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A valuation assigns values to all of the relevant atomic formulas.

With atomic formulas A, B and C, the following are all the valuations.

A=0, B=0, C=0

A=0, B=0, C=1

A=0, B=1, C=0

A=0, B=1, C=1

A=1, B=0, C=0

A=1, B=0, C=1

A=1, B=1, C=0

A=1, B=1, C=1

These valuations can be represented in Python as follows.

v0 = []

v1 = ["C"]

v2 = ["B"]

v3 = ["B","C"]

v4 = ["A"]

v5 = ["A","C"]

v6 = ["A","B"]

v7 = ["A","B","C"]

To check if an atomic formula is true in a valuation, simply check if its name is listed in the corresponding list. This is how the function truthValue(self,v) for the class ATOM is implemented.

Let f1 = ATOM("A")

Then f1.truthValue(v1) == True if and only if "A" in v1

The truth-values for other connectives recursively evaluate the subformulas of the formula in question, and the compute the truth-value of the formula itself. Hence for example the following holds.

Let f2 = AND(ATOM("A"),ATOM("B"))

Then f2.truthValue(v1) == True if and only f2.subformula1.truthValue(v1) == True and f2.subformula2.truthValue(v2) == True

To test for the satisfiability of a formula F, do the following

1. Generate all valuations (this is exactly the _powerset_ of the set of all relevant atomic formulas). There is the function F.vars() to find the names of all atomic formulas in a formula.

2. Check if there is at least one valuation v such that F.truthValue(v) == True.

Similarly, for logical consequence f1 |= f2 one has to check that for _every_ valuation, either f1 is False under the valuation, or f2 is True under the valuation.

See the Python tips at for some of the operations you need in implementing the satisfiability test.

Finding all subsets of a set (represented as lists) can be done in multiple different ways. You can google for Python powerset for how to do it with Python's itertools, or you can implement a recursive function to compute a list containing all lists that corresponds to the subsets.

def powersetAsList(l):

# The subsets of the empty set consist of the empty set only.

if len(l) == 0:

return [[]]

# Otherwise consider subsets with and without an arbitrary element.

element,*rest = l

# All subsets without 'element'

subsetsRest = powerset(rest)

# All subsets with and without 'element'

return [ [element] + subset for subset in subsetsRest ] + subsetsRest

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