Tutorial summary
1. Packet sniffing
2. Deliverable specifications
Packet sniffing
• Funky term to signify the act of capturing network packets before they reach the OS network stack
OS stack
Incoming network
Packet sniffing - II
• How does it work?
◦ Typically uses some OS-level primitive to get access to packet data (e.g., raw sockets in Linux)
◦ Can get more complicated (e.g., necessitates kernel driver in Windows)
Packet sniffing tools
• Libpcap: packet sniffing library. Pretty much the industry standard for capturing raw packets
• Consistent packet sniffing API regardless of the implementation
• Binding for lots of languages
Packet sniffing tools - II
• Libpcap offers an API for capturing packets but not much else
• Various tools provide an interface towards libpcap, plus various types of functionality
◦ tcpdump: granddaddy of packet sniffing tools. Developed (like the original libpcap) at LBL. Command-line interface to libpcap
◦ wireshark: GUI-based application for packet sniffing and protocol analysis. Performs protocol parsing, session analysis, etc.
Capture filters
• Sniffing all packets transiting through the network driver is typically not very interesting and overwhelming for a protocol analyzer
• Oftentimes, before beginning a packet capturing session the operator specifies a filter defining which packets should be captured
• Filters are specified in Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax
BPF what?
• The Berkely Packet Filter is a packet filtering language and a kernel-level mechanism to execute those filters
• Most implementations (including the original one) compile filters to bytecode and execute the bytecode in a in-kernel virtual machine
• Modern implementations may use just-in-time compilation (JIT) to compile filters to native code in real time
• Bottom line: filters are usually very efficient (more than capturing all packets and trying to do the filtering yourself)
Some examples of capture filters
• host
• dst host
• ether host 00:00:5E:00:53:00
• udp and src port 2005
• Host and udp port 2005
(from https://docs.extrahop.com/7.2/bpf-syntax/)
Let’s have an demo, shall we?
Libpcap and you
• Before doing anything, you’ll need to install libpcap on TinyCore Linux
• You may also want to install tcpdump (to make sure packet sniffing works)
• Then, you’ll need to write packet sniffing code
• Suggested Python packages:
◦ Pcapy (probably the most mature)
◦ Pyshark
◦ Pypcap
Parsing packets
• Once you have captured some packets, you’ll need to make sense of them
• Approaches:
◦ Use dpkt (or other similar Python packages) which offer primitives for easily converting a blob of bytes into a structured packet
◦ Use a packet sniffing package like pyshark, which also includes protocol dissectors
Project phase 2 - goals
Packet analysis
• You must develop code that analyzes flows to/from the Android VM
• Flow is defined as a set of packets between the same source IP, source port, dest IP, dest port, protocol (TCP/UDP)
• You will need to compute and print per-flow statistics
◦ Source IP, source port, dest IP, dest port, protocol, #packets sent, #packets received, #bytes sent, #bytes received
When to log flows
• Your code must print flow statistics every time a packet burst concludes
• Packet burst definition:
Taylor et al., EuroSP 2016
A packet burst includes all packets transmitted and received between the end of the previous burst, and a period of time when no packet is transmitted/received for 1s
• In other words, segment the flow of captured packets in sections separated by 1s of silence
Log format & other details
• You must create an executable named logFlows in
• When executed, logFlows must capture packets and print a list of flows identified within every burst, with every entry as:
<timestamp> <src addr> <dst addr> <src port> <dst port> <proto>\ <#packets sent> <#packets rcvd> <#bytes send> <#bytes rcvd>
(Note: one line per flow)
• Logging should continue until the program is terminated
• Previous phase due 3/25
• This phase due 4/1
If you are curious to know where the project is going, read the assigned reading for the lecture on traffic classification:
AppScanner: Automatic Fingerprinting of Smartphone Apps From Encrypted
Network Traffic
Vincent F. Taylor∗, Riccardo Spolaor†, Mauro Conti† and Ivan Martinovic∗
∗Department of Computer Science
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom {vincent.taylor, ivan.martinovic}@cs.ox.ac.uk
†Department of Mathematics
University of Padua, Padua, Italy
{riccardo.spolaor, conti}@math.unipd.it
Abstract—Automatic fingerprinting and identification of smart-phone apps is becoming a very attractive data gathering tech-nique for adversaries, network administrators, investigators and marketing agencies. In fact, the list of apps installed on a device can be used to identify vulnerable apps for an attacker to exploit, uncover a victim’s use of sensitive apps, assist network planning, and aid marketing. However, app fingerprinting is complicated by the vast number of apps
Smartphones are well-equipped out of the box, but users regularly download and install add-on applications, called apps, to introduce additional features and functionality. The intense demand for smartphones, and rapid increase in app usage, makes the mobile platform a prime target for any individual or organisation looking to identify the presence of specific apps on users’ smartphones, whether for benevolent or malevolent reasons.