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Homework #8 Solution

Let A B for two problems A and B mean that problem A can be solved in big O of the time it takes to solve problem B.




If A ⌘ B means A B and B A which of MULTIPLICATION, SQUAR-ING, and RECIPROCAL are equivalent ?

HINT: x1 − y1 = yx−yx . Try y = x + 1.

Lucas Numbers:
INPUT: A K bit number X.

QUESTION: Is X a Fibonacci number?

The Lucas numbers are defined by the recurrence

Ln = Ln−1 + L n−2

with the initial conditions: L0 = 2, L1 = 1 Show that this problem is in P by out-lining (NO CODE, just explain what you’re doing) an algorithm, AND showing that your algorithm runs in polynomial time in K, the number of bits.

Without finding the solutions, show that x2 − x − 1 = 0 has:

NO positive integer solutions

NO rational solutions


Assume that x = p/q where p and q are integers with no common factors.

p2 − q2 = (p − q) (p + q).

Each integer is either ODD or EVEN.

Average Case:
Do Exercise 5.25 in the NOTES on page 61.

Lower Bound:
Exercise 6.1 in the NOTES on page 71, is about the lower bound of 32 n − 2 comparisons to find the largest and smallest elements in an array. Devise a divide-and-conquer algorithm for this problem and show that the number of comparisons used by your algorithm achieves this lower bound.

Boolean Expression:

Assume that you have an algorithm YS( ) so that when you input a Boolean expression E(x1, . . . , xn) into YS( ) ,

YS( E ) outputs YES if E is satisfiable, and YS( E ) outputs NO if E is not satisfiable.

Show how to use YS( ) to construct an algorithm FIND( D(x1, . . . , xn)) which when given a satisfiable Boolean expression D(x1, . . . , xn), returns an assignment x1 = a1, x2 = a2, . . . , xn = an, so that D(a1, . . . , an) is TRUE.

Assume that YS( D(x1, . . . , xn) ) has run time O( nk ) and find the run time of FIND( D(x1, . . . , xn) ) .

Platonic Hamiltonian Circiuts:
Show that each of the PLATONIC solids has a Hamiltonian circuit.

s-t Hamiltonian Path:
INPUT: A graph G and two specified vertices s and t.

QUESTION: Does G have a Hamiltonian Path which starts at s and ends at t?

Assume that you know that Hamiltonian Circuit is N P −Complete, show that s-t Hamiltonian Path is N P −Complete.

Assume that you know that s-t Hamiltonian Path is N P −Complete, show that Hamiltonian Circuit is N P −Complete.

Show that the Yes/No version of TSP (Traveling Sales Person) with all edge weights in {1, 2} is N P −Complete. (You should assume that Hamiltonian Cir-cuit is N P −Complete.)
Graph Isomorphism:

Graph isomorphism is an example of a problem which is in N P, but is not known to be N P-complete, nor is it known to be in co-N P.

INPUT: Two graphs, G1 = (V1 , E1) and G2 = (V2 , E2).

QUESTION: Can the vertices of G1 be renamed so that G1 becomes G2? (Is there a

one-to-one onto function f : V1 ! V2 so that 8x, y (x, y) 2 E1 i↵( f(x), f(y) ) 2 E2? Show that GRAPH ISOMORPHISM is in N P.

Canonical Number:

A graph with n vertices can be represented as an n ⇥ n binary matrix which has a 1 in position (i, j) if and only if there is an edge (vi, vj ). If you “unroll” this matrix (say by rows), you will have a vector of n2 bits and you can consider this to be a number in standard binary notation. So, there is a correspondence between n vertex graphs and n2 bit numbers. If we re-label the vertices of the graph, we don’t change the graph properties. Di↵erent re-labelings of the graph will (usually) give di↵erent numbers. Clearly among all re-labelings of the graph, there is some re-labeling which gives the smallest value for this binary number. We would like to represent a graph by the minimum number we can get by re-labeling. We’ll call this minimal number the canonical number of the graph. It’s easy to see that two graphs are isomorphic i↵they have the same canonical number.

(a) The graph v1 — v2 — v3 is isomorphic to v1 — v3 — v2 and is also isomorphic to v2 — v1 — v3.

Find the canonical number of v1 — v2 — v3.

Show that if finding the canonical number of a graph is easy, then GRAPH ISO-MORPHISM is easy. (Here, easy means takes polynomial time. )

However, canonical number may be harder than GRAPH ISOMORPHISM. If I can tell that two graphs are NOT isomorphic, I know that their canonical numbers are di↵erent, but I don’t know what their canonical numbers are. Further, if I know that two graphs are isomorphic, I know that their canonical numbers are identical, but again I don’t know what these canonical numbers are.

INPUT: A graph G and an integer I.

QUESTION: Is I < the canonical number of G?

EXERCISE: Show that IS-CANONICAL is in co-N P.


INPUT: A Boolean Expression E(x1, . . . , xn).

QUESTION: Does E evaluate to TRUE for each and every assignment of TRUE and FALSE to the variables, the x’s ?

Show that TAUTOLOGY is co-N P-complete.

INPUT: A Boolean Expression E(x1, . . . , xn) in Clause form with at most 3 literals per clause.

QUESTION: Does E evaluate to TRUE for some assignment of TRUE and FALSE to the variables, the x’s ?

Show that if SAT is N P-complete, then 3-SAT is N P-complete.

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