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Practicum 2 Solution

See [this document](../ for general information about the practicums.

Learning objectives:

  - Naive Bayes classifier

  Task 1: Implement a Naive Bayes classifier

  - Load the Iris dataset and divide it into to 2/3 training and 1/3 test sets.  
  - Implement a Naive Bayes classifier
    * a) Use categorical attributes by discretizing each attribute into three equally-sized bins: low, medium, high.
    * b) Use continuous attributes and assume a Gaussian (normal) distribution. Estimate the parameters of the distribution (mean and variance) from the training data (you'll have different parameters for each attribute)!
  - Compare the performance of the two solutions in terms of accuracy and error rate. Fill in the results in the following table:

| Arrribute handling | Accuracy | Error rate |
| ------------------ | -------- | ---------- |
| Discretization     |          |            |
| Gaussian distr.    |          |            |

  - [Numpy arrays](
  - [Numpy statistics](

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