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Problem Set 1 Solution

You encouraged to discuss the assignment with your classmates, but eventually each student should sit-down and work on their own code.

Vector Space Model (Non-Programming)

In the vector space model, the input query and the documents in the collection are represented as vectors in V-dimensional space, where V denotes the size of the indexed vocabulary (i.e., the number of unique terms in the collection). Given a query, documents are scored (and ranked) based on their vector-space similarity to the query. In class, we talked about two vector space similarity measures: (1) the inner product and (2) the cosine similarity. The goal of this question is to understand their di erences.

Suppose we have a collection of 8 documents (denoted as D1 : : : D8 below). Answer the following questions. Assume a binary text representationa vectors value for a particular dimension (i.e., a particular index term) equals 1 if the term appears at least once and 0 otherwise. Note: Please show your work for full credit

D1: jack and jill went up the hill

D2: to fetch a pail of water

D3: jack fell down and broke his crown

D4: and jill came tumbling after

D5: up jack got and home did trot

D6: as fast as he could caper

D7: to old dame dob who patched his nob

D8: with vinegar and brown paper

Given a query-vector q and a document-vector d, the inner product (i.e, the score given to document d for query q) is given by,



inner product(q; d) = (qi di)


Using the inner product, what is the score given to each document D1 : : : D8 in response to the query ‘jack’ ?


Given a query-vector q and a document-vector d, the cosine similarity (i.e, the score given to document d for query q) is given by,


CosSim(q; d) =

iV=1(qi di)

i=1 i q





Using the cosine similarity, what is the score given to each document D1 : : : D8 in response to the query ‘jack’ ?

For this particular query, scoring documents D1 : : : D8 using the inner-product and the cosine similarity would result in equal rankings (HINT: if theyre not, you made a mistake). Why?

Give an example of a query for which scoring documents D1 : : : D8 using the inner-product and the cosine similarity would result in di erent rankings.

The vector space model has the exibility that it can accommodate di erent term-weighting schemes. Di erent term-weighting schemes make di erent assumptions about which terms are most important. Compute TF-IDF for terms in D1. Use D1 : : : D8 to compute corpus statistics such as df1.

TF-IDF (Programming)

In this problem, you are asked to write code to compute the TF-IDF for terms in a document collection.

2.1 Inverted Index Creation

Write a program/class called docIndex that reads the provided input data and creates two indices, as de ned below:

Word / Posting Index: An inverted index (that excludes stop words from the le stoplist.txt) of terms/words and the corresponding frequency and documents in which the term is found. The index data structure should have some form such that you have random look-up of terms and allows new terms to be added without rebuilding it completely. The index should contain the document frequency of each term (i.e. the number of documents that contain the term).


(b) Document index: An inverted index that contains the number of terms in each document.

2.2 Test Program

Write a program/class called test which will utilize the created indices to compute the tf-idf term weightings.

Prompt the user for a term. If the term is in the word index, the program should display a list of the postings for that term. For each posting, it should generate the term weightings, tf, idf, and tf-idf in that order separated by commas.

If the term is not in the inverted le, it should display a suitable message.

The program should loop until the user enter "QUIT".


Include a readme le that describes the design of your code and detailed instructions for running your program. We will not grade programs that don’t compile, and won’t attempt to run your program if the instructions are not provided.


You will be submitting your solution to part 1 (word doc, text, PDF, etc.) and source code for part 2 via Github. Your submission should include solution to problem 1, all your source les for problem 2, a README les, and the output data (for the provided data les). The README le should include a short description of what is included in the submission and how to run your program.

NOTE: its your responsibility to verify that your code was checked-in to the Githup repo correctly and ontime.


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