Starting from:


Project2: 20 Questions! as a Tree


In this assignment, you'll implement a 20 Questions game. (It's called "20 Questions", but there can be as many questions as you like!) Your program will play 20 Questions with a user. It'll be up to the human playing the game to come up with a secret object, and then the program will try to guess what the human is thinking of. If the program guesses wrong, then it will ask the human for help learning about the secret object. That means your program will actually get smarter as you play more games!

Your program will store all of the questions (and answers) it knows about as a tree.

There are two possible types of "nodes" in these trees:

Question (also called "internal") nodes consist of tuples of three things: A question to ask; what to do if the answer to the question is "yes"; and what to do if the answer to the question is "no". The "what to do" part is simply another, smaller, tree.

Answer (also called "leaf") nodes also consist of a 3-tuple (also called a "triple"),

but the last parts of the triple are    . There is a string representing the answer,

followed by two Nones.

A tree is made up of a set of tuples (of tuples (of tuples ... )). For example:

("Is it bigger than a breadbox?", ("an elephant", None, None), ("a mouse", None, None))

represents a tree with one question and two answers.

("Is it bigger than a breadbox?", ("Is it gray?",

("an elephant", None, None),

("a tiger", None, None)),

("a mouse", None, None))
represents a tree with two questions and three answers.

Getting familiar with the trees

The two trees above are already present in the starter file. Begin by experimenting with them a bit in iPython:

In [1]: run

In [2]: smallTree


('Is it bigger than a breadbox?', ('an elephant', None, None), ('a mouse', None, None))

In [3]: printTree(smallTree)

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

+-Yes: It is an elephant

`-No:    It is a mouse

In [4]: mediumTree


('Is it bigger than a breadbox?',

('Is it gray?', ('an elephant', None, None), ('a tiger', Non e, None)),

('a mouse', None, None))

In [5]: printTree(mediumTree)

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

+-Yes: Is it gray?

    • +-Yes: It is an elephant

    • `-No: It is a tiger `-No: It is a mouse

In [6]: mediumTree[1]

Out[6]: ('Is it gray?', ('an elephant', None, None), ('a tige r', None, None))

In [7]: printTree(mediumTree[1])

Is it gray?

+-Yes: It is an elephant

`-No:  It is a tiger

Note several things about the above interaction:

The way Python prints trees isn't especially easy to read. We've provided a

function that formats things in a nicer fashion. You'll find



to be highly useful when you're debugging your program.

Trees are "nested"; the "Is it gray?" question is a subtree has exactly the same

"shape" as



You can access a subtree with subscripting notation, such as

When a human (or a computer!) plays 20 Questions, they will follow a "path" through the tree. For example, if the object is not bigger than a breadbox, there is no point in asking whether it is gray.

What to write

Here are the functions that your program should have. You're welcome to introduce other helper functions as needed.

[15 points]


This function accepts a single argument, which is a tree (or a sub-part of a tree), and

plays the game once by using the tree to guide its questions. It returns
if the
computer guessed the answer. Here's an outline:

. If the tree is a leaf, ask whether the object is the object named in the leaf. Return

or    appropriately.

True    False
. If the tree is not a leaf, ask the question in the tree.

If the user answers "yes", call yourself recursively on the subtree that is the second element in the triple.

If the user answers "no", recur on the subtree that is the third element in the triple.

out on

. Make sure that it returns

depending on whether the computer guessed correctly. (For example, try it

out while thinking of an elephant, and again while thinking of a car.)
Hint 1

[40 points]

, this function accepts a single argument, which is a tree, and
Just like

plays the game once by using the tree to guide its questions. However, instead of

returning just    or    ,    returns a new tree that is the result of playing the

True    False play

game on the original tree and learning from the answers.

If the computer guessed an object correctly, the "new" tree that is returned will be an identical copy of the original tree.

BUT, if the computer doesn't guess the object correctly, it will ask the user for the name of the object and a question that will distinguish it (see below for an example). In that case the new tree that is returned will be similar to the old one, but with the new object and an additional question inserted. This means that the computer will learn as you play!

Here's an example of this function in action (user-typed input is shown in blue:

In [2]: newTree = play(smallTree)

Is it bigger than a breadbox? yes

Is it an elephant? yes

I got it!

