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TSCO-Application Master Solution

TSCO Application is an inventory control application that replaces the need of multiple excel files for keeping track of vendor specific inventory control. The application was initially written for Tube Specialties Company to better serve their needs of training new hires within the department, to provide access to all the data from one simple location and to be able to search all the data for a particular item. The application was never used within the organization due to the project taking several months for implementation and the extreme lack of interest for the application by management. The application was developed after working hours as a personal project with the intention of production use but overall the objective was to enhance my knowledge of programming in Java.

####Getting Started

Clone the project

Download the third party library Miglayout: click on miglayout-4.0.jar and your download will begin automatically. Add the Miglayout jar to the list of external libraries within the project.

Run within the view package.


Create a new branch and push to that branch. Upon completing the issue or update to the application create a new pull request to merge the branch with master. Please make sure the branch has no conflicts with master upon creating the pull request.

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