R1 = 1000 ohm
Figure 1: A Two-Bit DAC (For ECE 5330 students a 4-bit DAC is also required)
The requirement for this D/A converter is that it needs to generate at VA voltages of 0.0VS, 0.30VS, 1.0VS and a value approximately halfway between 0.30VS and 1.0VS. This midway voltage is left as a variable so that the resulting calculations have an extra degree of freedom. The value of VS is, in this case, 80% the reference voltage of the board.
A. Background:
Typically, a D/A chip is used to convert a digital value into an analog signal. Many D/A chips use similar 2R-R ladders, although other methods are possible. Understanding the internal structure of a D/A converter does assist the designer even when using standard packages/chips.
The Pre-Lab Questions require circuit analysis to derive the values for resistors R2 and R3 in Figure 1. For this lab, use a value of 1000 Ohms for R1. This lab description sets up two analyses of equivalent circuits for the digital values 2’b11 and 2’b00. You will have to analyze the circuits for the remaining two values and solve a system of equations to determine the unknown resistor values.
You can solve the system of equations manually.
Optional: For this lab you can use a Computer Algebra System (CAS). Here at UCCS we use mostly MATLAB or Maple.
Figure 2: An Equivalent Circuit when Port0=Port1=‘1’
When ports 0 and 1 are both logical “1” they set a 3.3V value on their respective pins. Since they have the same supply voltage and have one connection in common they appear as if they are in parallel. VS = .8*3.3V = 2.64V.
The port values of 2’b00 correspond to circuit that has no potential drops. Therefore, the resistors can have any value. Use equation (2), along with others that you will derive to solve for R2 and R3.
You need to derive equivalent circuit equations for the remaining two values of ports 0 and 1. That is, when port1=1 and port 0=0 (2’b10) and for 2’b01. At this point you could use Maple to solve the 3 equations for 3 unknowns. For 2’b10 let the voltage for VA be a parameter, say V2 and let Maple tell you what values V2 can be given the constraint 0.30VS<V2<1.0VS. Be sure to include a copy of the output from the CAS with your lab write-up if you use Maple or Matlab. Alternately you can choose V2 to be 0.70*Vs and solve 2 equations with and 2 unknowns.
Note: Grad Students must also create a 4-bit DAC. The steps above can be adapted to 4 inputs to determine the resistance values for 4 resistors, with R1 = 1KΩ. You can not use a R-2R ladder to create a 4-bit DAC.
Note: Each student must conduct the labs by themselves. You are not allowed to copy codes/content or to pair-up with other students to complete the labs. Each student must demonstrate individual tasks (after completion) to the professor and teaching assistant to get the full marks for the demo.
NOTE: All the lab reports should be typed and turned in as a hard copy on time (check the syllabus for the due date), and a soft copy should be forwarded to the Teaching Assistant: Srikanth Ramadurgam on the due date and time.
Pre-Lab Questions for Lab 4
Name: __
Examine the Figure 1 on page 1 and answer the following questions. Be sure to include your work and show units, as appropriate, on your answers. 2+2+6 points each, 10 points possible.
What is the sink current (VDD=4.5V) for (PA, PB, PC, PD, PE) in quasi-bidirectional mode?