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Lab 6: Filemaker Solution


Lab 6 is our final Python programming project and a fun one called filemaker . Your filemaker script is to create a file containing a specified number of records based on a record layout. The record layout consists of constants and verbs that when read and executed by your Python script, will cause a file to be created that matches that format.


Your Python script shall be named filemaker and be marked executable.


The INPUTCOMMANDFILE contains one command per line in the file. Your filemaker script shall support the following commands in the INPUTCOMMANDFILE:

HEADER "string"
writes "string" once at the top of the file
STRING "string"
writes the constant "string" to each record in the output
FILEWORD label "filename"
write a random word from file "filename"
NUMBER label min max
write a random number between min and max inclusive
REFER "label"
write the item referred to by LABEL (see notes below)

The label identifier you see above is a string that is unique in this file from all other labels and is a way to reference something created earlier. For example, consider the following sample command file we will call commandfile1 :


Output a double quote (notice that it is a single quote

followed by a double quote followed by a single quote)

FILEWORD lastname "surnames.txt"
Output a random word from file "surnames.txt",

labeled lastname

Output a comma followed by a space

FILEWORD firstname "firstnames.txt"
Output a random word from file "firstnames.txt",

labeled firstname

STRING '","'
Output a double quote, comma and a double qoute

REFER firstname
Output the same random word in this record as the

command labeled firstname

Output a period

REFER lastname
Output the same random word in this record as the

command labeled lastname

STRING '"\n'
Output followed by a double quote

and a newline

If you were to execute this command:

./filemaker commandfile1 outputfile.txt 3

Your script should produce output like this:

"Cowan, Ted",""

"Mouse, Mickey",""

"Duck, Donald",""

Helpful Hints

Suggested logic:

Check for errors

Issue an Usage message and exit(1) if the user did not specify all three parameters

Issue an appropriate Error message and exit(1) if an error occurs opening any of the files.

Preprocess headers and files: Do this only once. For each line in the commandfile:

CS 3030 Cowan 01-07-2019 07:27 PM
Write any HEADER strings immediately to the output file

For FILEWORD commands, "slurp" the entire file as a single list into a dictionary called randomFiles using the name of the file as the key

Append all commands except HEADER to a list called commands for later execution

Do the following steps for each record to be created (the bolded steps are described in detail below):

Delete everything in dictionary randomData

Generate random data and populate dictionary randomData using random number generators and file data in dictionary randomFiles

Generate output from commands and dictionary randomData

Generate random data: For each line in the the commands list, generate all random data into dictionary randomData . For each command:

If the first word is REFER or STRING , skip it (we will deal with them in the next pass)

The first word is a label. Using the label as a key, look in the randomData dictionary for that label. If it exists already, it is a duplicate, which is an error: issue a message and exit(1)

Obtain the random data ( FILEWORD or NUMBER ) and store with the label as the key in dictionary randomData:

FILEWORD : use a random number as a subscript to the dictionary of words from the file. The name of the file is the key to the list of words in dictionary randomFiles . Use 0 as the min and len(randomFiles[label])-1 as the max

NUMBER : generate a random number using random.randint(min,max)

Generate output - for each command in the commands list:

STRING : write the string to the output file

RANDOM : write to the output file the random number stored in randomData using the label as the key

FILEWORD : write to the file the random word stored in randomData using the label as the key

REFER : write to the file the random data stored in randomData using the label as the key

Clone your private repo on

In the assignment module in Canvas, find the link to the Canvas page entitled "Clone your Lab 6 Repo", click on it and follow the instructions.

Copy your private repo down to icarus

CS 3030 Cowan 01-07-2019 07:27 PM 3

git clone


Write and test filemaker

Fire up your favorite text editor, and update the header:



(Your name)

Lab 6 - Filemaker

CS 3030 - Scripting Languages

(add your mind-blowingly kewl code here)

Test files provided for your convenience

When manually testing your script, the following files are available for you to use in testing in folder /var/classes/cs3030/lab6 :

firstnames.txt a file of first names, one per line

surnames.txt a file of surnames (last names), one per line

lab6cmds the command file used in the example above

lab6cmds2 the command file above plus HEADER and NUMBER

Run cucumber to check your progress

./cucumber -s

cucumber randomly generates testfiles so you will want to run cucumber many, many times to verify your script’s operation.

Submit your assignment code for grading

Remember, you must push your script in your private repo to to receive any points, for all assignments in this course.


git add filemaker

git commit -m"COMMIT MESSAGE"

git push origin master

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For this lab you will have created the following executable files:



Here is how you earn points for this assignment:

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Must-Have Features

Script is named correctly and found in its proper place in your private repo

Script is executable

Required Features

Script prints a “Usage:” statement and exits rc=1 if any of the commandline parameters

are missing

Script prints an error message containing the word “Error” and exits rc=1 if the

INPUTCOMMANDFILE file cannot be opened

Script prints an error message containing the word “Error” and exits rc=1 if the

OUTPUTFILE file cannot be opened

Script prints an error message containing the word “Error” and exits rc=1 if the COUNT

is negative or not a number

Script exits rc=0 on successful completion

Script outputs the requested number of records

Script supports HEADER

Script supports STRING

Script supports FILEWORD

Script supports FILEWORD with true randomness

Script supports NUMBER

Script supports NUMBER with true randomness

Script supports REFER to a label on a FILEWORD command

Script supports REFER to a label on a NUMBER command

Grand Total

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