1. Create package prog08 and put my Jumble.java into it. Look at the
definition of the sort method. When you run the program, it will
show you the sorted version for every 1000th word.
2. Now put each word into the map (using the put method). For a
Jumble lookup dictionary, what is the key? What is the value?
3. Now write the code to solve a Jumble. What is the key? Use the
get method of map to get the unscrambled word associated with that
key. Test your Jumble program using "words". I have provided some
Jumble puzzle images.
4. Can your program unscramble "zagboe" in jumble2.png? Try the
bigger dictionary "dict".
5. Download PDMap.java into prog08. See where in Jumble.java I have
initialized map to a TreeMap<String,String>. Switch to a PDMap
initialized off a new ArrayBasedPD.
Put a copy of lab.txt in your prog08 source folder. Using the wall
clock or the timer on your phone, measure the running time it takes
PDMap(ArrayBasedPD) to read in words. words has 38617 entries and
dict has 483523 entries. Using a calculator, estimate the time it
would take to read in dict. Do the same for SortedPD and
SortedDLLPD. Enter your answers below.
DON'T measure the actual time for dict in lab! (You will see why!)
words dict est. dict
ArrayBasedPD 8.20 1285.556186
SortedPD 1.73 271.2210002
SortedDLLPD 9.06 1420.382811
6. Now switch to BST<String,String>. How long does it take to read in
dict? Is it as fast as TreeMap<String,String>? Enter the times below.
BST 57.46
TreeMap 2.15
DLLTree 0.93
7. Download DLLTree.java into prog08. Copy your solution to find, add,
put, (public) remove, removeRoot, getMinimum, and removeMinimum
from prog07/BST.java to DLLTree.java. Test. I called the root of
the entire tree "theRoot" so you will have to make a couple of
(I will (re)grade these parts of DLLTree, so you can still get some
points even if you didn't finish BST.)
8. Implement addDLL. Don't forget the cases that set head or tail.
In add, if you change root.left, check to see if root.left.next is
null. If so, it is new and needs to be inserted into the DLL.
Call addDLL to insert it just to the left of root.
In add, if you change root.right, check to see if root.right.previous is
null. If so, it is new and needs to be inserted into the DLL.
Call addDLL to insert it just to the right of root.
In put, if theRoot.previous is null, then update head. Similarly
if theRoot.next is null.
Test. The lists should print out correctly.
9. Try running one of the O(n) Map implementations on dict. Enter its
running time above next to your prediction.
10. In add, increment root.size before returning root.
If the size of the left or right subtree is more than root.size * 2/3,
return the result of calling rebalance for the tree rooted at
root. What are the two arguments? (Hint: the first one isn't
root. Read the notes.)
10. In rebalance and rebalanceLeft, if size==1, just set the left and
right of head to null and its size to 1 and return it.
Otherwise follow the notes.
In rebalance, set root.size using the sizes of root.left and
root.right before returning.
In rebalanceLeft, set left.size and root.size before returning.
Test including a test with Jumble. Fill in running times above.
11. Implement removeDLL and call it at the top of removeRoot.
Before return in the private remove, decrement root.size.
Call rebalance under the same conditions as in add.