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Assignment #3 Scripting, Regex, Git Solution


In this assignment, you will be writing two scripts: A shell script and a python script. The shell script will output 1000 random integers to a file, and the python script will use a regex pattern to output all of the numbers of that file that are divisible by 5. These two scripts will be submitted via a private git repository on GitHub.


No webcampus submission. Follow the link provided below to create a GitHub classroom repo to push your code to. I will be checking the two scripts as well as the usage of git for revision control.


For Git repo

Follow link instructions: ​

Shell script:

Create file in current directory named pa3.out, overwrite if already exists

Loop 1000 times

Output a random number to said file

Use ​wc​and ​tail ​to check

Python script

Write a regex pattern to search for numbers divisible by 5

Check for matches in input file

Print out each match

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