For this assignment, you will devise two functions for analyzing regular
expressions using the RE data type created in class.
Create a file called Project.hs. At this top of this file, declare the module
module Project where
In the module, include this data declaration
data RE a -- regular expressions over an alphabet defined by 'a'
= Empty -- empty regular expression
| Sym a -- match the given symbol
| RE a :+: RE a -- concatenation of two regular expressions
| RE a :|: RE a -- choice between two regular expressions
| Rep (RE a) -- zero or more repetitions of a regular expression
| Rep1 (RE a) -- one or more repetitions of a regular expression
deriving (Show)
Define two functions which analyze regular expressions defined using this type.
- matchEmpty :: RE a - Bool
This function returns true if the regular expression matches an empty
string. Note that the type does not include any constraints on the alphabet.
Among other things, this means that will not be able to use the matches
function we defined in class, as it requires 'a' to be an instance of Eq.
Some examples:
matchEmpty (Sym 'a') = False
matchEmpty (Rep (Sym 'a' :+: Sym 'b')) = True
matchEmpty (Rep1 (Sym 'a' :|: Empty)) = True
- firstMatches :: RE a - [a]
Given a regular expression r, return a list of all symbols that occur first
in some string in the language described by r. You are not required to
eliminate duplicates (since nothing is known about the alphabet, doing so
would be impossible), but the list should be finite. No particular order
is required.
Some examples:
firstMatches (Sym 'a') = ['a']
firstMatches (Rep (Sym 'a' :|: Sym 'b')) = ['a', 'b']
firstMatches (Sym 1 :+: Sym 2) = [1]
firstMatches ((Sym 1 :|: Empty) :+: Sym 2) = [1,2]
Hand in the project by submitting Project.hs through Sakai.
This literate Haskell file may be used to test your project. Copy it to the
same directory as your Project.hs and run it using
runghc hw4
Note that hw4.lhs refers to the types and functions defined in your Project
module, so it won't compile unless all the definitions are there. If you wish
to test a partially written module, you can add dummmy definitions for any
functions you haven't written yet, e.g.:
firstMatches :: RE a - [a]
firstMatches = undefined
(The type signature is optional.)
module Main where
import Control.Exception (catch, ErrorCall(..), evaluate)
import Project (RE(..), matchEmpty, firstMatches)
a = Sym 'a'
b = Sym 'b'
tests =
[ test "matchEmpty a" (matchEmpty a) False
, test "matchEmpty a*b" (matchEmpty (Rep a :+: b)) False
, test "matchEmpty (ab)*" (matchEmpty (Rep (a :+: b))) True
, test "matchEmpty (a|e)+" (matchEmpty (Rep1 (a :|: Empty))) True
, testBy seteq "firstMatches a" (firstMatches a) "a"
, testBy seteq "firstMatches (a|b)*" (firstMatches (Rep (a :|: b))) "ab"
, testBy seteq "firstMatches 12" (firstMatches (Sym 1 :+: Sym 2)) [1]
, testBy seteq "firstMatches (1|e)2" (firstMatches ((Sym 1 :|: Empty) :+: Sym 2)) [1,2]
testBy :: (Show a) = (a - a - Bool) - String - a - a - IO Bool
testBy eq name got want = catch body (\(ErrorCall s) - fail "ERROR" s)
body = do
ok <- evaluate (eq got want)
if ok
then do
putStrLn $ "PASS : " ++ name
return True
else fail "FAIL " (show got)
fail msg txt = do
putStrLn $ msg ++ ": " ++ name
putStrLn $ " wanted: " ++ show want
putStrLn $ " got: " ++ txt
return False
test :: (Eq a, Show a) = String - a - a - IO Bool
test = testBy (==)
seteq l1 l2 = all (`elem` l1) l2 && all (`elem` l2) l1
runTests n f [] =
putStrLn $ "Completed " ++ show n ++ " tests. " ++ show f ++ " failures."
runTests n f (t:ts) = do
pass <- t
runTests (n+1) (if pass then f else f + 1) ts
main = runTests 0 0 tests