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Homework #2 Part II Solution


Goal of this homework is to help you understand better how memory alloca-tion/management works and give you better understanding of pointers. On top of that, you will also learn how to create your own Makefile and practice using gdb. This homework consists of two parts. We found that readings are impor-tant and crucial in succeeding in the homeworks. Thus, in the rst part you are required to read provided material that serves as a basis for doing the second part. The second part of the homework is a programming exercise where you need to apply gained knowledge from the readings.

In this second part you need to implement a simple interactive application that will mimic a database of art collections. You will have a set of warehouses where you can store those collections. In some way, warehouse represent a memory block and an art collection represents an actual payload. To operate that database you should implement an interactive shell where user can input commands. Please read all the sections prior attempting writing the code as it will give you a clearer picture of the whole program.

Part I

You program should be interactive. After starting the program you should keep prompting user commands and perform various actions depending on the command. The list of acceptable commands is as follows:


load warehouse lename load art lename


print public


print private

add art name size price

delete art name utilization


Now let’s go over each command.

help. This command should print a help message giving a brief description of each command. Exact format is up to, just make it readable and actually helpful. You can check help messages of Linux tools to get an idea of how a help message may look like, e.g. \ls {help".

load warehouse lename. This command should populate your linked list (exact details on the linked list are in the later sections) of warehouses. The lename speci es a le name that contains information about warehouses. You should check that such le exists and you can open/read it. Each line in the le represents information about warehouse and have the following format:


where ID is a warehouse ID and should be a positive number, SIZE is a size/capacity of the warehouse, and TYPE de nes its ownership, which is either \public" or \private". Please note, that this command can be called multiple times to add more warehouses.

load art lename. This command should populate your warehouses with art collections provided in the le with the lename. You should check that such le exists and you can open/read it. Each line in the le represents information about art collection and have the following format:


where NAME is the name of an art collection, SIZE is a size of an art collec-tion, and PRICE is a price of an art collection. Please note, that this command can be called multiple times to add more art collections to the database.

printall. This command should print information about all art collection in the database. Each art collection should be on a separate line and should adhere to the following format:


where NAME is the name of an art collection, SIZE is a size of an art collection, and PRICE is a price of an art collection. After all art collections being printed you should print the total worth of art collections on a separate line.

print public. This command should print information about all art collec-tions in the database that are stored in public warehouses. Each art collection should be on a separate line and should adhere to the following format:


where NAME is the name of an art collection, SIZE is a size of an art collection, and PRICE is a price of an art collection. After all art collections


being printed you should print the total worth of art collections stored in public warehouses on a separate line.

print private. This command should print information about all art collec-tion in the database that are stored in private warehouses. Each art collection should be on a separate line and should adhere to the following format:


where NAME is the name of an art collection, SIZE is a size of an art collection, and PRICE is a price of an art collection. After all art collections being printed you should print the total worth of art collections stored in private warehouses on a separate line.

add art name size price. This command should attempt to add a new art collection to the database with provided attributes.

delete art name. This command should attempt to delete all art collections with matching name.

utilization. This command should print two numbers each on a separate line. First number is the ratio of occupied warehouses versus total number of warehouses. The second number is the ratio of total size of all art collections ver-sus total capacity of all warehouses. Basically, you need to print two utilization statistics.

exit. This command should exit your program. Don’t forget to perform any necessary clean up.

NOTE: you program should never crash, get stuck, or have memory leaks.

We will deduct points for every such event.

If user happened to input a wrong command then please print that such command is not correct and print a message saying that list of available com-mands is available through \help" command. Again, exact text to print is up to you.

If at any point in time you will not be able to place a new art collection due to the lack of warehouse capacity then you should print an appropriate message and return to the prompt. In case of a quiet mode (see next section) there is obviously no returning to the prompt.

NOTE: if a string in a le/user prompt consists of multiple words then these words will be surrounded by double quotes.

NOTE: to avoid any capitalization issues just convert everything into low-ercase.

REQUIREMENT: you should name you executable as art db.

Part II

Now let’s discuss supported ags in your program. Your program should support two ags: quiet mode initiated by \-q" and printing sorted output initiated by \-s".

In the quiet mode you don’t re up the interactive shell. But rather provide two les names. The rst le is the le with warehouses information and the second le is the le with art collections information. To make support for quiet


mode easier let’s add two more ags: \-w" and \-a" that will be followed by the le name for the le with warehouses information and the le name with art collections information respectively. An example of running program with enabled quiet mode is below:

$ a r t d b q w w f i l e n a m e a a f i l e n a m e

NOTE: the \-q" ag takes no parameters and should print all the records in the database.

The second, \-s" ag indicates that records should be printed in sorted order. This ag takes a parameter that decides what should be used as a key. If the parameter is \s" then records should be printed in sorted order using the art collections size as a key. If the parameter is \-p" then records should be printed in a sorted order using the art collections price as a key. This ag a ects both quiet and interactive modes.

