Starting from:


Non-Personalized Recommender Assignment Solution

In this assignment, you will implement some  non-personalized recommenders. In par- ticular, you will implement raw and  damped item mean  recommenders and  simple and advanced association rule recommenders.


You will implement these recommenders in the LensKit toolkit.




Downloads and Resources



• Project template (from Coursera)

• LensKit for Teaching  website (links to relevant documentation)

• JavaDoc for included code

• Fastutil API docs documents the Fastutil optimized data  structure classes  that  are used  in portions of LensKit.


The project template contains  support code, the build file, and the input  data that you will use.




Input Data



The input data  contains the following files:


Ratings.csv contains user ratings of movies

Movies.csv contains movie titles

Movielens.yml is a LensKit data  manifest that describes the other input files




Getting Started



To get started with this assignment, unpack the template and import it in to your IDE as a

Gradle  project.  The assignment video demonstrates how to do this in IntelliJ IDEA.




Mean-Based Recommendation



The first two recommenders you will implement will recommend items with the highest average rating.


With LensKit’s scorer-model-builder architecture, you will just need  to write the recom- mendation logic once, and you will implement two different mechanisms for computing item mean  ratings.


You will work  with the following classes:

• MeanItemBasedItemRecomemmnder (the item recommender) computes top-N recommen- dations based on  mean ratings.  You will  implement the  logic  to compute such recommendation lists.


 ItemMeanModel is a model class that  stores  precomputed item  means. You will not need to modify  this class, but you will write code to construct instances  of it and use it in your  item recommender implementation.


ItemMeanModelProvider computes item  mean ratings from  rating data  and  con- structs the model.  It computes raw means  with no damping.


DampedItemMeanModelProvider is an alternate builder for item  mean models that computes damped means instead of raw  means. It takes  the  damping term  as a parameter. The configuration file we provide you uses a damping term of 5.


There are To Do  comments in all places where you need to write new code.




Computing Item Means


Modify  the ItemMeanModelProvider class to compute the mean  rating for each item.




Recommending Items


Modify the MeanItemBasedItemRecomemmnder class to compute recommendations based on item mean  ratings. For this, you need to:


1. Obtain  the mean  rating for each item

2. Order the items in decreasing order

3. Return  the N highest-rated items




Computing Damped  Item Means


Modify the DampedItemMeanModelProvider class to compute the damped mean rating  for each item.  This formula uses a damping factor  α, which is the number of ‘fake’ ratings at the global mean  to assume for each item.  In the Java code, this is available as the field damping


The damped mean  formula, as you may recall, is:







where µ is the global mean  rating.


s(i) =

∑u∈Ui  rui + αµ

|Ui | + α

Example Outputs



To help you see if your output is correct, we have provided the following example correct values:


ID     Title                                Mean       Damped Mean


2959   Fight Club                     4.259       4.252

1203   12 Angry Men              4.246       4.227



Association Rules



In the second part  of the assignment, you will implement two versions of an association rule recommender.


The association rule implementation consists  of the following code:


AssociationItemBasedItemRecommernder recommends items using association rules.

Unlike the mean  recommenders, this recommender uses a reference item to compute the recommendations.

AssociatioModel stores the association rule scores between  pairs of items. You will not need to modify this class.

BasicAssociationModelProvider computes an  association rule  model using the basic association rule formula (P(X ∧ Y)/P(X)).

LiftAssociationModelProvider computes an association rule model using the lift formula (P(X ∧ Y)/P(X)P(Y)).




Computing Association Scores



Like with the mean-based recommender, we pre-compute product association scores and store them  in a model before  recommendation. We compute the scores between all pairs of items,  so that  the  model can be used to score  any  item.   When  computing a single recommendation from  the  command line,  this  does  not  provide much benefit,  but  is useful in the general case so that  the model can be used to very  quickly compute many recommendations.


The BasicAssociationModelProvider class computes the association rule scores using the following formula:



P(i| j) =

P(i ∧ j)


|Ui ∩ Uj |/|U |

|Uj |/|U|


In this case, j is the reference item and i is the item to be scored.

We estimate probabilities by counting: P(i) is the  fraction of users in the  system who purchased item i; P(i ∧ j) is the fraction  that purchased both i and  j.


Implement the association rule computation in this class.




Computing Recommendations


Implement the recommendation logic in AssociationItemBasedItemRecommernder to rec- ommend items related  to a given reference item. As with the mean recommender, it should compute the top N recommendations and return them.




Computing Advanced  Association Rules


The LiftAssociationModelProvider recommender uses the lift metric that computes how much more  likely someone is to rate a movie  i when they have  rated j than  they would have if we do not know  anything about  whether they have rated  j:



s(i| j) =

 P(j ∧ i)




Example Outputs


Following is the correct output for the basic association rules with reference item 260 (Star Wars), as generated with ./gradlew runBasicAssoc -PreferenceItemm=260:


2571 (Matrix, The (1999)): 0.916

1196 (Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)): 0.899

4993 (Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)): 0.892

1210 (Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)): 0.847

356 (Forrest Gump (1994)): 0.843

5952 (Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002)): 0.841

7153 (Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)): 0.830

296 (Pulp Fiction (1994)): 0.828

1198 (Raiders of the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981)): 0.791

480 (Jurassic Park (1993)): 0.789

And lift-based association rules for item 2761 (The Iron Giant):


631 (All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 (1996)): 4.898

2532 (Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)): 4.810

3615 (Dinosaur (2000)): 4.546

1649 (Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)): 4.490

340 (War, The (1994)): 4.490

1016 (Shaggy Dog, The (1959)): 4.490

2439 (Affliction (1997)): 4.490

332 (Village of the Damned (1995)): 4.377

2736 (Brighton Beach Memoirs (1986)): 4.329

3213 (Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993)): 4.317

Running your code


The Gradle build file we have provided is set up to automatically run all four of your recommenders. The following Gradle targets will do this:


runMean runs the raw mean recommender

runDampedMean runs the damped mean recommender

runBasicAssoc runs the basic association rule recommender

runLiftAssoc runs the advanced (lift-based) association rule recommender

You can run these using the IntelliJ Gradle runner (open the Gradle panel, browse the tree to find a task, and double-click it), or from the command line:


./gradlew runMean

The association rule recommenders can also take the reference item ID on the command line as a referenceItem parameter. For example:


./gradlew runLiftAssoc -PreferenceItem=1

The IntelliJ ‘Run Configuration’ dialog will allow you to specify additional ‘script parameters’ to the Gradle invocation.




If you run the Gradle tasks using IntelliJ's Gradle runner, you can run them under the debugger to debug your code.


The Gradle file also configures LensKit to write log output to log files under the build directory. If you use the SLF4J logger (the logger field on the classes we provide) to emit debug messages, you can find them there when you run one of the recommender tasks such as runDampedMean.




You will submit a compiled jar file containing your solution. To prepare your project for submission, run the Gradle prepareSubmission task:


./gradlew prepareSubmission

This will create file nonpers-submission.jar under build/distributions that contains your final solution code in a format the grader will understand. Upload this jar file to the Coursera assignment grader.

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