This programming project involves writing a program to calculate the terms of the following sequence of numbers: 0 1 2 5 12 29 ... where each term of the sequence is twice the previous term plus the second previous term. The 0th term of the sequence is 0 and the 1st term of the sequence is 1.
For example:
The interface to the program should be a GUI that looks similar to the following:
The pair of radio buttons allows the user to choose whether an iterative or recursive method is used to compute the term of the sequence. When the user enters a value for n and then clicks the Compute button, the nth term of the sequence should be displayed in the Result field. The Efficiency field should contain the number of calls to the recursive method when the recursive option is chosen and the number of iterations of the loop when the iterative option is selected.
The Iterative radio button should be initially set to selected.
When the window is closed, the efficiency values should be computed with values of n from 0 to 10 and written to a file. Each line of the file should contain the value of n, the efficiency of the iterative method for that value of n and the efficiency of the recursive method. The values should be separated by commas so the file can be opened with Excel and used to graph the value of the efficiencies for both the iterative and recursive options along the y axis with the value of n along the x-axis. The graph should be included in the Word document that accompanies this project and should also contain a brief explanation of the observed results.
The program should consist of two classes.
The first class should define the GUI. In addition to the main method and a constructor to build the GUI, an event handler will be needed to handle the Compute button click and another handler will be needed to produce the file described above when the window is closed. The latter handler should be an object of an inner class that extends the WindowAdapter class.
The other class should be named Sequence. It should be a utility class meaning that all its methods must be class (static) methods and no objects should be able to be generated for that class. It should contain three public methods:
The first method computeIterative should accept a value of n and return the corresponding element in the sequence using iteration.
The second method computeRecursive should accept a value of n and return the corresponding element in the sequence using recursion. This method will be a helper method because it will need to initialize the efficiency counter before calling the private recursive method that will actually perform the recursive computation.
The third method getEfficiency will return the efficiency counter left behind by the previous call to either of the above two methods.
The google recommended Java style guide, provided as link in the week 2 content, should be used to format and document your code. Specifically, the following style guide attributes should be addressed:
Header comments include filename, author, date and brief purpose of the program. In-line comments used to describe major functionality of the code.
Meaningful variable names and prompts applied. Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.
Variable names are written in lowerCamelCase. Constant names are in written in All Capitals.
Braces use K&R style.
In addition the following design constraints should be followed:
Declare all instance variables private Avoid the duplication of code
Test cases should be supplied in the form of table with columns indicating the input values, expected output, actual output and if the test case passed or failed. This table should contain 4 columns with appropriate labels and a row for each test case. Note that the actual output should be the actual results you receive when running your program and applying the input for the test record. Be sure to select enough different scenarios to completely test the program.
Note: All code should compile and run without issue.
Submission requirements
Deliverables include all Java files (.java) and a single word (or PDF) document. The Java files should be named appropriately for your applications. The word (or PDF) document should include screen captures showing the successful compiling and running of each of the test cases. Each screen capture should be properly labeled clearly indicated what the screen capture represents. The test cases table should be included in your word or PDF document and properly labeled as well.
Submit your files to the Project 3 assignment area no later than the due date listed in your LEO classroom.
You should include your name and P3 in your word (or PDF) file submitted (e.g.
firstnamelastnameP3.docx or firstnamelastnameP3.pdf).
Grading Rubric:
The following grading rubric will be used to determine your grade:
Does not meet
GUI Class
40 points
0 points
Defines the GUI
Does not defines the GUI
Contains a pair of radio buttons
Does not contain a pair of radio
allowing the user to choose
buttons allowing the user to
whether an iterative or
choose whether an iterative or
recursive method is used to
recursive method is used to
compute the term of the
compute the term of the
Allows the user to enter a value
Does not allows the user to
for n and click the Compute
enter a value for n and click the
button, to display the nth term
Compute button, to display the
of the sequence in the Result
nth term of the sequence in the
Result field.
Allows the Efficiency field to
Does not allow the Efficiency
contain the number of calls to
field to contain the number of
the recursive method when the
calls to the recursive method
recursive option is chosen and
when the recursive option is
the number of iterations of the
chosen and the number of
loop when the iterative option
iterations of the loop when the
is selected.
iterative option is selected.
The Iterative radio button is
The Iterative radio button is not
initially set to selected.
initially set to selected.
When the window is closed, the
When the window is closed, the
efficiency values computes with
efficiency values does not
values of n from 0 to 10 and
compute with values of n from
writes them to a file.
0 to 10 and writes them to a
Each line of the output file
contains the value of n, the
Each line of the output file does
efficiency of the iterative
not contain the value of n, the
method for that value of n and
efficiency of the iterative
the efficiency of the recursive
method for that value of n and
the efficiency of the recursive
The values of the output file are
The values of the output file are
separated by commas so the file
not separated by commas so
can be opened with Excel.
the file can be opened with
Provides an event handler to
handle the Compute button
Does not provides an event
click and another handler will
handler to handle the Compute
be needed to produce the file
button click and another
described above when the
handler will be needed to
window is closed. The latter
produce the file described
handler is an object of an inner
above when the window is
class that extends the
closed. The latter handler is an
WindowAdapter class.
object of an inner class that
extends the WindowAdapter
Code does not Compile.
Sequence class
30 points
0 points
All methods are class (static)
All methods are not class
(static) methods.
Contains three public methods.
Does not contain three public
Contains computeIterative
method that accepts a value of
Does not contain the
n and returns the corresponding
computeIterative method that
element in the sequence using
accepts a value of n and returns
the corresponding element in
the sequence using iteration.
Contains method
computeRecursive that accepts
Does not contain the
a value of n and returns the
computeRecursive method that
corresponding element in the
accepts a value of n and returns
sequence using recursion.
the corresponding element in
the sequence using recursion.
The computeRecurvise method
will initialize the efficiency
The computeRecurvise method
counter before calling the
does not initialize the efficiency
private recursive method that
counter before calling the
will actually perform the
private recursive method that
recursive computation.
will actually perform the
recursive computation.
The getEfficiency method
returns the efficiency counter
The getEfficiency method does
left behind by the previous call
not return the efficiency
counter left behind by the
to either of the above two
previous call to either of the
above two methods.
Code does not Compile.
Test Cases
10 points
0 points
Test cases are supplied in the
No test cases were provided.
form of table with columns
indicating the input values,
expected output, actual output
and if the test case passed or
Enough scenarios selected to
completely test the program.
Test cases were included in the
supporting word or PDF
Documentation and Style guide
20 points
0 points
Screen captures were provided
No documentation included.
and labeled for compiling your
code, and running each of your
Java style guide was not used to
test cases.
prepare the Java code.
Header comments include
All instance variables not
filename, author, date and brief
declared private.
purpose of the program.
Duplication of code was not
In-line comments used to
describe major functionality of
the code.
Does not graph the value of the
efficiencies for both the
Meaningful variable names and
iterative and recursive options
prompts applied.
along the y axis with the value
of n along the x-axis. The graph
Class names are written in
is not included in the Word
document and does not contain
a brief explanation of the
Variable names are written in
observed results.
Constant names are in written
in All Capitals.
Braces use K&R style.
Declare all instance variables
Avoids the duplication of code.
Graphs the value of the
efficiencies for both the
iterative and recursive options
along the y axis with the value
of n along the x-axis. The graph
is included in the Word
document and contains a brief
explanation of the observed