In [3]: newTree

Out[3]: ('Is it bigger than a breadbox?', ('an elephant', Non e, None), ('a mouse', None, None))

In [4]: newTree = play(tree)

Is it bigger than a breadbox? yes

Is it an elephant? no

Drats!    What was it? a car

What's a question that distinguishes between a car and an elep hant? Does it have wheels?

And what's the answer for a car? yes In [5]: newTree

Out[5]: ('Is it bigger than a breadbox?', ('Does it have wheel s?', ('a car', None, None), ('an elephant', None, None)), ('a mouse', None, None))


function should be recursive. Again, test it first with
and then


. But this time, also be sure to think of an object that isn't in the tree


, you can print the
and add it to the tree. If you saved the output of

result nicely like this:

In [6]: printTree(newTree)

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

+-Yes: Does it have wheels?

    • +-Yes: It is a car

    • `-No:  It is an elephant

`-No:    It is a mouse
Hint 2

Hint 3

Hint 4

Saving and restoring trees

As it stands, 20 Questions is a somewhat boring game because it always starts with the same tree. An improvement would be be able to save game trees so that we can share our games and reload them later. To do that, we'll need to create (write) and read files. A file is a place on your computer's hard drive or SSD that can hold arbitrary information and keep it pretty much forever; every document (and every program and every picture) on your computer lives inside a file. We keep track of files
by giving them names like    , and organize them by collecting them into

folders (also called "directories").

Opening and closing files

If you want to work with a file in a Python program, you must first open it. That's like double-clicking it in VScode—or like opening a notebook. When you open a Python file, you have to tell Python whether you're planning to read it or write it. You do so like this:

document = open(" myfile.txt", "w ")

indicates that

is the name you want to give to the file, and



you intend to write it (as you might guess,
is used for reading). Unlike opening a

"r "

notebook, opening a file for writing will throw away anything that's currently there
(and will create the file if it doesn't already exist). The
function returns a file


handle, which is a way to refer to the file in the rest of your program. In this case

we've used
as a mnemonic name for the file handle.


When you're done with the file, you must close it so that Python knows you're done with it:

Reading and writing files

If you have opened a file for writing, there are several ways to put data into it. The

simplest, which we'll use for this assignment, is our old friend

print("Here is some text", file = document)

The additional "file =" argument tells Python that you want the information to be

saved in the given file (via its handle) rather than being displayed on the screen.

To read one line of data from a file, you can use


line = document. readline()

As it happens, the line you read from the file will normally contain a "newline"
character at the end; you can get rid of that with

line = line.strip()

Here's a full example, at the ipython prompt, of creating and writing a file:

In [1]: document = open("test.txt", "w")

In [2]: print("Spish is spiced fish.", file = document)

In [3]: print("Penguins hate spam but they love spish.", file

= document)

In [4]: document.close()

in Visual Studio, you should see two lines of text
At this point, if you open

about the penguin diet.  test.txt

Now, let's read the file back and print it out—again, just working at the ipython prompt:

In [5]: document = open("test.txt", "r")
# Note that we can
re-use "document"

In [6]: while True:

...:    line = document.readline()

...:    if line == "":


line = line.strip()



Spish is spiced fish.

Penguins hate spam but they love spish.

In [7]: document.close()

Note a few things about reading files:

Each call to
gives you a new line from the file.

You don't need to know how many lines are in the file, and so you can read and

process an arbitrarily large file, one line at a time.

When there are no more lines,    returns an empty string. (It turns out

that we won't need that feature in this assignment, though.)

Take a look at the file for a few more examples of how to read and write files.

Saving the tree with    [30 points]

saveTree(tree, treeFile)

With that background, it's time to save our tree to a file so that the game will

remember what it has learned!

Write a function called    that accepts a tree and a the

saveTree(tree, treeFile)
handle of a file that is open for writing, and saves the tree in that file. The examples below demonstrate the format for the file using the two trees that we constructed

Why does

expect a file handle?

will want to be recursive. If
opened the file
It turns out that


itself, then the recursion would re-open the file and clobber it. So instead
will append to an already-open file.

An example

First, we open a file in "w" (for "write") mode; then we save the tree to that file, and

finally we close the file. The
is necessary or your data might not appear, or
might be corrupted!

