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Programming Assignment 2: Assembly Language Programming Solution


This assignment is designed to give you practice in reading and writing Assembly Language pro-grams. As discussed in lecture, unless you are working in increasingly rare areas such as low-level OS development, you are unlikely to be reading and/or writing Assembly Language programs in the remainder of your career. However, we are still requiring you to read and write some here to make sure you understand the computing model underlying your C and Java programs. In addition, being able to read Assembly Language is particularly important because there are times when you need to understand what the compiler is doing to your code.

There are two parts. In the rst part, you will write two small functions in Assembly. In the second part, you will be deciphering (that is, write equivalent C code) an Assembly Language program. You will also be asked to compare unoptimized and optimized versions of the code and explained what the compiler did when it optimized the code.

Important: On most of the iLab machines that we checked, e.g., several of the Design Pattern ma-chines, including,, and, gcc by default will generate 64-bit x86 Assembly, which is what we want. Do be careful and check the generated assembly, though, in case some of the machines are 32-bit processors, with gcc con gured to generate x86-32 code. If you do not see Assembly code with registers beginning with %r (e.g., %rbx or %r9), then it is x86-32 and not what you want. Move to another iLab machine.

Part 1: Writing x86 Assembly

In this part, you will implement a program formula that will print the formula for (1 + x)n. In particular, your program formula should support the following usage interface:

formula <power

where the argument <power should be a non-negative integer. Your program should print out the \long" form of (1 + x)n, where n is equal to the argument <power. Your program should also print out its execution time (in microseconds).

For example:

$ ./formula 5

(1 + x)^5 = 1 + 5*x^1 + 10*x^2 + 10*x^3 + 5*x^4 + 1*x^5 Time Required = 50 microsecond

$ ./formula 10


(1 + x)^10 = 1 + 10*x^1 + 45*x^2 + 120*x^3 + 210*x^4 + 252*x^5

210*x^6 + 120*x^7 + 45*x^8 + 10*x^9 + 1*x^10 Time Required = 55 microsecond

(Hint: You can use the system call gettimeofday() to measure the running time of a chunk of code.)

More generally, given the argument n, your code needs to generate:

(1 + x)^n = 1 + nC1*x + nC2*x^2+ ... + nCr*x^r + ... + nCn*x^n

Your program should also print a usage message if the user runs formula with the help ag (-h).

For example:

$ ./formula -h

Usage: formula <positive integer

2.1 nCr Calculation

Each of the nCr coe cents above is "n choose r". The nCr coe cient can be computed using the formula:

nCr =
r!(n r)!

Your task is to implement this computation in Assembly. In particular, you need to implement two functions in Assembly:

int nCr(int n, int r): This function computes the nCr constant according to Equation 1.

int Factorial(int n): This function computes the factorial of the input (that is, n!).

To help you get started, we are providing two les:

nCr.s: contains the necessary GAS (Gnu ASsembler) directives so that your Assembly code can be compiled and linked in with your C code.

nCr.h: contains the prototype for the function nCr() so that you can compile your C code which calls nCr().

Important: As n becomes large, you will not be able to compute n! and nCr. Both nCr() and Factorial() must detect over ow conditions using the processor’s condition codes and return 0 to indicate that an error has been encountered.

Part 2: Reading x86 Assembly Code

In this part, you are asked to decipher the Assembly Language program in the attached mystery.s le. Speci cally, you need to provide a concise description of what the program does and how it does it. You should also implement a C program mystery that performs the same task in the same manner that the code in the attached le mystery.s does.

The provided program takes a single integer as input.

gcc -o mystery mystery.s

./mystery 41

Value: 165580141

Hint: This program performs a well known and easily recognizable computation. However, it includes an optimization to speed up the computation. You need to gure out both the basic functionality as well as the optimization, describe them, and replicate them in your C code.

