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Lab 0201 Solution

1. Problem Statement

Create a program that reviews arrays and provides practice in compiling and running program in Windows and Linux.

2. Requirements

2.1 Assumptions

User will enter positive integers

Array will only contain positive integers

Array will contain 6 positive integers

Array will be formatted in a 3x2 fashion

Command line input/output only

2.2 Specifications

Program will initialize 2 dimensional array with below data

Rows 3

Columns 2

{ {3,2} {4,5} {2,2} }

Immediately print formatted array with EVEN positive integers identified

User must then enter new values to fill the array

For valid positive integer

Insert integer into user defined array

For invalid input

Alert user and prompt for new input

Print formatted user array with EVEN positive integers identified

Loop filling array with new values until user wishes to terminate program.

Decomposition Diagram

2 Dimensional Array Testing Program


User inputs positive integers by command line

User inputs if they would like to continue or not

Validate user input before inserting it


Iterating through array to insert values

Iterating through array to check if values are EVEN


Format and print array of positive integers

Alert user if input is invalid

Ask if user would like to continue or not

Test Strategy

Valid Data

Invalid Data

Test Plan Windows Version

***All test cases appear the same in table for Linux, validated with screenshots.

Test Strategy
Expected Output
Actual Output

Valid Data
Positive Integers Array
1 … 6
Integer Inserted

Valid Data
Valid Choice
Enter Again

Valid Data
Valid Choice
Exit Program

Invalid Data
Negative Integer Array
Prompt to retry

Initial Algorithm

Define Global Constants

Max Rows of 3

Max Columns of 2

Create Function ​howManyEven

Parameters and Returns

Parameter: 2 Dimensional Array ​arrayIntValues
Return integer of how many even integers are contained in array

Iterate through first portion of array

If integer read is even

Iterate counter to be returned

If integer read is odd

Continue reading

Create Function ​printArray

Parameters and Returns

Parameter: 2 Dimensional Array ​arrayIntValues
Return void

Iterate through first portion of array

Print formatted row

Print formatted column


Create and Initialize 2 Dimensional array ​arrayIntValues

{ {3,2} {4,5} {2,2} }

Create 2 holder variables

One integer to hold integer input

One char to determine continue/exit

Use ​printArray​to show default array to user
Use ​howManyEven​to show the user how many even integers there are

Do until user enters ‘n’ to stop program

Alert user: “All future non-integer inputs will be rounded down.”

Prompt user to enter new integers into the command line

If input is valid

Insert input into array

If input is invalid

Alert user and attempt again

Use ​printArray​to display new user generated array
Use ​howManyEven​to display number of user generated even integers

Prompt user: “Would you like to insert more positive integers?”