In [6]: treeFile = open("tree1.txt", "w")

In [7]: saveTree(smallTree, treeFile)

In [8]: treeFile.close()
# Absolutely n

(for example, by opening it in Visual

When we look at the contents of

Studio), we see this:

Internal node

Is it bigger than a breadbox?


an elephant


a mouse


Now, let's try it with the


[9]: treeFile = open("tree2.txt", "w")
# We can re-us

e treeFile here

[10]: saveTree(newTree, "tree2.txt")

[11]: treeFile.close()
# Absolutely n

file looks like:



Internal node

Is it bigger than a breadbox?

Internal node

Does it have wheels?


a car


an elephant


a mouse

Notice that the saved file is in the following format:

An internal node (a question) starts with the line
After the
Internal Node

line is a line with the question itself.

Internal Node
Following the question, there are two groups of lines that represent the left and right children of the internal node.

Note that these groups of lines can be arbitrarily large!

As a result, figuring out what the original tree looked like is a bit tricky for humans—but it's exactly what the computer needs!.

A leaf node (the answer) starts with the line
and is followed by a line with
the answer.

Here's an annotated version of the file above, showing how the various components are grouped:

Here's the secret to making
(and you) happy: it's recursive!
Hint 5

Optional but highly recommended: Loading the tree with (10 extra-credit points)

This next part of the problem is optional, but very highly recommended if you have time. It's only about 10-15 lines of code, it will help you achieve a higher level of mastery of this material, and you'll get 10 more points for it! BUT, if you're running out of time and don't do this, we'll understand! In that case, move on to the last part

of the problem, which is the
function below.


function accepts a file that has already been opened for

to read one line at a time from the file, builds the tree
reading. It uses

described by that file, and returns it so that we can play that tree! Here are two examples, following on the running examples above.
In [12]: treeFile = open("tree1.txt", "r")
# open up the fil
e for reading

In [13]: tree1 = loadTree(treeFile)
# read the file in
to a list

In [14]: treeFile.close()
# always close yo
ur file afterwards

In [15]: tree1

Out[15]: (('Is it bigger than a breadbox?', ('an elephant', No ne, None), ('a mouse', None, None))

In [16]: treeFile = open("tree2.txt", "r")
# open up the fil
e for reading

In [17]: tree2 = loadTree(treeFile)
# read the file in
to a list

In [18]: treeFile.close()
# always close yo
ur file afterwards

In [19]: tree2

Out[19]: ('Is it bigger than a breadbox?', ('Does it have whee
ls?', ('a car', None, None), ('an elephant', None, None)), ('a
mouse', None , None))

is recursive.

Hint 6 loadTree

Hint 7

Putting it together with the
function [15 points]
Finally, write a


function that has the following behavior:


Prints a welcome message

Asks the user if they would like to load a tree from a file (optional, but bonus points as indicated above)

If the user didn't want to load from a file, the initial tree should be:

("Is it

bigger than a breadbox?", ("an elephant", None, None), ("a mouse",

None, None))
Plays the game

Asks the user if they would like to play again, in which case we play again with the new tree

When the user is done playing, asks the user if they would like to save the file, in which case the user is queried for a file name and the file is saved

Here's an example, with the user input in blue:

Welcome to 20 Questions!

Would you like to load a tree from a file? yes What's the name of the file? tree2.txt

Is it bigger than a breadbox? yes

Does it have wheels? no

Is it an elephant? yes

I got it!

Would you like to play again? yes

Is it bigger than a breadbox? yes

Does it have wheels? no

Is it an elephant? no

Drats!    What was it? a hippo

What's a question that distinguishes between a hippo and an el ephant? Does it have tusks?

And what's the answer for a hippo? no Would you like to play again? yes

Is it bigger than a breadbox? yes

Does it have wheels? no

Does it have tusks? no

Is it a hippo? yes

I got it!

Would you like to play again? no

Would you like to save this tree for later? yes

Please enter a file name: tree3.txt

Thank you!    The file has been saved.


Finishing and Submitting

First, starting from the initial tree with just one question ("Is it bigger than a breadbox") and two animals ("an elephant" and "a mouse"), play several times to build up a game that has a more interesting game tree.

Then, save that tree to a file called    .

proj2_ tree.txt

If you implemented the "load" feature, you can play the game using your classmates'
trees! Have fun!

Then, submit your code, and your
file in the submission