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Questions 1 to 5 Solution

Give an example of an approximation algorithm for the Traveling Salesperson Problem.
Identify any articulation vertices in this graph. 
How would you implement backtracking for the knapsack problem?
You are trying to solve two problems: SlithyToves and Borogroves. You find that you can solve SlithyToves with some code that was written a while ago to solve the Independent Set problem. Later, while working on the Borogroves problem, you realize that you can use your solution to Borogroves to solve Independent Set. Which of these problems have you demonstrated to be NP-Hard?

Convert the following recursive code to dynamic programming:
def fib(a):

if a == 0 or a == 1:

return a

return fib(a-1) + fib(a-2)

run code snippet

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