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Programming exercise: Planning and SAT Solved

In this exercise, we will solve the state-space search problem

by translating it into propositional formulas and solving them

as a SAT problem. The state-space search problem is used in AI

to solving the planning problem, which is choosing a sequence of

actions to reach a goal.



1. In this exercise, you need the Z3 SMT solver; to install it, you can use the

following command:

`pip install z3-solver`

See for more information.

2. Copy the file `` to ``.

3. Read and understand the `` and the `` files.

4. Complete the required sections in ``.

5. Test your implementation and verify its correctness. Again, you can find

some unit tests in ``.

6. Well done! Submit your code.




├── README.txt





What you need to do is:

1. Iterate over action sequence lengths 0,...,MAX.

2. For each length, instantiate the formulas for source states,

the transition relation, and target states with integer times.

3. Put together the formula, and call the Z3 SAT solver.



1. `python3`: Using your code, it tries to solve some

basic planning problems by using the Z3 SAT solver.