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LAB #5 Solution

We'll extend in this lab the Lab 4 UTF8string class by adding overloaded operators.

You are asked to redefine:


+ that will become regular concatenation (if two objects are called u1 and u2, u1 + u2 changes neither u1 nor u2)

+= to append something (u1 += u2 changes u1, not u2)

* for repeating a string n times (if u is "àéèç", u * 2 or 2 * u should return "àéèçàéèç", u unchanged )

! for reversing a string (original string unmodified), which means reversing the characters (not the bytes!), for instance if u is "étudiant" (student in French), !u should be "tnaiduté".

A test program is supplied (you should this time modify the .hpp and decide whether your operators should be methods or friend functions)

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