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Project 2: Fill ‘er up! Solution

File(s) to be submitted: gaspump.h, gaspump.cpp, proj2.cpp, makefile

Objectives: 1) Use classes; 2) Split interface and implementation into files; 3) Use an array of pointers to objects; 4) Instantiate objects using parameterized constructors; 5) Use objects in a client/driver function.

Project description:

In this assignment you will create a class representing a gasoline pump. The pump will maintain a running total of the amount of fuel dispensed and revenues collected. The driver program will simulate fuel demand for a number of vehicles.


Your program must be split into three files, the requirements for which are specified below:

The class interface, or declaration, file

Must be named gaspump.h

Must contain #include guards for GASPUMP_H
Class must be named GasPump
Will have these private members

A string containing the type of gas the gas pump holds
A double representing the amount of fuel on hand (in gallons)
A double representing the fuel pump’s capacity (in gallons)
A double that holds the price per gallon
A double representing the total amount of fuel dispensed (all purchases)
A double that stores the total amount of money collected (all purchases)
A bool that indicates whether the next customer should be turned away as fuel is replenished
A void function that replenishes the fuel pump’s tank when it runs out of fuel

Must have these public members

A single constructor with three parameters (in order): a standard string (std::string) that holds the type of gasoline in the pump, a double representing the maximum capacity of the tank in gallons, and a double for the price per gallon.

An inline accessor function that returns a standard string for the pump’s fuel type
An inline accessor function that returns a double for the pump’s fuel price per gallon
An inline accessor function that returns a double for the pump’s fuel on hand
An inline accessor function that returns the total amount of fuel dispensed (all purchases)

An inline accessor function that returns the total amount of revenue collected (all purchases)
A void function dispenseFuel, that controls the fueling of vehicles

A class implementation, or definition, file

Must be named gaspump.cpp
Will have the implementation for the following functions

Constructor – This function has three parameters that map directly to data members; it should also initialize the fuel quantity on hand to the maximum tank capacity (i.e., start at full capacity)
replenish – This function resets the fuel tank level to the maximum capacity.

dispenseFuel – This function is the heart of the class, and controls the fueling of a single vehicle. It accepts a pointer to a double (to the fueling outcome array), and a double that indicates the purchase amount desired by the vehicle. It uses the pointer to set the values in the 2-element array: actual purchase amount (element 0) and actual quantity of fuel dispensed to the vehicle (element 1). The amount of fuel a vehicle gets is one of the following: 1) the full amount requested by the vehicle (if it is available); or 2) the remaining amount in the tank (if the tank has less than the requested amount); or 3) Zero, if the vehicle is being turned away so the tank can be replenished.

It does this by

Converting the purchase amount to gallons of fuel.

Ensuring that it only dispenses fuel if the tank is not being replenished (in which case the customer is turned away)

Ensuring that the pump dispenses no more than the amount of fuel on hand. If the vehicle’s fuel demand exceeds the amount of fuel on hand, the vehicle gets all of the fuel on hand, and the next customer is turned away as the fuel is replenished.

Keeping track of fuel total dispensed
Keeping track of total revenue collected

A driver, or client, file

Must be named proj2.cpp
Reads input data from a file named gas.txt, that will be formatted as follows:
The first line is a random number seed (integer)
The second line is the number of vehicles to be run through the simulation

The 3rd through 5th lines represent individual gas pumps (one per line), composed of:

Gasoline type (string)
Tank capacity (double)
Cost per gallon (double)

Percentage of vehicles requiring this type of gas (double between 0 and 1) – Note: this field must sum to 1 across the three gas pump lines

Example line: Unleaded 100.0 2.00 0. 5 – Note that in this case, the percentage values in the other two lines must sum to 0.5

Instantiates an array of pointers to 3 GasPump objects, using data read from the input file.
Declares a 2-element double array that is passed to the dispenseFuel function to get the outcome of fueling

Sets the random number generator seed [using srand()] to the value read from the input file:
Creates a loop for the number of vehicles to be simulated - one vehicle per iteration:

Determine which pump the vehicle will fuel from, by drawing a random number between 0 and 1, [use ((double) rand() + 1) / RAND_MAX to prevent a divide by zero error] and comparing it against the “stacked” percentages read from the file, to select the pump pointer array index. Example:


Fuel Type 1 Percentage (line 3): 0.3


Random draw 0.64 results

in selection of index 1 for
Fuel Type 2 Percentage (line 4): 0.6
the fuel type


Fuel Type 3 Percentage (line 5): 0.1

Determine the amount of money the vehicle wants to spend on fuel

Select random values from $30 to $55 in increments of $5, by drawing a random integer with rand, modding it by 6, multiplying the result by 5, and adding 30 to it.
Use the pointer at the index to invoke the dispenseFuel function in the appropriate pump

Output a single line containing the following (in order):

Vehicle #, fuel type, price per gallon, desired purchase amount, actual purchase amount, gallons dispensed, gallons remaining

Upon exiting the loop, output the total fuel dispensed and total revenue collected for each pump (in order)

Sample Output (with explanation) – This is the output from running with the provided sample input file. The format of your output MUST MATCH EXACTLY the output in this specification. DO NOT add any verbiage or information beyond what is called for.

Test your program - Use different random number seeds, numbers of vehicles, prices, and tank capacities.

Code comments - Add the following comments to your code:

A section at the top of the source file(s) with the following identifying information:

Your Name

CSCI 3110-00X (your section #)

Project #X

Due: mm/dd/yy

Below your name add comments in each file that gives an overview of the program or class.

Place a one or two line comment above each function that summarizes the workings of the function.
5. Rubric

Points Off
main: Input filename

main: Data correctly read from file

main: GasPump pointer array declaration and initialization

main: Declaration of fueling outcome array

main: Random number seeding

main: Fuel pump selection

main: Fuel purchase amount selection

main: Invocation of functions through object

main: All required output per vehicle

main: Required final totals output

GasPump: Constructor properly initializes objects

GasPump: Accessors declared/defined per the specifications

GasPump:dispenseFuel: Dispenses fuel and updates fueling outcome and totals

GasPump:dispenseFuel: Sets up and invokes tank replenishment

GasPump: Maintains totals for fuel dispensed and revenue collected
-5 (each)

GasPump:replenish: Correctly replenishes pump

general: Does not compile (on ranger using Linux g++ compiler, and the provided makefile)

general: Runtime crash

general: Other

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