This assignment is to practice programming in the new parallel programming language, Chapel. You are going to continue with Lab 6's work. Speci cally, you are going to implement a matrix-multiplication program and a couple of producer-consumer programs. CS515 students need to do an extra part (see below). This assignment carries a total of 10 points.
1. Matrix Multiplication
The le mmul.c contains a matrix multiplication program in C. Create a Chapel version of this program, mmul.chpl. The speci c requirements are:
Represent the array dimension size parameter, N, by a con gurable constant in the Chapel program. Set its default value to 8.
De ne a two-dimensional domain D to represent the array index set, f0..N-1g f0..N-1g. Declare the three arrays, a, b, and c, over this domain.
Parallelize all loops in mmul.c. Convert them to array operations, reduction operations, and/or par-allel loops. The resulting Chapel program should have just one loop, a forall parallel loop for the multiplication section.
Use the script command to create a run script of your program running with N=8 (default), N=16, N=32, and N=64.
linux script mmul-script.txt
Script started, file is mmul-script.txt
linux ./mmul -nl 1
total = 3584 (should be 3584)
linux ./mmul --N=16 -nl 1
total = 61440 (should be 3584)
linux exit
Script done, file is mmul-script.txt
2. Producer-Consumer
The le circQueue.chpl contains a representation of circular queue data structure. The queue items are stored in a bu er array; when the end of the bu er is reached, it continues back from the beginning.
Read and understand this program. Pay special attention to the sync variable declarations, especially the bu er array, which means every array element is a self-sync item, allowing only alternating reads and writes.
Your task is to write several produce-consumer programs. Note: You should not modify the provided circQueue.chpl program.
Version 1: prodcons1.chpl
In this version you are to write a producer routine to add items to a queue, and a consumer routine to remove items from the same queue. The speci c requirements are:
The total number of items to add and remove is represented by a con gurable constant numItems, with a default value of 32.
Both routines print out a line for each item added or removed, in the following form:
Producer added item 28 to buf[7]
consumer removed item 21 to buf[0]
The producer and the consumer routines must run concurrently. (When you run the program, you should see producer messages and consumer messages interleave.)
Version 2: prodcons2.chpl
In this version you are to modify the previous version to allow multiple copies of both producer and consumer routines to be created and run concurrently. Additional requirements are:
Both the producer and consumer functions take an integer parameter, serving as an ID to allow di erentiation among multiple copies of the same function. So messages from this program will look like
Producer 2 added item 28 to buf[7]
consumer 4 removed item 21 to buf[0]
The numbers of producers and consumers are represented by con gurable constants, numProds and numCons, respectively; both have a default value of 2.
The workload of adding numItems items to the queue is evenly partitioned among the numProds producers; each handles numItems/numProds items.
Similarly, the workload of removing numItems items from the queue is evenly partitioned among the numCons consumers; each handles numItems/numCons items.
Your program should verify that both numProds and numCons evenly divide numItems, and reject non-conforming values.
All producers and consumers should run concurrently.
Version 3: prodcons3.chpl [CS515 Students] (3 extra points for CS415 students)
In this version you are going to further enhance the program by using dynamic workload distribution. Speci cally,
There is no workload partition. All copies of the produce function will compete to add as many items to the queue as possible; each is capable of adding all numItems items.
The same is true with the consumers.
As such, there is no need to require that both numProds and numCons evenly divide numItems.
However, there is a new challenge that you need to handle: each producer and consumer needs to know when to terminate.
Test your programs with di erent parameter values. Create a run script for showing some test cases.
Make a zip le containing your programs and scripts. Use the Dropbox on the D2L site to submit your assignment le.