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Programming Project#1 Solution

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- You need to implement Fraction class which is within package PJ1
  See PJ1/ and PJ1/ for specifications

- Compile programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):
  javac PJ1/*.java

- Run programs (you are in directory containing Readme file):

  // Run tests in Fraction class
  java PJ1.Fraction    

  // Run general test program
  java PJ1_Test        

- For using IDE Eclipse to create CSC220 projects, you may look at 
  this video for more info.
Important: please look at "Cheating and Plagiarism Policy"
Warning: Don't copy projects from previous semestsres and others!


Sample Runs

=> java PJ1.Fraction


1. The fraction is         20/-35
    Expected result :    20/-35

2. Reduced fraction is         20/-35 4/-7
    Expected result :    20/-35 4/-7

3. Move minus sign fraction is     4/-7 -4/7
    Expected result :    4/-7 -4/7

4. Move minus sign fraction is     -51/-36 51/36
    Expected result :    -51/-36 51/36

5. Reduced fraction is         51/36 17/12
    Expected result :    51/36 17/12

6. Simplify fraction is     250/-35 -50/7
    Expected result :    250/-35 -50/7


Test cases 7 to 11, expected result and simplified result are printed

7. The sum of 7/8 and 9/16 is         184/128 23/16
    Expected result :        184/128 23/16

8. The difference of 9/16 and 7/8 is     -40/128 -5/16
    Expected result :        -40/128 -5/16

9. The product of 15/-2 and 1/4 is     15/-8 -15/8
    Expected result :        15/-8 -15/8

10. The quotient of -21/2 and 3/7 is     -147/6 -49/2
    Expected result :        -147/6 -49/2

11. The sum of -21/2 and 7/8 is     -154/16 -77/8
    Expected result :        -154/16 -77/8


12. The double floating point value of 0/10 is     0.0
    Expected result             0.0

13. The double floating point value of 1/-3 is     -0.3333333333333333
    Expected result             -0.333333333...

First = -21/2
14. check First equals First: 
Identity of fractions OK

Second = 42/-4
15. check First equals Second: 
Equality of fractions OK

16. check First compareTo Second: 
Fractions == operator OK

Second = 7/8
17. check First compareTo Second: 
Fractions < operator OK

18. check Second compareTo First: 
Fractions > operator OK


19. check FractionException: 1/0
Exception: PJ1.FractionException: Denominator is 0
Expected result : FractionException!

20. check FractionException: division
Exception: PJ1.FractionException: Divisor is 0
Expected result : FractionException!


=> java PJ1_Test


  0) exit
  1) add        2) subtract     3) multiply     4) divide       5) compareTo
  6) equals     7) moveMinusSign 8) reduce      9) toDouble     10) setFraction

Enter an operation number: 10


read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : -20 -10
        -20/-10 setFraction = -20/-10

  0) exit
  1) add        2) subtract     3) multiply     4) divide       5) compareTo
  6) equals     7) moveMinusSign 8) reduce      9) toDouble     10) setFraction

Enter an operation number: 3

Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : 5 -10
                Read OK:5/-10

Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : -1 -2
                Read OK:-1/-2


        5/-10 * 5/-10 = 25/100
        -1/-2 * -1/-2 = 1/4
        5/-10 * -1/-2 = -5/20
        -1/-2 * 5/-10 = -5/20

  0) exit
  1) add        2) subtract     3) multiply     4) divide       5) compareTo
  6) equals     7) moveMinusSign 8) reduce      9) toDouble     10) setFraction

Enter an operation number: 7

Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : -10 -20
                Read OK:-10/-20


        -10/-20 convert= 10/20

  0) exit
  1) add        2) subtract     3) multiply     4) divide       5) compareTo
  6) equals     7) moveMinusSign 8) reduce      9) toDouble     10) setFraction

Enter an operation number: 1

Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : -5 -10
                Read OK:-5/-10

Try to read a fraction x/y, please enter x y : 7 -3
                Read OK:7/-3


        -5/-10 + -5/-10 = 100/100
        7/-3 + 7/-3 = -42/9
        -5/-10 + 7/-3 = -55/30
        7/-3 + -5/-10 = -55/30

  0) exit
  1) add        2) subtract     3) multiply     4) divide       5) compareTo
  6) equals     7) moveMinusSign 8) reduce      9) toDouble     10) setFraction

Enter an operation number: 0

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