batch of tests.
Refer to the Submission instructions for A1 for details and pictures.
5.2 Late Policies
You may wish to review the policy on late project submission which will cost you late tokens to submit late or credit if you run out of tokens. No projects will be accepted more than 48 hours after the deadline.