Consider the following grammar for a simple programming language called TinyPL:
{ function }+ end
function -
int id pars '{' body '}'
pars - '('
{ int id } ')'
decls stmts
int idlist ';'
id [',' idlist ]
stmt [ stmts ]
assign ';' | cond | loop | cmpd |
return expr ';'
id '=' expr
if '(' relexp ')' stmt [ else stmt ]
while '(' relexp ')' stmt
'{' stmts '}'
relexp - expr ('<' | '' | '<=' | '=' | '==' | '!= ') expr
term [ ('+' | '-')
factor [ ('*' | '/')
int_lit | id | '(' expr ')' | funcall
funcall - id '(' [ exprlist ] ')'
exprlist - expr [ ',' exprlist ]
Following the method outlined in class, write an object-oriented top-down parser in Java that translates every TinyPL program into a sequence of byte-codes for the Java Virtual Machine.
Part 1: Assume:
that the rules for program, function, pars, funcall, and exprlist are deleted from the grammar;
that the rule for stmt does not include the case for return on its RHS and, similarly, the rule for factor does not include funcall on its RHS; and
body is the start symbol of the grammar and the rule for body has the keyword end on the RHS at the end of the rule.
Part 2: Consider the full grammar as shown above.
Expected Output
Sample test cases and their outputs for Parts 1 and 2 are posted on Piazza at: Resources Homeworks A1.zip.
For each test case, output the byte-codes on the console. Byte-code naming convention should follow that of Java byte-codes. Note that TinyPL only has the int type.
Generate iconst, bipush, or sipush according to the numeric value of the literal.
Generate iadd, isub, imult, and idiv for the arithmetic operators.
For iload and istore, take the index of the variable into account when generating the bytecode.
Relational expressions (relexp) may be translated using the if_icmp* bytecodes. Transfer of control is effected by the goto bytecode.
Function calls may be translated using aload_0 and invokevirtual, and function return by ireturn.
Save the object diagram produced by JIVE as a .png file at the end of execution. In saving the object diagram, choose the “Stacked with Tables” option.
Program Structure
There should be one Java class definition for each nonterminal of the grammar. Place the code for the top-down procedure in the class constructor.
There should be a top-level driver class called Parser as well as a class called Code, for code generation, and a class SymTab, for the symbol table.
The code for the lexical analyzer (classes Lexer, Token, and Buffer) will be given to you in their entirely – do not modify them.
All input test cases will be syntactically correct; syntax error-checking is not necessary.
Optimizations are not required: For programs in the TinyPL fragment, the Java compiler would perform two types of optimizations, both of which are not required for this assignment:
Expressions such as 3 + (15 - 2 * 3) will be simplified by the Java compiler to an integer value, namely, 12. This is part of a more general process called "constant folding" and this is typically done in the (machine-independent) optimization phase.
When there is a chain of goto's in the generated byte-codes, each one transferring control to the next, the Java compiler will optimize them by generating "goto x", where x is the location of the final destination.
What to Submit for Part 1
Prepare a top-level directory named A1_Part1_UBITId1_UBITId2 if the assignment is done by two students (list UBITId’s in alphabetic order); otherwise, name it as A1_Part1_UBITId if the assignment is done solo. In this directory place the code for Parser.java, Lexer.java, Buffer.java, and Token.java as well as the object diagrams, named obj1.png, obj2.png, obj3.png, obj4.png and obj5.png for the five test cases respectively. Compress the directory and submit the compressed file using the online submission procedure – instructions posted under Resources Homeworks. Only one submission per team is required.
Part 2 submission details are similar and will be posted in due course.
End of Assignment 1