Review Exercises: 3 points each. Place your answers in
ReviewExercises.txt located in the root of this project. No need to draw CRC cards, just create a text version of the CRC
card and put answers in ReviewExercises. For UML, sse the UML tool in IntelliJ. Indicate to the grader where this is located.
R12.1 OO Analysis and Design
R12.2 OO Analysis and Design
R12.3 OO Analysis and Design
R12.8 Relationships
R12.9 CRC Quiz
R12.10 UML Quiz
R12.11 CRC Cards
R12.13 UML Diagram
R12.14 UML Diagram
R12.15 ULM Diagram
Programming Exercises: Name your packages according to the Programming Exercise identifier, except
replace the period with underscore. You will want a Driver class (with a static main() method) to drive your program.
35 points each
E12.4 Arithmetic. You can write this as a console-app. No need to make it GUI.
P12.1 VendingMachine. You can write this as a console-app. No need to make it GUI.