For this task, you are going to setup an study for which you are going to test the paper prototype of your product.
You should have between 4 and 6 participants (That is, an N of 4-6 for your studies).
Follow the process presented in lecture 6. Read the introductory scriptt to each participant about the study. This should include information about the purpose and process of the study.
Ask each subject to read and sign your consent form and give a copy of the form to the subject. Assign a random number to the subject to ensure the data is anonymized, and use this number on all study material.
Only use data about the subject to assign him or her to a user persona if required for the purpose of analyzing the study data.
Perform any pre-study survey if required
Test between 4 and 6 scenarios and record observational and video/audio data during the scenario. Each task should ideally take no longer than 10 minutes total to complete. Your tasks may be shorter.
Administer a post-questionnaire survey that you present to participants after the study. For the purpose of this test, this can be as few as 5 questions. You are welcome to add more questions as needed or use a standardized questionnaire.
You will provide the following deliverables. You may scan any paper documents to PDF.
Preliminary script read to subjects
Blank consent form that you ask your subjects to sign.
Obserational worksheets with record of user actions and observations.
Links to videos of subjects performing the tasks. Upload these to a non-public YouTube video that requires a direct URL to access.
Post-study surveys administerd to subjects.
A 2-3 page writeup summarizing your experience running this study, including what went well and what you feel could use improvements for the next version of this study. Use tables, photos, and diagrams as necessary.