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Laboratory Exercise 03 Solution

Creating and Using the University Database in Oracle:


1. Create the Student, Faculty, Class, and Enroll tables in the database as shown in Figure 5.2 in the textbook. Note: To help you see how the commands work, open both the text file and the SQL*Plus window in Oracle. You will move back and forth between the open windows. You should highlight and copy the CREATE TABLE commands (one at a time) and paste them into SQL*Plus at the SQL prompt. You should see the message: Table Created after each statement is executed.

2. Now insert the records into your tables. To do this, copy each INSERT command (one at a time) and paste them into SQL*Plus at SQL prompt. You should see the message: 1 row created after each statement is executed.

3. Design SQL queries for the following questions:

a. Find the names of all History majors.

b. Find the class number, schedule, and room for all classes that Smith of the History department teaches.

c. Find the names of all students who have fewer than average number of credits.

d. Find the names of all the teachers that Ann Chin has, along with all her classes and midterm grades from each.

e. For each student, find the number of classes he or she is enrolled in.

4. Execute the five queries in the database and show the results.

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