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Juggler sequence Solution

Assignment Overview

This assignment will give you experience on the use of loop and conditional statements. We are going work with the [juggler sequence](


The juggler sequence is another of the well known sequences similar to the Collatz sequence. It has the following definition:

The └ ┘ symbol is the **floor** function, rounding any floating point value **down** to an integer. It is not rounding as you would typically define it. It is essentially truncation of the fractional part, leaving the integer part of the floating point number. It returns a floating point number.

- floor(123.23) is 123.0

- floor(123.999) is 123.0

Some things to note about the juggler sequence:

- Every known starting number eventually ends in the value 1. At that point the sequence ends.

- The numbers can get quite large, so make sure you use the correct type. Even with the correct types you can exceed the size of a long integer.

- The cmath library provides a number of useful methods including pow, sqrt and floor (look them up). Some example sequences are on the Wikipedia page.

Project Description / Specification


**Two integers**

- a low value and a high value (in that order) indicating a range. You are to generate the Juggler sequence for every number in that range and report as follows.

- if the high value is strictly less than the low value, output Error and quit.


If high is greater than or equal to low, on two separate lines you will print:

- the sequence of the longest length. You will print the starting number, a space, and the length.

- the sequence that generated the largest number. You will print the starting number, a space, and the largest number generated.


- The max value that can be represented by a signed int is ± 2,147,483,647. You need to use a long which has a max of ± 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

- You need a square root operation for the project. Here you go.


include <cmath // the head File

cout << sqrt(16) << endl; // result is 4


1. You should check that the smallest (the first entered value) is indeed strictly smaller than the second (the second value). If not, the program prints the message **Error** (exactly that, capital E Error) and stops.

2. If you ask for a large enough element, you might overflow an integer. If you go big enough, you will overflow a long (though it will take awhile).

3. The **floor** function, when given an argument of a type **double**, returns a **double**. If you want to create a copy of a **double** as a **long**, use `static_cast<long(the_double)`.

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