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Solved:Lab 11: Hashing

In this lab, we will implement hashing ADT. For resolving collisions, you may want to use open addressing with linear probing (i.e. F(i) = i). 

    1. Input
Your input file consists of three lines. 
    • In the first line, your hash table size is given. 
    • In the second line, you obtain all the data that should be inserted into the hash table. Obtain a list of numbers from the second line, and execute an insertion operation for each number in order. If a collision happens, print a meesage to notify. Duplicated insertion query will be rejected. Don't notify when insertion succeeds.
    • In the third line, the numbers are given for checking whether each number is in the hash table or not. For each number, print the message about the availability. 

3  5  35  2  7 18  19  22  5  100  26  8  4 16 
5 27 45 67 2

2. Hashing ADT
(1) Data Specification for the hash table 
typedef int ElementType;
struct HashTable{
int TableSize;
ElementType*  TheLists;

(2) functions 
void Insert (ElementType Key,   struct HashTable *H)
    • print an error message when a duplicated key is insert (request will be rejected)
    • print a message when a collision occurs
    • do NOT print any message when insertion succeeds
    • collision resolution methods are given at the top of the lecture note

int find(struct HashTable *H, ElementType value) 
//will return non zero value when succeed to find. If not, return 0.

3. Program description
    • name : p11.c
    • input : a list of operations in a file (an input file name is given as a command line argument. See the example in “1. input” on the first page)
    • output : the corresponding result in the standard output

Submit to the course gitlab your source code. ( ~2020/6/4 23:59 )

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