Write code that forks into two processes: a parent process, and a child process.
Your code will be called with command-line arguments consisting of positive
integers. Do not worry about bad command-line arguments such as "xyz". Your code
will not be tested in this way.
The parent process will take the arguments to main(), convert them into ints by
calling atoi(), and send those ints one at a time to the child process through
a pipe (one call to write() for each int).
Do not send anything from argv[0] through the pipe. Start with argv[1] and
continue through the rest of the arguments.
The child process will read the ints sent by the parent process one at a
time, and add them up. The child process should not use the arguments to main(),
argc and argv, in any way whatsoever. The child process will communicate the sum
of the numbers to the parent as the return value from main().
The parent process will need to reap the child process to find out that sum.
It may be of use to know that read() will return immediately with a zero once
the other end of the pipe is closed by the parent.
If I call your code this way:
a03 3 5 7
The parent process should print out:
CS201 - Assignment 3 Regular - I. Forgot
sum = 15
The sums produced from the test input I use will be in the range [0 .. 255].
Your code must be able to handle any number of command line arguments.
Important: printing should be done only by the parent process. The child process
should not print anything.
Your output should be formatted as shown (small differences in whitespace are
OK). Remember to replace "I. Forgot" with your own name.
Start with the provided code file a03.c. Upload your code as a03.c.
Same as the Regular version, except that your code must also be able to handle
negative integers input from the command-line.
If I call your code this way:
a03 -3 5 -7
The parent process should print out:
CS201 - Assignment 3 Premium - I. Forgot
sum = -5
The sums produced from the test input I use will be in the range [-128 .. 127].
Start with the provided code file a03p.c. Upload your code as a03p.c.
I grade your code on syccuxas01.pcc.edu. Your code is required to compile and
run correctly on that machine.
You are required to compile your code with the same flags that are used by
the 'gc' bash script in ~michael.trigoboff/bin.
Your code needs to compile without errors or warnings and run correctly. Code
that does not compile will receive zero points. Code that crashes will receive
zero points.
I use bash scripts to grade your code. Because of this, it is very important
that you submit your code with the file name that was requested. If you change
the file name, my scripts will crash, your work will not be graded, you will
have to resubmit a corrected version of your work, and you will lose points.
My scripts produce a log file containing your code, compiler warnings and errors
(if any), your code's output, and some statistics that are useful to me. I then
personally go through that log file to produce your grade. In other words, the
scripts don't generate your grade, they just make it more convenient for me to
generate your grade.
Submit the requested file to Desire2Learn.
* Be certain to check that you completed the upload successfully. After you
click the Upload File button, you must also click the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT
button. This is very easy to forget. If you do not do this, I will not
see your work and you will get a grade of zero for the assignment. I
would recommend entering an email address so you can be notified that
the upload was completed successfully.
* You may upload as many versions as you wish prior to the due date. I will
only see and grade the final one. You will not be able to upload
assignments after the due date.
Points will be deducted for uploading a file with a name that is not as
specified. Every term I get a few students whose approach to following
directions is, shall we say, "creative." I encourage creativity in general, but
there are places where it is not appropriate.