• Customers
◦ Reserve a table
▪ Reservation should be stored (name, date and time, phone number, and the number of people the reservation is for)
◦ Walk-in customer can take a table
▪ Reservation should be stored (name, date and time, phone number, and the number of people the reservation is for)
◦ Cancel reservation
◦ Reminder should be sent to the customer
• Employees
◦ Search which table is taken
◦ Create an order for a table
▪ Should specify person’s meal
▪ Meal should be coherent with menu of restaurant
◦ Change status of an order
• Restaurant
◦ Each restaurant should have separate menu
• Bill
◦ Each bill should be associated with an order
◦ A tip or gratuity payment is optional for the customer
◦ Should specify type of payment (cash, card, etc.)