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Getting Started with Unity Solution

This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.

Download and install the latest version of Unity3D (Unity 5): ​Unity Install​.Choose the personal/free version. You can download the installer for Windows or Mac. On Linux, you can use Wine to run unity, but this is not recommended.

Make an account at unity website, and start Unity3d on your machine!

Follow this very good introductory tutorial: ​Roll A Ball​and go through all the lessons.

[2 points] Make your own Rolling Ball game, using the steps in the Roll A Ball tutorial (get creative and make it exciting! Play with textures, colors, etc.).

[8 points] Add these functionalities to your code:

Make the ball jump! The more realistic the jump, the more mark you get! Watch out for many potential problems with a jump, as an example: if I rapidly press the jump button, will your code be able to react in time?

Provide buttons for starting and resetting the game.

Make it a fun two­player shared­screen game! (both can be on one keyboard, or using a separate joystick/mouse), containing the following features:

Limited time: 2 mins (count this on the screen).

Collisions with walls reduce points.

Cubes will add points.

Collisions between two balls (players), will reduce a point from the one with a lower altitude!

Display each player’s score on the screen.

1Make announcements on the screen with regard to the state of the game (A wins the collision, B wins the game, Time almost up, etc.)

2Add multi­player functionality. Experiment with using multiple control interfaces (mouse and keyboard). Explore the benefits/tradeoffs of both players using the same keyboard vs. keyboard and mouse. Explain your choice as part of your submission.

Explore Unity Networking for online multi­player games.

Create a web­deployed version of your game.

Extra credit

2 Extra credit
Submit the following in Sakai for grading:

Your Unity project in a zip file which contains the Assets/ folder and includes all your C# scripts. All scripts MUST be written in C#!

A web deployed version of your game in a zip file.

A document (text or pdf) containing:

A link to your game (where it can be played online). If your game does not play, you get no points.

Brief documentation about your game (how is it played, what are the special features, what else have you added, what are the keys, etc.)

A description of the extra credit attempts.

“Read more, Learn more” at the unity website where you can find rich and well­designed documentations as well as tutorials: ​Unity Learn

NOTE: Extra credit will be given at the discretion of the instructor.


Good Luck Everyone!