Thus, you program should run as follows:

$ a r t d b [ q w w f i l e n a m e a a f i l e n a m e ] [ s s j p ]

as before square brackets mean being optional.

Part III

Now let’s talk about internals of your database. More speci cally, how do you need to store records. In this assignment, you need to replicate segregated ts to some extent. We provide struct constructs that you need for this assignment in the warehouse.h.

As you may notice, each warehouse has a size. So you need to create a linked list to store all warehouses of the same size in the same linked list. However, you may have warehouses of di erent sizes. Thus, you need to have a separate linked list for every size you have. In order to maintain these linked lists you need to create another linked list. Each node of that linked list should point to the corresponding linked list of a particular size.

Every node of the linked list of a particular size should contain a pointer to the warehouse, pointer to the next node in the list, and a meta data informa-tion. The meta data information should contain information about size of the warehouse that this node points to, information if the warehouse is currently occupied, and information if the warehouse is private or public. That meta data mimics memory block header and should be 64 bits wide (one word in a 64-bit system). Additional information can be found in the warehouse.h.

The warehouse struct contains information about its ID, size, and pointer to the art collection unit. The art collection struct contains information about its name, size, and price.

Please use our warehouse.h le.


Part IV

Now we will brie y go over inserting art collections into database and removing them.

Similar to the actual memory management you need to search for the linked list that corresponds to the size that can t an art collection. Once you located such linked list you need to iterate over it and nd rst non-occupied warehouse to place your art collection there. Obviously, after such placement you need to mark warehouse as being occupied.

You may face a situation when either there is no linked list of the exact size you are looking for or there are no non-occupied warehouses in such linked list. In that case, you simply go to the next available linked list with bigger size and repeat that procedure.

In the unfortunate event when you cannot t an art collection you need to print an appropriate message. If it was a manual placement of an art collection through interactive shell then after error message you simply return to the interactive shell. However, if the source for the art collection was the le then you need to print an additional error message saying that parsing le has failed and exit the program. As usual, do not forget to clean your data structures and memories.

Part V

You may remember that we spoke about coalescing in the class. So your task will be to implement something similar. However, within current setup there is nothing to coalesce as we never move our warehouses yet to other linked lists. So rst, when you allocate a warehouse for the art collection and if there is some space left in it (di erence between the size of the warehouse and the size of the art collection) then you need to split this warehouse into two and move them to the appropriate linked lists. If there is no appropriate linked list then simply create one. As this operation will result into creating a new warehouse you also will need a new ID for it. Our only REQUIREMENT is to make sure that new ID you will choose for it will be unique.

Now we have an ability of splitting warehouses into two. So let’s come up with a procedure of coalescing two warehouses. Let’s coalesce two warehouse when both of them are not occupied and they are directly surrounded by oc-cupied warehouses. In other words, if you face a situation when there is an occupied warehouse followed by two non-occupied and then followed by an oc-cupied warehouse in the linked list then you need to coalesce two non-occupied warehouses and place them in the appropriate linked list.

Part VI

Finally, let’s discuss some extra credit opportunities. Both of them target only interactive mode of your program.


Extra Credit 1. In the rst extra credit opportunity, you need to imple-ment a new command \print warehouse" that will print to the console a nice layout of the warehouses with them being marked if they are occupied or not. Be creative, we would love to see some ASCII visual magic.

Extra Credit 2. Recall that if you get the art collection from the le and it fails you need to exit the program. In this extra credit opportunity, you need to implement a rollback feature. It means that if you tried to load art collection from the le then you need to return to the interactive shell but also undo all the changes that were introduced to the database while parsing that particular le.

Last Remarks

NOTE: Failing to follow any of the requirements will result into 50% grade penalty.

As you may see, you are given a lot of freedom. Basically, we give some information about input, functionality, and restrictions. Everything in between is up to you. Do not hesitate to ask questions and seek out for help (from us) if you need it. We are ready to help.

Code Hand-out/in

To start please click on this link so your repository will be created for you. There were cases when GitHub will stuck trying to create a repository for you and it should not take more than few minutes. In such case write me an email so I can manually create a repository for you.

Please note, that this time you need to keep your source les in the folder name \src" instead of having them in the root directory of your repository.

REQUIREMENT: you need to put linked list related code to the le named \linked list.c" and also place it into \src" folder. Thus, you will have at least three les in that folder. Note, that you are not allowed to include \.c" les in other source les using #include directive and they should be compiled using gcc.

REQUIREMENT: your Makefile should be placed in the root directory of your repository. To compile your code we will simply type make.

To submit your code please push it to the GitHub. We will grade the latest push within the deadline.

As before, keep pushing your code, ask us any questions, and good luck.


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