Phase 4 overview
• Implement an on-line classifier for encrypted traffic
◦ Put phases 2 and 3 together
◦ Phase 2: online traffic logging
◦ Phase 3: offline traffic classification
◦ Phase 4: online traffic classification
◦ In a nutshell, incorporate the classification model you create for phase 3 into the traffic analysis tool you created for phase 2
Traffic analysis process
• 1 – Traffic burstification
◦ Packet burst definition:
Taylor et al., EuroSP 2016
A packet burst includes all packets transmitted and received between the end of the previous burst, and a period of time when no packet is transmitted/received for 1s
• In other words, segment the flow of captured packets in sections separated by 1s of silence
Traffic analysis process
• 2 – flow generation
◦ Extract all flows from a given burst
◦ Flows can be defined in different ways:
▪ All packets in a burst part of the same TCP connection
▪ All packets in a burst part of the same direction within a TCP connection
▪ Different notions of source and destination (Android VM, connection originator, etc.)
▪ Design choice does not matter as long as you describe it
Traffic analysis process
• 3 – flow classification
◦ At the end of each burst, apply classifier you developed in phase 3 to each flow
◦ If flow matches any action defined in phase 3 (e.g. ”start app X” etc.), label the flow
Deliverable specifications
◦ Upload a copy of the gateway VM with the following files in /home/tc:
▪ A Python script named analyzeFlows. When executed, the script must print out a list of bursts, flows in every burst, and the label of each flow that originated a certain action (if any). Output example:
• ./analyzeFlows
Burst 1:
<timestamp> <src addr> <dst addr> <src port> <dst port> <proto>\ <#packets sent> <#packets rcvd> <#bytes send> <#bytes rcvd> <label>
Deliverable specifications/2
• Upload a copy of the gateway VM with the following files in /home/tc:
◦ A file named readme.txt describing:
▪ The specific definition of flow that you used
▪ A brief description of the features that you used
▪ Anything we need to know in order to run and grade your work
▪ Anything else you want us to be aware of (limitations, problems, etc.)
Phase 4 evaluation
• What we will do:
◦ Execute actions on the Android VM
◦ Observe if:
▪ Actions that are part of the evaluation set (ref. phase 3) are identified correctly (true positives evaluation)
▪ Actions that are not part of the evaluation set do not get labeled (true negative evaluation)
Some suggestions
• TinyCore has better support for Python 2 than Python 3
◦ Models exported from Python 2 won’t work with Python 3 (in general) and vice-versa
◦ If you have a Python 2 model, you are probably good to go
◦ If you have a Python 3 model, you will need to either re-create in Python 2, or install Python 3 in TinyCore (clunky, but not impossible)
Some suggestions/2
• The default TinyCore VM is configured with a fairly low amount of RAM
• If you find this create issues, feel free to change the configuration
Some suggestions/3
• Do not start at the last minute
• Most people got through the previous phases fine, but the combination VirtualBox+TinyCore is finnicky
◦ If you run into issues due to specific configurations, Python versions, etc. we can try to help but only if you contact us early