0. Create prog11. Download Trie.java.
1. Implement toString in Trie. You should see:
bob null null
by bobby 0
ca null null
lf bobcalf 1
t bobcat 2
catdog catdog 3
Select 0: toString
Select 1: containsKey
Select 2: get
Select 3: put
Select 4: size
Select 5: entrySet
Select 6: remove
Select 7: quit
See output.txt. You can switch to GUI if you prefer.
2. Implement the recursive find. Now containsKey and get should work.
You are responsible for testing all the cases.
3. Implement the recursive put. Now put should work. Ditto testing.
4. Implement NodeIterator. Now entrySet should work.
5. Copy your solution to Jumble from last week to this package and
change the package at the top to prog11.
If you did not finish Jumble for prog10, you can finish it for 50%
If you scored less that 50 on a prior prog, you can earn up to 50
points by doing the following.
6. Implement remove. The result of remove has to be the same as that
key were never inserted at all.
You have to work on your own. Please do not ask for the TA's help on
extra credit.