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Programming Assignment 2: Routing and Route Tracing in a Virtual Network Solution

This assignment is worth 14% of your total score in this course. In this assignment, you will build a virtual network and implement routing for this network. Each node in this network is a process, and links in this network are emulated by UDP sockets. You can use C or C++ to implement this assignment.

This is a group assignment. Each group should have up to two students. You can choose to work by yourself on this assignment, though no extra credit will be given for working individually.

Once you have formed a group, at least one member in the group must send the instructor an email listing the names and email addresses of both members of your group by October 24th, 2018 by the end of day. If we do not receive your email by this deadline, we will record that you will be working individually. No groups are allowed to be formed after the October 24th deadline.

Virtual Network Topology

In your virtual network, each node/host is a process running on a machine. Each process is identified by the hostname of the machine it runs on and a port number on the host. We then use a configuration file to specify the virtual network topology. The following figure shows an example network topology.




We can create a configuration file as follows:

//Node ID
control port
data port
neighbor 1
neighbor 2
neighbor 3 ...




Each line of the configuration files provides information about the node’s ID, which is a unique integer, host-name, port numbers, and ID of its directly connected neighbors. Each node runs on two ports. One port is the

control port, used for exchanging routing information (control packets) with directly connected neighbors. The other port is the data port, used for data packet sending, receiving, and forwarding.

At virtual network start time, each node will read this configuration file to determine the hostnames and port numbers of its directly connected neighbors. For example, node 1 will learn its directly connected neighbors are nodes 2, 4, and 5. Nodes cannot use any information about nodes other than their direct neighbors. For example, from the configuration above, node 1 should not learn anything about node 3.

Distance Vector Routing

Nodes on this virtual network use distance vector routing for determining the shortest path to other nodes in the network.

Each node periodically sends its distance vector to all its directly connected neighbors. For example, node 1 will send its distance vector to nodes 2, 4, and 5. Each distance vector entry contains (Destination, Next hop, Distance) - to send a packet to destination Destination, the packet should first be forwarded to next hop Next hop, and the total number of hops to the destination is Distance.

Each node also listens for incoming distance vectors sent by its neighbors. Whenever a new distance vector is received, the node will follow the algorithm we discussed in class (lecture 8, slides 10 and 11) and update its routing table accordingly.

Routing messages, i.e., distance vectors, should be exchanged using the node’s control port (e.g., node 1’s control port is port 5000). Within each node, you can use a dedicated “control thread” to handle the sending and receiving of all routing messages through a select() call. (We have used the select() call in assignment 1).

Routing messages will be transmitted between nodes using UDP. To create a UDP socket, pass SOCK_DGRAM as the second parameter to the socket() call. However, since UDP is connectionless, a UDP socket does not need to listen() or accept() a connection.

To receive UDP messages, we use the recvfrom() call:

ssize_t recvfrom (int socket, void *buffer, size_t size, int flags, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *length-ptr)

According to the libc manual1:

“The recvfrom function reads one packet from the socket socket into the buffer buffer. The size argument specifies the maximum number of bytes to be read.

If the packet is longer than size bytes, then you get the first size bytes of the packet and the rest of the packet is lost. There’s no way to read the rest of the packet. Thus, when you use a packet protocol, you must always know how long a packet to expect.

The addr and length-ptr arguments are used to return the address where the packet came from. ”

The receiver can determine the sender of the UDP packet by inspecting the addr field. For this assignment, you should use the addr field to determine which source node sent a received distance vector.

To send UDP messages, the sendto call is used.

ssize_t sendto (int socket, const void *buffer, size_t size, int flags, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t length)

Accordng to the libc manual2:

“The sendto function transmits the data in the buffer through the socket socket to the destination ad-dress specified by the addr and length arguments. The size argument specifies the number of bytes to be transmitted.”




Each node should use a separate thread, the “data thread”, for sending, receiving, and forwarding non-control packets. Such “data traffic” goes through the data port, e.g., node 1’s data port is port 5001.

For the purpose of this assignment, the only data packet you need to implement is routetrace packet. routetrace works similar to the traceroute3 tool for displaying the path across an IP network.

You are free to design your routetrace packet format. But your packet should contain at least the following information:

8-bit Source node id

8-bit Destination node id

8-bit Packet id

8-bit TTL

Source node id and Destination node id are the sender and receiver’s node ids. Packet id should be generated by the sender in increasing order. TTL stands for time to live. Every time a packet is forwarded by an intermediate node, the TTL should be decremented by 1.

To perform routetrace to a destination node dst:

The sender src set the TTL set to 0.

It constructs a routetrace packet with source node id set to src, destination node id set to dst, and TTL set to TTL.

Send the routetrace packet.

Once it gets a response, print out the responder’s node id.

If the responder’s node id is not dst, increment TTL, and go to step 2.

Upon receiving a routetrace packet at node recv with source src and destination dst:

If TTL is 0, modify the received routetrace packet as follows: set the TTL to 15 (the default TTL value in this virtual network), set the source node id to recv, set the destination node id to src, and retain the original packet id. Send the modified routetrace packet.

