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Assignment #2 Solution

General Instructions


• Feel free to talk  to other  members  of the  class in doing the  homework.  You should, however, write down your solutions yourself.  List the names  of everyone you worked with at the top of your submission.


• Keep your solutions brief and clear.


• Please use Piazza if you have questions about  the homework but do not post answers.

Feel free to use private  posts or come to the office hours.



Homework Submission


• We DO NOT accept late homework submissions.


• We will be using Compass  for collecting the  homework assignments.   Please  submit your answers via Compass.  Hard copies are not accepted.


• Contact  the TAs if you are having technical  difficulties in submitting the assignment;

attempt to submit  well in advance of the due date/time.


• The homework must be submitted in pdf  format.  Scanned handwritten and/or hand- drawn pictures  in your documents  won’t be accepted.


• Please do not zip the answer document (PDF)  so that  the graders can read it directly on Compass.  You need to submit  one answer document,  named as hw2    netid.pdf.


• Please see the assignments page for more details.  In particular, we will be announcing clarifications, if any, on this page.

1 Short Questions (20  pts)


Provide a short answer (3-4 sentences at most) for each of the following questions.  You may use figures if necessary.


1. [2.5] Suppose we have a relation R as given below, representing  the exam statistics for course CS411.  First  project  relation  R to GPA  (i.e.,  eliminate  SID and  Name)  and then  calculate  the average GPA,  under the set-model and the bag-model respectively. Which model is prefered in this example and why?








Charles Doris Ada




2. [5] Consider a relation  R(A, B, C ). You may assume there are no null values or dupli- cates in R.  If the result of σY =V (ρR(X,Y,Z )R ./ ρR(X,V,W ) R) is always guaranteed to be empty, then what property  of R can you infer? (Hint:  think functional dependencies.)



3. [2.5] Consider any relation  R that  never contains  more than  one tuple.  Is it true  that

R must in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)?  Justify  your answer




4. [4] Consider  a  relation  R(A, B, C, D, E)  with  dependencies  AB  →  C D,  C  →  AB D → AE,  list all minimal  keys for R.  Also, state  whether  the  relation  R is in 3NF with reasoning.



5. [6] Two sets of functional  dependencies (FD’s) F  and F 0    are equivalent if all FD’s in F 0    follow from the ones in F , and all FD’s in F  follow from the ones in F 0.  Consider the following three sets of functional dependencies:


F 1 = A → C, B → A,

F 2 = B → AC

F 3 = AB → C, B → A
(a) (b) (c)
Are F 1 and F 2 equivalent? Are F 1 and F 3 equivalent? Are F 2 and F 3 equivalent?
Justify  your answer. Justify  your answer. Justify  your answer.

2 Relational algebra to English (15  pts)


Consider a relation Works (name, company, salary) with no duplicates.  Consider the follow- ing relational  algebra expression, written  in linear notation.


P 1(salary) = πsalary (σcompany=“I BM ”(W orks)) P 2(salary) = πsalary (ρT 1(s) (P 1) ./ssalary  P 1) P 3(salary) = P 1 − P 2

Answer(name) = πname (W orks ./salarys  ρT 2(s)(P 3))


State  in English  what  is computed  as the  final answer  briefly.  Long-winded answers  will be deducted  points.  For partial  credit,  explain what P 1, P 2 and P 3 contain.



3    English to Relational Algebra (20  pts)


Consider the following relational  database  schema that  describes information about students and their courses. A course is uniquely identified by its CODE (e.g., “CS411”), and a student is uniquely identified by his or her SID.

Course(CODE,  units,  time, room) // all courses

Student(SID, name, level) // all students, level can be “grad”  or “undergrad” Taking(SID,  CODE)  // current enrollment information


Write a relational  algebra expression to list the information  (i.e., CODE, units, time, room)

of courses that  are currently  offered but have no graduate  students enrolled.


4 Data to functional dependency (20  pts)


Consider a relation  R(A, B, C ), satisfying some functional dependency.  Two instances  of R

are given as below:








3    2

Based on R’s schema, enumerate  all possible completely nontrivial  functional  dependencies (FDs)  with  only a single attribute on the  right-hand side.   Then,  based  on the  instances above, for each FD you listed, label whether it:

H: Definitely holds in R.

NH: Definitely does not hold in R.

CD: Cannot  be determined  from the information  given whether or not it holds in R.

5 Normalization (25  Points)


Consider the following relational  schema for a chain store:



Sale(clerk, store, city, date,  dish, size)

// a clerk sold a dish on a particular day at a given store in a city

Menu(dish,  size, price)

// prices and available size for the dish



Make the following assumptions:


• Each clerk works in one store.


• Each store is in one city.


• The price of a dish is different  for different  sizes.  The store has standardized prices:

the same sized dish cannot  be sold to two persons at two different prices.


1. Specify a set of completely  nontrivial  functional  dependencies  for relations  Sale and

Menu that  encodes the assumptions  described above and no additional  assumptions.




2. Based on your functional  dependencies in part  (1), specify all minimal  keys for rela- tions Sale and Menu.



3. Are the schemas of Sale and Menu in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)  according to your answers to (1) and (2)?  If not,  give a decomposition  into BCNF.  If yes, justify your answer.



4. Now add the following assumption:


• Each city has at most one store and each store has only one clerk.


Specify additional  functional  dependencies  to  take  these  new assumptions  into  ac- count.


5. Based on your functional dependencies for parts  (1) and (4) together,  specify all min- imal keys for relation  Sale.



6. Are the schemas of Sale and Menu in 3NF according to your answers to (1), (4) and

(5)?  If not, give a decomposition into 3NF. If yes, justify your answer.

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