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P5 Employee Data Solution

Using file I/O, arrays and functions

Program Description: In this program you will need to read from a file employee data for how many hours each employee worked for a week. Then for each of the employees, a total of the hours worked is made and then the employees are sorted into descending order based on their total hours.

Task Details:

Create a 50x8 int array to hold the employee’s data, and a size 50 string array to hold the employee names.
Read all the employee data into arrays

Total number of hours worked in the week and store it in the int array at location 7. Create a const variable to make it obvious in your code what you are

doing. Example: hour[ i ] [ TTL_HRS ] = total;

Sort the employees by the total number of hours they worked for the week. The sort should be in descending order (most hours to least)
Write out the information to the console


You should create and use a function to do each of the following task:

open and read the file into the array and add the total hours worked for each employee (this can be added to the array (total of 8 elements for each employee)
sort the array based on the total hours
write out the output

You want main to be like an outline of the program. Each function should do one thing well, and be able to fit on one screen. If a function is taking two screens, think of how you can break it down. You can have additional functions if you think it will help make your program clearer.

Make sure you display the data in a nice looking format.

Since you don't know how many employees you will have when you create the arrays, you can just use a size of 50 and then only use part of them

The data is in a text file called empdata.txt

Your program does not require any interaction with the user. If the input file is found no messages will be sent to the user; instead the program will read and fill the array, make the calculations and write the output to the screen. Otherwise, if you can't open the file, then you should send a message to the screen.

The input file will be in the following format:


Jones,Frank 2 3 8 3 6 3 5

Smith,Tiny 8830820

Turk,Tom 91047000

Jackson,Jim 5 6 5 6 5 6 5

Catan,Doug 7387257

It is a text file. The first line of the input file is the number of employees. You can use this number to control the loops that will do your reading. Then each line after that will include the employees name and seven integers for the number of hours that the employee worked for the week. The employee's name will not include any spaces and so it can be read as a string. Each of the numbers will have a space between them. Since an array can only hold one type of data, you will need to use two different arrays; one for the names and one for the work hours.

The input files are found in the Files Section of “Canvas\Course Resource\Program 5”

folder. There are two files that you need to run your program on for turning in. To do this, you would run your program 2 times; once for each input file. For turn in, you need to use empdata3.txt and empdata4.txt.

To sorting the array, you must use bubble sort (passing through the array comparing two elements at a time, and swapping if needed; and then making as many passes as needed to sort all the numbers). Here is an example of the Bubble Sort algorithm (Links to an external site.). Remember as you are sorting, you will need to also be moving the names in their array.

Your output should look like this:

Employee Weekly Hours:


Programming Note: Write the program a little piece at a time. Test each piece as your are going.

can you open the file and read one number
can you read all the numbers
....and so on.

Note: Your program may open the input file only once to do all the work.

This is a little more difficult program and so please start early and don't wait until the last moment.

Ways to lose points:

If your file does not contain the program header with a program description and short function description to accompany the function prototypes.
Your code should also be consistently indented as talked about in class, and shown in the book
You can’t use global variables unless it is a const
You should use good variable names (descriptive, and start with lower case letter)
Proper placement of { }’s. A } should not be placed at the end of a line that contains other code.
Open the input file more than once while reading the information
If you use a sort other than Bubble Sort to do the sorting
Not closing the files that you open

No staple to keep your papers together (folding a corner or using a paper clip are not good enough)

Did not hand in a run for both the input files (originally named empdata3.txt and empdata4.txt)

Turn in: A paper copy of your cpp file, and the output of a sample run of the program using the

correct two input files (originally named empdata3.txt and empdata4.txt). Note: You will have to rename your input file so that it is consistent with the filename you use within your program.

A Note about Strings:

We have not talked about the string class yet, but using strings are pretty easy, and I think you can understand how to use them from the examples given below. What is a string? It is 0 or more char's. For example these could all be stored as strings: "hello", "123", "F-16" "hello there". Strings are defined in the string library.

string str;

cin str;

cout << str;

// user types: hello there

// hello is displayed

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