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haskell Assignment 5 Solution

Traditional lambda-notation

Turn in answers to Part B, C and D

A lambda abstraction has the form

\ x. E

In syntax in Haskell

\ x - E

which denotes a function with formal argument x and with body E E is called \ -term (or \ -expression)

Functions do not have names

Functions have a single argument

Functions with one argument can be generalized to multiple args

The only thing a function can do is to apply it to an argument

Notation used


to denote the application of function E to actual argument F There are only three kinds of expressions


| E1 E2 Application

| \x. E Abstraction

Part A:

You need to do this part inorder to understand the rest of the assignment.

Examples using Haskell

\x - x : is an example of a lambda abstraction which x is a variable bound by lambda.

What is the type of (\x - x)?

What is the value of (verify in ghci).

(\x - x) 3 ?

(\x - x) (+) 5 3 ?

(\x - x) (+)?

What would be a descriptive name for the abstractions in 2.b?

What is the value of (verify in ghci).

(\x - x +x ) 3

What is the expression ? (E)
What is the value of (verify in ghci).

(\x - 3) 6 ?

What would be a descriptive name for this abstractions?

Example of using lambda expressions to represent numbers

We shows how to express integers as lambda abstractions. We define what integer 0 looks like and a function successor that is applied recursively k+1 times to produce the k's integer. Therefore each integer in lambda calculus is in fact a function. (Underline indicates what will be changed.) Notice there is NO recursion!

zero = \ s . \ z . z

successor = \ n. \s. \ z ( s (( n s ) z ) ).

one = \ s. \ z . ( s z)

two = \ s. \z . ( s (s z))

one ??=?? successor zero

Apply successor function to zero

Replace words with lambda terms

successor zero = \ n. \ s. \ z. ( s ( ( n s ) z ) ) (\ s . \ z . z)

= \ n. \ s. \ z. ( s ( ( n s ) z ) ) (\ s' . \ z . z)

= \ s. \ z. ( s ( ( \ s' . \ z . z) s) z)

n to be replaced by lambda term (\ s' . \ z . z)

and rename zero's s to s'.

The result is ( \ s' . \ z . z) Now apply

\ s' . \ z . z to s

= \ s. \ z. ( s ( \z' . z') z) )

= \ s. \ z. ( s z )

The result is ( \z . z). Rename z to z'

Now apply ( \z' . z') to z.

one's representation

Lambda Calculus is a simple notations that can be use to compute.

---- but what about recursion ???


(Reminder) Properties of functions
A function f is a rule that takes an input value x and returns a value f (x) or f x

The inputs x belong to a set X (called the domain of f ).

The values y = f (x) belong to a set Y (called the range(co-domain) of f ).

Referential transparency is the property that appling f to an object a will always result in the same object f (a).

one-to-one (injective) function has the property if f ( a ) = f (b ) then a equals b.

fix point property of a value:

A function f whose domain and range overlap often have one or more common domain-range value a with the property f ( a ) = a. These values are called fixed points.

You should be aware that the domain and range can be themselves sets of functions.

Helpful resource at Haskell/Fix and recursion

Meaning of recursion


You know what a recursive function looks like:

length x = if x == [] then 0 else 1 + length (tail x)

How do we write this as a lambda abstraction?

(\x - if x == [] then 0 else 1 + ???(tail x))

Part B: What do we do with the ??? ?

Type (Do NOT cut and paste) the following non-recursive definition in a Haskell file and load into ghci:

hLen :: (Num u, Eq t) = ([t] - u) - [t] - u

hLen = (\f x - if x == [] then 0 else 1 + (f (tail x)))

myLength ls = if ls == [] then 0 else 1 + myLength (tail ls)

Look at hLen --

Is hLen recursive? Why or why not?

Is hLen a HOF (higher order function)? Why or why not?

What is the value of

hLen sum [4,5,6] ?

hLen head [4,5,6] ?

Does hLen have anything to do with sum or head?

2. What is the value of
hLen myLength [4,5,6] ?

3. What is the relationship between hLen and myLength?

Part C: Factorial

Add the following definition of factorial to your Haskell file and reload into ghci.

factorial :: Integral a = a - a

factorial n = if n ==0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))

Define hFact to be a lambda abstraction such that it takes a function as an argument, and returns another function, similar to hLen. Write this so that hFact factorial = factorial. What is the type of hFact? (Follow the model of hLen)

Apply hFact to ( ^ 2) -- What is the value of hFact (^ 2) 4?

What is the value of hFact factorial 5? Is it the same value as factorial 5?

Part D: General definition

Here hFact factorial is factorial, i.e. the factorial function is the “smallest” fixed point of hFact

In general, to give meaning to the recursive function

f = (\ x. if (cond(x)) then val(x) else expr(f, x))

(which cannot be expressed in lambda-notation), we define

Hf =(\ F - \ x - if (cond(x)) then val(x) else expr(F, x))

Fix ( Haskell's version of the fixed-point combinator)

1. Add the following definition of factorial' to your haskell file:

factorial' = hFact factorial'

Remember that if x = f x then x is the fix point of f so hFact factorial' equals factorial'

What is the type of factorial' ?

Now we can define our fix point operator ( Haskells equivalent Y combinator)

fix f = f (fix f )

a. What is the type of fix?
b. What is the difference between the code below?

fix f = f (fix f ) and

fix f = f fix f ?

Combining all we have done -- What is the value of

factorial 6 (definition given in part C)

hFact factorial 6 ( you defined in part C #2 )

factorial' 6 (definition given in part D #1)

fix hFact 6 (definition given in part D)

Hope these examples pique your curiosity.