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Programming Assignment #10 Solution

Write an application named MyGrades10 with two or more classes that accomplishes the following tasks:

Reading from a data file, course and instructor information and student’s records with names and one or more test scores per line. Assume all students’ records have the same number of data fields. The data file has the following format:

Course name
Instructor’s name
Number of students
Number of tests
Offering semester and year
Student records: Students’ names followed by tests scores.
The program should compute the following:

Student’s total, average, and grade
Test’s average score
Student’s record with the highest total
Student’s record with the lowest total
Output header with course information
Students’ records with their totals, averages, and grades
The program is well structured, documented, and readable.
The output is well labeled and aligned
Zip and attach all your files.

Sample Input:








Nicholas 20 30

Lebron 90 95

Justyn 15 25

Bilal 60 65

Jamel 75 76

Brooks 82 85

Matthew 62 62

Jonathan 95 96

Yalanda 87 86

Raven 77 78

Zachary 65 66

Michael 81 84

Charles 97 96

Edward 88 87

Giovanni 73 75

April 12 22

Nicholas 100 100

Zebedee 55 56

Sample output:


Course Name: CS1301

Instructor's Name: Fares

Semester: Fall

Year: 2013

School: VSU



1 Nicholas 20 30 50 F

2 Lebron 90 95 185 A

3 Justyn 15 25 40 F

4 Bilal 60 65 125 D

5 Jamel 75 76 151 C

6 Brooks 82 85 167 B

7 Matthew 62 62 124 D

8 Jonathan 95 96 191 A

9 Yalanda 87 86 173 B

10 Raven 77 78 155 C

11 Zachary 65 66 131 D

12 Michael 81 84 165 B

13 Charles 97 96 193 A

14 Edward 88 87 175 B

15 Giovanni 73 75 148 C

16 April 12 22 34 F

17 Nicholas 100 100 200 A

18 Zebedee 55 56 111 F

AVERAGES 68.56 71.33

Student with lowest Average

April 12 22 34 F

Student with Highest Average

Nicholas 100 100 200 A

**************** Have a good day *****************

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