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Virtual Reality Assignment #2 Solution

Intro to VR Max Marks: 50

Create a large terrain with mountains, water bodies and trees. From Unity standard assets, you can get different types of trees, bushes and textures for water. Firstly, follow this tutorial to make a basic terrain, then make changes as per your wish. Select a scene from google images(like this) and try to replicate it. (10 marks)

Create an airplane like exploration setup (like this). The airplane must be stationary initially at some height above the terrain. When user presses the button on the Google Cardboard, airplane should slowly speed up and move in the direction of the gaze. (15 marks)

Create three different types of real world terrains from Google Maps with help of this tutorial. (15 marks)

Integrate the above parts into a single application. There should be a start menu which allows user to select one of the 4 terrains. Player should be able to go back to the start point at any time by turning head around 90 degrees to left or right. (10 marks)