Another Hint: You are not strictly required to go backward from the mystery.s le that we give you. That is, when you start writing your mystery.c program, you can compile it to Assembly (gcc -S), and compare the generated code against our mystery.s. Our mystery.s was generated on so you should be able to generate the exact same code.

Once you have implemented your C program, you should compile it with and without the -O option (optimization). You should then compare the two versions and explain the di erences inside the mystery function.

For example:

$ gcc -S mystery.c

mv mystery.s mystery.unoptimized.s

gcc -S -O mystery.c

diff --side-by-side mystery.unoptimized.s mystery.s

The last command in the above sequence will show you the di erences between the two .s les side by side (use a large terminal window). You should look at the di erences inside the mystery function and explain why the compiler made the changes that it did when optimizing the code.

Collaboration: Please do not share your solution with your classmates as this gives the problem away. You may help each other with understanding Assembly details but not the solution.


You have to e-submit the assignment using Sakai. Your submission should be a tar le named pa2.tar that can be extracted using the command:

tar xf pa2.tar

Your tar le must contain:


A sub-directory named formula. formula must contain:

{ readme.txt: this le should describe your design and implementation of the formula program. In particular, it should detail your design, any design/implementation chal-lenges that you ran into, and an analysis (e.g., big-O analysis) of the space and time performance of your program.

{ Makefile: there should be at least two rules in this Makefile:

formula build your formula executable. clean prepare for rebuilding from scratch.

{ source code: all source code les necessary for building formula. At a minimum, this should include four les, formula.h, formula.c, nCr.s, and nCr.h.

A sub-directory named mystery. mystery must contain:

{ readme.txt: this le should describe how you went about guring out what the mystery program does. It also should describe the changes that the compiler made when opti-mizing your C code and why you think that the compiler made those changes. (That is, why might the changes make your program run faster?)

{ Makefile: there should be at least two rules in your Makefile:

mystery build your mystery executable. clean prepare for rebuilding from scratch.

{ source code: all source code les necessary for building mystery. At minimum, this should include two les, mystery.h and mystery.c.

We will compile and test your programs on the iLab machines so you should make sure that your programs compile and run correctly on these machines. You must compile all C code using the gcc compiler with the -Wall ags.

Grading Guidelines

5.1 Functionality

This is a large class so that necessarily the most signi cant part of your grade will be based on programmatic checking of your program. That is, we will build a binary using the Make le and source code that you submitted, and then test the binary for correct functionality against a set of inputs. Thus:

You should make sure that we can build your program by just running make.

You should test your code as thoroughly as you can. In particular, your code should be adept at handling exceptional cases.

Be careful to follow all instructions. If something doesn’t seem right, ask.


5.2 Design

Having said the above about functionality, design is a critical part of any programming exercise. In particular, we expect you to write reasonably e cient code based on reasonably performing algorithms and data structures. More importantly, you need to understand the performance (time

space) implications of the algorithms and data structures you chose to use. Thus, the explanation of your design and analyses in the readme.txt will comprise a non-trivial part of your grade. Give careful thoughts to your writing of this le, rather than writing whatever comes to your mind in the last few minutes before the assignment is due.

5.3 Coding Style

Finally, it is important that you write \good" code. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to look at your code as closely as we would like to give you good feedback. Nevertheless, a part of your grade will depend on the quality of your code. Here are some guidelines for what we consider to be good:

Your code is modularized. That is, your code is split into pieces that make sense, where the pieces are neither too small nor too big.

Your code is well documented with comments. This does not mean that you should comment every line of code. Common practice is to document each function (the parameters it takes as input, the results produced, any side-e ects, and the function’s functionality) and add comments in the code where it will help another programmer gure out what is going on.

You use variable names that have some meaning (rather than cryptic names like i).

Further, you should observe the following protocols to make it easier for us to look at your code:

De ne prototypes for all functions.

Place all prototype, typedef, and struct de nitions in header (.h) les. Error and warning messages should be printed to stderr using fprintf.