Copy over your files from the inclass lab and call it html1.html
It should be accessible via http://ceclnx01.cec.miamioh.edu/~UID/cse383/html1.html
Make the following changes.
1. Add a new div section
In it put in an H2 head that says "Tables"
Also put in this div a table with some real data that interests you. There should be at least 5 rows and 5 columns. Use appropriate row and column headers. Eg: Data about cars, data about careers, data about html...
2. Add another new div section
In it put in the H2 head that says "Lorem Ipsum"
Put in this div section 3 "lorem ipsum (https://loremipsum.io/generator/) " paragraphs that are displayed in different background colors using the style backgroundcolor attribute.
3. Add another new div section.
In it use a H2 head that says "HTML FORMATTING ELEMENTS"
put in it the same 3 paragraphs from above, but use no background color and introduce a liberal use of HTML Formatting Elements (https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_formatting.asp)
4. Add another new div section
In it use a H2 head with text "Other Page LInks"
This div should also contain a List with the list consisting of two links to OTHER pages on your web site. These Other Pages can be of any content but should each include an image. All three pages should consist of valid HTML.
Paste a link to the first page here in canvas as your submission.