Starting from:


Scheming Sets" Programming Lab 4 Solution

Programming Language Fundamentals (CS 381)


For this lab, you will use Scheme. Turnin will use Racket (

Protip: You will nd more examples if you search general Scheme questions rather than Racket speci c questions.


Begin by entering this function in lab4.rkt. Semicolons denote comments.

(define (f lst)

; (a) ;

(if (null? lst)

; (b) ;


; (c) ;

(cons (+ 1 (car lst))    (f (cdr lst)))))

Self-Check Questions

Question 1: Run this function as follows. What output do you get?

(f    (3 1 4 1 5 9))

Question 2: What does this function f do?

Question 3: Give a comment that explains the line following (a), (b), and (c).

Question 4: Trace the call given in Question 1, showing each recursive call to the function.

Expand the term lst to speci c lists or atoms at each depth of the recursion.


Member? function

Write a function member? that determines if an element e is part of list lst. This function will return #t if e is a member of the list lst and #f otherwise. You may use common Scheme functions (see list below). You may not use the built-in member function in your answer (see below). Comment your function.

(define (member?    e lst)

; complete this function definition


Protip: Your other function will rely on your member? function, so test it well.

Set? function

Write a function set? that checks whether its argument lst is a well formed set, that is a set with no duplicates, and returns true #t or false #f accordingly. You may nd it useful to make use of your member? function in your function.

For example:

(set?    (x y z)) => #t

(set?    (a 1 b 2 c 3)) => #t

(set? ()) => #t    ; empty set is a good set

(set?    (6 2 2)) => #f    ; duplicate, bad set

(set?    (x y z x)) => #f    ; duplicate, bad set

(define (set?    lst)

; complete this function definition


Protip: You match the order of the output given in the test .out les. This is often merely requires a re-ordering of your expressions.


Union function

Write a function union that takes the set union of list lst1 and list lst2 and returns a list representing the mathematical union of the two lists. Your function does not need to work on embedded lists. You may use the functions you de ned previously (set? and member?), if useful, in addition to the common Scheme functions. Comment your function.

(define (union lst1 lst2)

; complete this function definition


Intersect function

Write a function intersect that takes the set intersection of list lst1 and list lst2 and returns a list representing the mathematical intersection of the two lists. Your function does not need to work on embedded lists. Comment your function.

(define (intersect lst1 lst2)

; complete this function definition


Di erence function

Write a function difference that takes the set di erence of list lst1 minus list lst2 and returns a list representing the mathematical di erence of the two lists. You do not need to implement a symmetric di erence, only A B. Your function does not need to work on embedded lists. Comment your function.

(define (difference lst1 lst2)

; complete this function definition


Protip: For union, intersect, and difference, you can assume lst1 and lst2 are each themselves proper sets (i.e. no duplicates).



This lab requires an independent study of the Scheme (Racket) language. You are encouraged to use any web tutorials and resources to learn Scheme. Allow yourself plenty of time, and use patience, perseverance, and the Internet to debug your code. I will gladly answer clarifying questions about the goals and instructions of the Lab assignment, but I will not be able to debug your code for you.


The test les are located on Canvas. Keep the test les in a subdirectory ./tests/ in order to use the run all test instructions below.

Copy the following lines of code and paste them at the end of your program. This code reads lines from standard input and evaluates them. It terminates on end-of-input.

(define-namespace-anchor anc)

(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace anc))

(let loop ()

(define line (read-line (current-input-port)    any))

(if (eof-object? line)

(display "")

(begin    (print (eval (read (open-input-string line)) ns)) (newline) (loop))))

You can now use the tests via standard input.

Protip: You do not need to run every test every time. Manually run the test for the task you are working on.

Run Individual Tests

    • racket Lab4.rkt < ./tests/ > ./myout/t01.myout

    • diff ./tests/t01.out ./myout/t01.myout

Protip: The order of the tests follow your progress through this lab. For example t11 tests set?, t21 tests union, and so on.


Run all Tests

You can also run all the tests at once. For this there is a Python3 script named This is a Python script that executes racket lab4.rkt for each test and performs a diff between the expected output and your output. It also saves a vimdiff image in the ./diff directory.

$ python3

This script assumes:

    • your racket  le is named lab4.rkt and in the same directory

    • the subdirectory ./tests is in the same directory

    • it has permissions to make a subdirectory ./myouts
    • that your OS has the diff tool1


Each student will complete and submit this assignment individually. Do not consult with others. However, you are encouraged to use the Internet to learn Scheme but not to nd solutions to the speci c tasks of this assignment.

Submit your program Lab4.rkt on Canvas.

This project is worth 100 points. Comment your program heavily. Intelligent comments and a clean, readable formatting of your code account for 20% of your grade.

Protip: If you do not nish in time, turn in whatever work you have. If you turn nothing, you get a zero. If you turn in something, you receive partial credit.

1Windows users: utils.htm


Function Restrictions

Allowed Functions    Prohibited Functions

member, memv, memq

define    set-equal?, set-eqv?, set-eq?, set?

#t, #f    set, seteqv, seteq

car, cdr, cadr, ... (etc)    set-member?, set-add, set-remove, set-empty?

cons, append    set-count, set-first, set-rest

eq?, eqv?, equal?    set-union, set-intersect

pair?, list?    set-subtract, set-symmetric-difference

null?, null    set=?, subset?, proper-subset?

if, cond, else    for/set

Some functions are prohibited above because they accomplish your tasks for you. You must write your functions from scratch using only those in the allowed functions list (as well as lots and lots of parentheses).

Solutions using a prohibited function will not receive any credit. You may use any of your functions as helper functions in any of your other functions. You may write additional helper functions (but you should not need to).

Protip: If you    nd yourself needing one of the following, you should rethink your solution.

You do not need to use any of the following.

let, length, remove, sort, and, or, map, display, print, eval, begin

Extra Credit (10 pts)

Write a function flatten that takes two lists lst1 and lst2 and returns a new list that contains all elements in both lists, but eliminates any embedded lists. You may retain duplicates (or choose eliminate them). You may freely use of any of the functions you wrote for this lab.

(define (flatten lst1 lst2)

; complete this function definition
