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Homework 4 (Programming): Linear Models Solution


In this assignment, you will implement the perceptron algorithm and logistic regression. The le format is the same as in the previous projects: binary attributes and a binary class label represented as comma-separated values.

Please use the provided templates and for the per-ceptron and logistic regression algorithms, respectively. Fill in your code for the training and prediction functions, train perceptron, predict perceptron, train lr, and predict lr. You may add any additional functions you nd helpful.

Your code must be your own. Undergraduates may complete the as-signment in teams of 2. Graduates must complete the assignment alone.

Once you complete the template code, it can be run from the command line with the following arguments:

python <train <test <model

python <train <test <eta <lambda <model

Where train is the name of a le containing training data, test contains test data to be labeled and model is the lename where you will save the resulting linear model. For logistic regression, eta is the learning rate and lambda is the scale of an L2 regularizer.

Model File Format

For saving model les, use the following format:


foo -1.2857

bar 0.4811

where the rst line contains the bias, and each line that follows lists one of the attributes and its corresponding weight.

2.1 Perceptron

train perceptron should run the perceptron algorithm until convergence. This means running until all training examples are classi ed correctly. Your imple-mentation should also halt after 100 passes through the training data, if it has not yet converged. You do not need to shu e the example order for this ques-tion.

predict perceptron should return the activation wx+b for a given example x with a given model (w; b).


2.1.1 Logistic Regression

train lr should run the logistic regression learning algorithm for 100 iterations or until convergence. Each iteration should perform one step of batch gradient descent with the given learning rate { do not use stochastic gradient for this assignment. You may assume the algorithm has converged when the gradient is small (e.g., its magnitude is less than 0.0001). On many datasets, logistic regression will use the full 100 iterations without converging.

Use the 2 Pi wi2 as the regularizer, where is the strength of the L2 regu-larizer. The gradient of the regularizer with respect to each wj is wj. When implementing gradient descent, just add the gradient of the regularizer to the gradient of the logistic loss.

predict lr should return the probability that y = +1 for a given example x according to a logistic regression model with the given parameters (w; b).

Extra Credit

You should understand the mechanism of neural network: forward propagation, back-propagation, and gradient updating by now. However, in practice, we don’t need to implement them, because popular machine learning libraries support a feature called auto-gradient, which handles gradient calculation and weights updating for you. Your main job is to build the model. If you have the time, you can work on this MNIST hand written digits recognition problem to get extra credits.

First, read through a pyTorch tutorial on MNIST dataset, which is provied as pytorch-on-mnist.ipynb. Then, you will build following 7 models to test on MNIST dataset, and report your accuracy and loss on test set:

Multi-layer perceptron with one layer of 16 hidden sigmoid units (no dropout).

Multi-layer perceptron with one layer of 128 hidden sigmoid units (no dropout).

Multi-layer perceptron with one layer of 128 hidden recti ed linear units (ReLU) (no dropout)

Multi-layer perceptron with one layer of 128 hidden ReLUs (50% dropout). One 2D convolutional ReLU layer (as in the tutorial), one layer of 128

ReLUs (50% dropout).

One 2D convolutional ReLU layer (as in the tutorial), one max pooling layer (as in the tutorial) (25% dropout), one layer of 128 ReLUs (50% dropout).

Two 2D convolutional ReLU layers (as in the tutorial), one max pooling layer (as in the tutorial) (25% dropout), one layer of 128 ReLUs (50% dropout).


Note: It’s recommended that work on Google colaboratory instead of setting up pyTorch environment on your machine. Submit your nal .ipynb le on Canvas, which includes the 7 models along with their results.


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