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Medium to the high-fidelity functional prototype Solution

For this task, you will complete a medium- to the high-fidelity functional prototype of your design. You may use a prototyping tool like Adobe XD or actual code. Review the results of testing your paper prototype and incorporate any changes based on your review of your paper mockup tests.

The purpose of creating this interactive, functional prototype is so that users can experience a closer representation of the actual product and provide feedback as they experience the prototype in use. Your prototype does not have to implement all of the functionality of your final product. However, for the parts you do implement, your prototype should provide a realistic experience of your interface in actual use.


Create a video showing a member of your team using this functional prototype to enact three to five scenarios, as though they were a subject participating in a new round of tests, using the think-out-loud style. The scenarios should show off the features of your functional prototype. It should appear as a test session rather than as a demo. You are welcome to create individual videos for each scenario if that is easier.

Upload your video(s) to YouTube, and provide links

Also, check-in the task instruction cards that you gave your subject for these scenarios. Finally, if you use Adobe XD or another freely available prototyping tool, check-in the data files that would enable the instructor to try out your functional prototype. If you implemented actual code, instead of using a prototyping tool, you are welcome to check that in.