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proDice : Swing and Gui Solution

Review Exercises: 3 points each. Starting on page 501, and 543 of textbook Big Java. Place your answers in

ReviewExercises.txt located in the root of this project.

R10.5 Events

R10.6 actionPerformed

R10.11 Inner class and event-listeners

R10.14 Object hierarchies

R10.22 Graphic methods

R11.2 Layout managers

R11.11 ButtonGroup

R11.19 Types of Events

R11.20 Events

R11.21 ActionListener versus MouseListener



Programming Exercises: Name your packages according to the Programming Exercise identifier, except

replace the period with underscore. You will want a Driver class (with a static main() method) to drive your program.

10 points each

P10.9 Italian flag

P10.10 Olympic rings

15 points each

P10.19 Restaurant bill

P11.9 Circle with clicks


The Dice game of Pig: Name your package pig and place all related files in this package.

20 points

Create a Swing application for a simple dice game called Pig. The user will play against the computer.

On a turn, a player rolls the die repeatedly until either:

A 1 is rolled

The player chooses to hold (stop rolling)

If a 1 is rolled, that player's turn ends and no points are earned.

If the player chooses to hold, all of the points rolled during that turn are added to his or her score.

Scoring Examples

Example 1: User rolls a 3 and decides to continue. He then chooses to roll seven more times (6, 6, 6, 4, 5, 6, 1).

Because he rolled a 1, the user's turn ends and he earns 0 points.

Example 2: The computer rolls a random number of times before holding. For example, the computer rolls 5 times.

(6, 3, 4, 2, 6) and then holds. The computer accumulates 21 points (6+3+4+2+6=21).

Game play is returned to the user, who must roll as least once, and so on.

Game End

When a player reaches a total of 100 or more points, the game ends and that player is the winner.

For a more detailed description of the game, see:


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