1. Complete Section_2a_FillInTheCode.java
2. Complete Programming Activity 1 - section 2.3.4 (MetricLength.java )
3. Complete Programming Activity 2 - section 2.4 (TemperatureConversion.java )
4. Create a file called "SecondsToHoursMinutesSeconds.java"
1. Write commented pseudocode to calculate number of hours, minutes and seconds from given number of seconds.
2. Trace your algorithm on a piece of paper to make sure it works. Compare to
3. In the same file, implement your algorithm in java.
▪ Use the remained operator in your calculations.
▪ Use at least the following numbers for amount of seconds: 3661, 7384, 1000, 1
▪ Calculate on a piece of paper what output each number should produce.
▪ Run your program and compare the results to your predictions.
5. When finished, zip and submit. The zip should contain your version of:
1. Section_2a_FillInTheCode.java
2. SecondsToHoursMinutesSeconds.java
3. MetricLength.java
4. TemperatureConversion.java
6. In the submission comments, provide answers to:
1. Discussion Questions 1 and 2 below Programming Activity 1
2. Discussion Questions 1, 2 and 3 below Programming Activity 2
• If your project doesn't compile, you will get an F.
• Each file must contain your name, or you will lose half a letter grade.
• All submitted code should be formatted and readable, or you will lose a letter grade.
https://cilearn.csuci.edu/courses/5532/assignments/61964 1/1