If TTL is not 0, decrement TTL and forward the routetrace packet to the next hop according to the routing table.

Because both the data thread and the control thread read/write the routing table, accesses of the routing table should be protected by an exclusive lock.

A Control and Testing Client Program

You will have to show that your routing and data forwarding operates according to the specification described in the previous sections.

To do so, you will also write a client program to control nodes’ network links and to instruct nodes to send new data packets. This client will accept command line inputs and send corresponding control commands to each node via their “control port” individually. These control commands include:

ask a node to trace route to a destination node. For example, if the command line argument says “routetrace 1 3”, then your control client should send a message to node 1 to create routetrace packets destined to node 3. As


responses from intermediate nodes and the response from the destination node are received, node 1 prints out ids of all nodes on the path on its concole.

add a new link. For example, if the command line argument says “create-link 1 2”, then your control client should send messages to node 1 and node 2, respectively, indicating a new link has been established. These nodes will then exchange their distance vectors and update their routing tables correspondingly.

remove an existing link. For example, if the command line argument says “remove-link 1 2”, then your control client should send messages to node 1 and node 2, respectively, indicating a link has been removed. These nodes will immediately update their routing tables and send them to their neighbors.
Because the “control thread” has to handle these different types of messages as well as distance vector messages, you need to define these message formats and include a special “type” field to allow the receiver node to understand how to interpret these client control packets.

Once the network topology has been changed, e.g., via create-link or remove-link, you should show that your virtual network sends distance vector messages appropriately, nodes’ routing tables are changed correspondingly, and packets follow new paths to their destinations. For simplicity, you can assume that the set of nodes in the virtual network remain unchanged.


After the submission deadline, every group will sign up for a demonstration time slot with the TA. Both group members have to be present during the demonstration. You will show the capabilities of the network nodes that your group has implemented, such as routing, routetrace, and how your virtual network adapts to network topology changes.

Other Helpful Information

Each node will create at least two threads: the control thread and the data thread. You will use the pthread4 library for creating and managing these threads.

If you are not familiar the pthread library, you can read the following link to learn about how to use it:

Github classroom

Once you have formed your group, you can access the assignment by first logging into your Github account created with your BU email. Then go to:

Github classroom will ask you to create a team name. Please use a team name with both students’ BU email IDs. For example, if a group’s two students’ email IDs are and, you should create a team name called jdoe-jsmith.

Github classroom will automatically create a repository (e.g., if your team name is jdoe-jsmith, the repository will be named cs428-cs528-pa2-jdoe-jsmith). This is the repository you will push your code to.

If your partner has already created a repository, you can select your team from a list of existing teams and join


The repository created by Github classroom is a private repository. Only the group members, course instructor, and teaching assistant are able to see this repository. Follow the instruction on the Github page to create a new repository on your local directory and link it to the Github repository. Note that git is already installed on CS department computers. To use it on your own computer, you must install it first.


To add a file to the next commit, use the git add command. To commit your code, use the git commit command. Be sure to also push your commit to the Github repository after every commit using the git push command (e.g., git push origin master).

We expect each repository to have at least three commits, with the first one and the last one more than 48 hours apart. Submissions that do not meet the three commits / 48 hours requirement will not be accepted or graded.

How to submit

To submit, make a final commit with the message “final commit”, and push your local repository to the private Github repository Github classroom created.

Your final commit should contain the following files:

Your source code.

A Makefile to compile your source code into executables.

A Readme file describing:

the tasks both group members worked on in this assignment,

completion status of the assignment, e.g., what has been implemented and tested, what has not,

anything else you want the TA to be aware of while grading your assignment.

Two STATEMENT files, signed by each group member individually, containing the following statement:

“I have done this assignment completely on my own and in collaboration with my partner. I have not copied my portion of the assignment, nor have I given the project solution to anyone else. I understand that if I am involved in plagiarism or cheating I will have to sign an official form that I have cheated and that this form will be stored in my official university record. I also understand that I will receive a grade of 0 for the involved assignment and my grade will be reduced by one level (e.g., from A to A- or from B+ to B) for my first offense, and that I will receive a grade of “F” for the course for any additional offense of any kind.”

After pushing your final commit to the Github repository, please let us know by submitting your commit hash to myCourses.

There are two ways to locate your commit hash: You can type git log in your local repository, which will output the commit history. Locate the commit you want to use as your final submission, record the hash associated with the commit. The SHA1 hash code used by git should be 40 characters long. For example, the commit in the starter code has a hash value of “baf077737a2101994c50f28ff76fd56222f68d4a3”. Alternatively, you can also go to the Github page of your repository and locate it on the webpage.

It is important that you submit your commit hash to myCourses. This helps us know your submission is ready for grading and which of your commits we should grade. We will not grade your assignment unless you have submitted the commit hash to myCourses before the assignment submission deadline

Your assignment will be graded on the CS Department computers It is your responsibility to make sure that your code compiles and runs correctly on CS Department computers.


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