Starting from:


Assignment 02 solution

The following explains a direction that you need to follow to provide the output of your program

First, place the following in a file and call that file “file1.txt”
2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36

First, place the following in a file and call that file “file2.txt”
200 30 40 50 60
70 80 90 100 110 120

130 140 150 160 170 180

190 200 210 22 230 240

250 260 270 28 290 300

310 320 330 34 350 360

Now run your program and you should see the following on the screen. Note that anything that is shown in red is what you need to enter as input to your program. Anything shown in blue is what your program prints on the screen as soon as the program starts. Now run the program and provide the input

Enter the dimension of your matrix: 2

Error: ***** This dimension is out of bound. The program stops in here.

(************************************End of the Program *******************************)

Now re-execute your code and you should see the following

Enter the dimension of your matrix: 7

Error: ***** We can only handle up to 6 dimension at this time. The program stops in here.

(************************************End of the Program *******************************)

Again re-execute your code and you should see the following

Enter the dimension of your matrix: 5


The content of the first matrix is:

<print the content – tab delimited


The content of the second matrix is:

<print the content – tab delimited


The product of the two matrices is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The dot-product of the two matrices is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The result of matrix1 divided by matrix2 is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The transpose of the first matrix is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The transpose of the second matrix is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The product of the transpose of the two matrices is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The dot product of the transpose of the two matrices is:

<print the result – tab delimited


The result of matrix1 divided by matrix2 is:

<print the result – tab delimited


(************************************End of the Program *******************************)

Now change the content of the second matrix as follows (the changes are shown in the highlighted area) and run the program again as directed above. The only change is setting up the dimension to be equal to 4:

20 30 40 50 60
70 80 90 100 110 120

130 140 150 160 170 180

190 200 0 22 230 240

250 260 270 28 290 300

0 320 330 34 350 360